What are some movies with realistic medieval combat?
What are some movies with realistic medieval combat?
A Knights Tale
HEMAfag here.
>implying there was combat in medieval times
Not really.
Damn, you sure? saw a lot of 'em? also what about melee combat in general?
real sword fights ended pretty quickly
>sandnigger with a rock
>taking out 3 templars
most conflicts in medieval times were sieges
but they ain't wearing armor
none of those are killing blows
they pretty much all are
unarmored combat is quick and deadly, often both samurai would die in a duel
this is why you want armour to protect against slashing and bros around you to stop some dude with a rock giving you the ol face smash
>Orlando Bloom
At least watch the movie if you're gonna shitpost
>Hello everyone, I'm a Sup Forumsermin and I haven't even seen the film!
Any films where the protagonist is a knight in armor like the goons in OPs webm?
does he stab that last guy in the eye with a dagger or is that a crucifix?
>hurp durp
>Orlando Bloom - Balian de Ibelin
He's playing a sandnigger you double retards.
>Hello everyone, I'm an American!
HEMAfag and sport fencing fag here.
I agree with the previous HEMAfag user, there really aren't any.
In terms of personal combat I think the most convincing fight choreography I've seen in a movie was in Rob Roy, but that's early modern rather than medieval
No I'm French, so I know better than anyone what a sandnigger is easily recognize the depiction of one even if it's not played by one.
most soldiers would wear a gambeson or nothing anyways, plate was expensive
you're fucking retarded
was that clip meant to be realistic? In the time it took him to try and take down one of them, the other would have put a sword through his back.
good film though
>realistic in any way
wew lad
I hate Kingdom of Heaven so fucking much. It perpetuates the myth that the first Crusade was an act of Christian aggression, and that the Arabs were comparatively civilized. Liberal nonsense.
none because they'd be boring as fuck to watch in an entertainment film
people want to see exciting combat, not realistic combat
there's a few that tread close to "realism" but they jazz it up a lot to make it something someone would actually want to watch
it's only turbo autists who sperg out about "hurr they didn't angle the sword like muh HEMA says ZERO STARS"
Look up the ending to Roman Polanski's Macbeth
As opposed to reality, which is where arab civilisation was a shithouse product of conquest and the crusades were an act of christian aggression.
but user it wasn't the first crusade
Crusades started as retaliation then became a needed regular act of cleansing, the same way you use a landmower to avoid bad herbs.
Crusades stopped, see result.
First Crusade came after hundreds of years of Islamic imperialism, and after Arabs took over Jerusalem and forced Christians to pay a tithe to enter. Subsequent Crusades were less justified, but I hate how that nugget of history is so often ignored.
There was a religious arms race going on between Islam and Christianity, and yet people point to the Crusades as an example of a unique Christian atrocity whenever Islam's crimes are brought up.
If you want realistic medieval combat you'll need to watch anime.
Second crusade was still about expelling Muslims from primarily Christian land, like Iberia and Jerusalem.
Deus Vult, ask me anything
HOLY shit that fight sequence was so bad. Why can't Western directors film H2H action in any way?
Those aren't Templars you fucking reddit scrub. Knights Templar were a military order not a fucking character class from a video game or manga or some other retarded shit
>thrusts a sword through 4 layers of armor
>easily pulls the sword out
Implying Chinese hand seizures have anything to do with reality either.
What movie?
>Martial arts film
>30 minutes of people inconsequentially slapping each other with retarded sound effects added
I want all weeaboos and eastaboos to die. I fell for the "martial arts movies are good" meme and watched the wuxia """""""classics"""""" marathon on El Rey and it was all miserable garbage that I could see 15 year olds thinking was high art.
I love the way knights look
Truly the most aesthetic warriors of all time f a m, especially the Teutonic Knights with the little horsn and crests on their heads.
i love how the shields the first three knights just sort of disappear
jewdom of heaven
Okay, then what fits your definition of "realistic", dumbass?
You keep telling yourself that bud
No, you are the retard, retard. He's right, militaries didn't start issuing standard arms and armour until Napoleon long after the Medieval Era. Knights were aristocratic professional soldiers whose nobility afford them the luxury to train and own horses. Horses are expensive as shit and the only people who could afford them were the nobility. So knights were usually nobility who trained as cavalry which is a tradition dating back to the Romans and lasted until the mid 19th century. Most armies back then weren't raised using the peasants since almost all were sustenance farmers (conscription where states raise armies comprised mostly of their own population as a widespread practice began during Napoleonic wars) and if they were fighting then they werent working the crops and therefore usually starving. Instead they paid professional mercenary orders to supplement their and bulk up their armies. If you were a peasant back then and you fought you only brought what you could afford, which was fucking nothing since you were poor.
