Any "snus-heads" on here tonight?

Any "snus-heads" on here tonight?
Male, 18, from Denmark. Its very normal in Scandinavia
What kind of snus are you using/what are your
opinions on it?

I personally use the Odens Cold Dry.
Have a nice evening

Sibiria or gtfo

I also use Siberia. I just dont feel that much of a´difference. And Odens i cheaper :)

Haha jeg kaster op af snus. Glemte det i 1 time første gang jeg tog det, og har virkelig haft det skidt med det siden. Får koldsved og så kaster jeg op :)

Haha mange af mine venner har det på samme måde :) så snart du er vant til nikotinen er det ikke så slemt som f.eks. første gang du tager det.

Jaa, har prøvet rigtig mange gange siden, og prøvede også at blive lidt mere fast på et tidspunkt, men det blev aldrig rigtig bedre..

Det skal nok komme og endda har du ikke mere tandkød ;)

Im using ld white now. Not long lasting but cheap and good taste.

Is it any good? :) how much per can,

Yea it does the job. 20-25kr depends on wich store.

Fuck your snus, twink


Dont have to upset :)
People are smoking too, go hit on them ;)

Dansk jävel

Svensk eller Norsk min ven?

Svensk men norskar är bra

Snus user from France here. Got acquainted to it through my Norwegian ex. With an easy access to it, I used to buy Skruf.

I live in Belgium now, and have to order them online. I go with Odens original as it's cheap and the company I buy it from ship it fast.

Fucking cigaret lobbies man. I'm waiting for the day I can buy it in a regular shop like you Scandinavians.

I buy it from the "dealers" at my school, they order it from the internet and distribute it,
You can also buy it from a local store to double the price.


Why don't you cut the middle man by buying it online? Or did I miss something.

Not allowed to smoke or take snus :)
Dont wanna pay the 2,000 dollars back for my drivers license
inb4 still live at home.