Thoughts on Casey Neistat?
Thoughts on Casey Neistat?
what is wrong with his face?
it resembles yours
fuck that reminds me i need to catch up today
he actually looks like someone came on his face and splashed a lot on his glasses. presumably by someone who finds pigeons attractive.
Relies on clickbait thumbnails and video titles more often these days
sure but if you're a fan of his then you are going to watch the vlog regardless of the thumbnail or title.
No, they've always been like that. He even said he does it intentionally.
Literally a goblin wearing a skin suit.
This, he has to cover his ugly face with glasses all the time because of it. He's a jew too right?
mouth too small. Eyes too big
>post an actress that relates to television and film
>banned immediately
>post an e-celeb that relates to neither
>it's totally fine
Why is this allowed?
Most likely
sorry your creepy wiafu thread got deleted, friendo
I met him and idubbbz and that gay Australian that idubbbz hangs out with the other day. All pretty nice guys, Ian's funny as fuck irl.
Just to piss you off.
Greentext the idubbbz and maxmofoe story
life vlogs are cancer. might be a nice guy irl tho
>Ian and Max are in the same hotel as I am
>I got drunk in the bar off the lobby as did Max, Ian didn't seem like he was drinking too much
>Sat and talked with them for like an hour in the bar then we hung out on the patio at the hotel just joking around and doing normal shit
>I started to get the spins so I went up to my hotel room and passed out after I ate a bunch of cold pizza
Not really a story. They're just normal guys.
always in my recommendations even though I avoid his videos
Has a big ol nose
>one of the nicest, hardworking guys
>married a bitch
something something kosher
what is this hardworking shit
he just drinks juice and flies a drone
What the fuck was he thinking on today's vlog?
Does he realize that gambling den is run by the fucking triad? Was he trying to get himself killed after Nice?
Not to mention that cringy opening with the french anthem about war. He has to stop feeling sorry for everything.
ugly ass substanceless degenerate
of course american cucks will eat his shit up
Love him or hate him, Casey Neistat >>>>>>> all other youtubers, in terms of quality of the content.
How he manages to film and edit that in one is quite remarkable.
I still think he is homossexual.
did we watch the same video?
>quality of the content
its just normieshit
That was 2 days ago, his vlog from yesterday explained the whole french thing and he had another one today involving the beach
I fucked up. Yesterday's vlog. The mini drone one, I watched both today cuz I was busy yesterday.
Is he really a jew? He could be just plain ugly, like Steve Buscemi
Who is this guy and what does he do outside of vlogs?
His timelapses are pretty great and you can see his past film making experience in his videos with how he edits them. Plus they can be pretty comfy to watch
Yes. My bad, I totally lost track.
But still. I cant believe he was recording there.
Not entirely sure what he does right now besides his app, but before vlogging he used to film a lot of commercials and shorts, also had a show on HBO for a little bit
>I wear shades all the time because of a Jack Nicholson quote
Bullshit, it's because he horrifyingly ugly eyes that make anyone uncomfortable.
makes films for a production company of some sort I believe
He sold his show to HBO for 2 million in 2010
He actually had a show on HBO a while back. Made commercials for Nike, Mercedes etc.
Runs a startup called Beme.
his life seems fun so I hate him.
>starts filming the chinese gambling
>asian lady "NO CAMERA"
He is a filmmaker especialized in editing, post production stuff.
He must be envolved with a shitload of things behind the scenes. He had a show on HBO and he probably has a agency of sorts where a staff edit videos for him while he mentors them.
Now hes making money on youtube. He seems pretty nice and legit.
The fact that he wear glasses indoors all the time in his videos pisses me off. I also find his personality irritating. Good for him for doing what he enjoys and making money though, gotta give him credit for that.
why was filming there such a bad thing?
He does it because he's looking at the screen on the camera, not the lens. With the sunglasses on you can't tell.
I'm not talking about his explanation for wearing it on camera
Gambling is illegal, probably. And mafia.
Also a bunch of addicts who wants to stay anonymous.
Of course he does retard that's the point, and the reason I never click on one
this. i wish I was dead lol
>abuses wife
>rehashed drone shots with shitty music
>failed a $2million company
>has 2 kids from different wives
what's not to love about this guy
Casey is the only thing that makes people in this board soft, hm?
Like a bunch of 15 year old.
He must be a vampire of some sorts because I feel the same way too. I just like him. I wish I had his life.
Dan Bilzerian is a better Chad.
>abuses wife
If I see this fucking goblin on my homepage one more time...
boring tumblr narcissist
did he put whiteout on his ray bans?
>living off from youtube
i just cant believe he runs so much yet has a stocky frame, you would think he would be lean like a jared leto
who the fuck is this ugly jew, haha nm idc