I dont get the hate
I dont get the hate
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I'm not sure what the name is but they took all the stuff that they thought was nice about the first movie that everyone quotes or remembers and then dumped it into the second one.
>more ghosts
>more capturing
>more slime
>more quotes
>more sexyness
>more bill murray
>more awkward science facts
>more I'm too black for this
Ghostbusters 2 is more of an action movie than the first. While people liked the ghostbusting, they really loved the humor of the first. Bill Murray didn't give a shit and the studio got too involved, trying to merge the cartoon shit into the movie. The result is a pseudo remake with less humor and more action.
I don't hate the movie, it just disappoints me.
It is, almost scene by scene, a recreation of the original film with some added unnecessary comic relief (as if the four leads weren't funny enough?), and bizarre, forced continuity with the cartoon.
I don't get it either. For me, it felt like it was just as good as the first.
Yeah it's alright to be honest. I think the problem is that it was kind of manufactured, calculated copy of the first one so most of the, I don't know, "magic" was lost?
>empty cinemas
>first screening
>Yeah look! stronk womyn can do a classic franchise better than stupid men
>fuck men right?
The visual effects were terrible. The ghost man grabbing the baby?
The guy in the picture?
Just didn't work as smoothly as the original which seemed to have a more epic feel to it.
The first movie ended with everything working out, but the sequel had to step backwards, and change details like the secretary in love with the nerd, instead of Harold Ramis's character. Or Bill Murray's character having broke up with Sigourney Weaver's character, and she had a baby with another man.
It was entertaining, and at times funny but the magic, the surprise of the original was gone. The jokes, the pacing seemed out of step with the original.
Good movie, but not as good as the original. Not terrible, but not as good.
They made Venkman into a cuck.
Didn't feel as down to earth.
Felt like a parody.
Sexism works both ways, not just for women.
Paul Feig needs the lethal injection
Has Feig had any recent Tweets? Seems he's gone silent.
We're talking about Ghostbusters 2 you shitposting cunt. Enjoy getting banned for this useless ejaculation.
don't really care about the new flick (haven't seen it yet)
but damn Annie Potts was hot in ghostbusters 2
Better in the first one.
>half the replies in this thread are shillbots
Sup Forums is dead
>ywn play super mario bros while Janine deepthroats your cock
End my life! End it now!
Nah the bocut multiplied her sexiness