I am laughing and spitting on you retarded video game anime cretinous trash
They also didn't pay soldiers back then, you were "compensated" in the sense that you could keep whatever you managed to pillage after sacking cities and villages.
>LARPing with rules
>any martial arts besides boxing and wrestling
>not bullshit
It's all fucking garbage. Just punch someone hard enough to the fucking face, specifically the jaw, hope their brain smacks their skull and knocks them out. If you think literally anything they teach you in karate, kung fu, kendo, tae kwan do or any of that shit will save you irl you are a massive fucking retard who probably reads comic books and watches anime
Realistic combat, be it a fistfight, medieval melee fight or modern firearm fight is not entertaining to watch.
I can watch world star hip hop for hours. Once you get over the fact that 99.99999999999% of fighting ends within the first 10 seconds it is very enjoyable. Olympic fencing is fun too but its always over within the first or second move. Metal on metal parrying is not the norm and generally fucking bullshit
LARPing already has rules.
yes he is right, there are none. mostly due to the fact that actual medieval fighting was fought in order to kill someone not to stage a dramatic experience. therefore stage fencing was developed for this particular subject.
here you have how certain techniques in actual medieval fighting were executed. executing actual techniques in stage fencing would lead to serious injuries on the actors behalf. that is the reason you see people playing armored knights will hit a plate of armour with a sword rather than stick it in the joints or in the neck, since that would hurt the other actor.
What? Those literally aren't templars
Actually, the price of armour fell enormously during the middle ages, due to ever improving blacksmithing techniques.
While it's true that well crafted full plate was restricted to the nobility, any commander worth his salt would be able to outfit his men with serviceable armour.
The idea that of peasant soldiers went around with nothing but cloth as defence is equally retarded.
> you can train to parry blows in a medieval fight
knights were just fodder sent off to be killed by the elite.
There was no tactics, apart from strategic position on higher ground
God tier movie
The west basically forgot all of its martial tradition thanks to guns. It's why eastern martial arts are looked so highly upon.
He's not you fucking retard he's european in the european conquest in Jerusalem watch the fucking movie
>when he grabs his sword blade to disarm the mace dude
pure cringe
>knight dismounts for no reason
You do realize swordsmen were taught to use the entire sword in combat, right?
It's called Halfswording and it was a legit way to fuck up someone in armor.
An easy way to think of it is that knights had to fashion their own arms and armor. So think if suddenly they declared a war and you had to pay for your own weapons. The amount of people that could afford a jet fighter or tank now are about the amount of people that could afford a full suit of armor and horse then.
As technology improved and economies developed, the price did go down, but it was still beyond the reach of the common foot soldier for the entire time.
Any movie with a scene where combat is two chaotic crowds stabbing each other without fancy techniques or skills. That would be realistic medieval combat.
Gods of the Arena
yes, those famous sandniggers born in Acquitaine
everyone knows about them
In the late middle ages some mercenary companies were paid and were very expensive
robin and marian (1976) had some good fights.
Especially since the characters are all old and get tired. Shit that escape from Nottingham is good.
But the end show down between old enemies, not flashy, not heroic... rather ugly and brutal. I love it.
forgot poster
this thread is hilarious
McBeth (the Roman Polanski version)
yes and I can link you to a kung fu article on wiki
doesn't mean it fucking works
If you knew the just the basics about swords and armor you'd know it actually works
Lord of the Rings
like in lord of the rings?
Are there any movies with halfswording?
Obviously the 13th warrior has some of the best swordplay
>dual wielding
Choose one
Polanski's Macbeth
The first crusade was both to relieve the eastern byzantine lands from Islamic aggression and aid eastern Christianity and also to send the vaguely catholic warlords who were sacking every city in Europe away so they'd stop raiding the western byzantine lands and trying to sack rome.
boxer here, you sound like a person who's never been in a fight and is just talking out his ass, actually you sound like a person who's never practiced any sport regularly
When did your parents realize their spawn was a queer?
How realistic is this fight?
Knights were extremely valued in combat. They were the most skilled because very few sets of quality armour could be afforded.
What handguard is that?
>Polanski's Macbeth
This shit right here.
>fight with Macduff eventually has the two of them wrestling on the ground because they're both in heavy armor