Why the fuck didn't they just release this on cinemas?

Why the fuck didn't they just release this on cinemas?

Is clearly better

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it's the new ploy for DVD sales.

it's reason enough to hate the movie for doing that stupid shit.

>movies have DLCs now
also, pretty sure they were actually trying to fix the fact that a movie about 2 men punching each other 3 and a half hours long.

Studio wants to get it down to a running time that won't terrify pleb audiences who can't watch a three hour film.
And I'm not saying not like BvS makes you a pleb. I'm saying being turned off by a films running time makes you a pleb.

*not liking

Longer=less screenings per day
R-rated=less potential market

TL;DR: Jews

>clearly better

I've only seen the Ultimate Cut, but if this was better I can only imagine how shit the original was.

t. plebcuck

because people are too autistic to watch an extra 30 minutes apparently

The cut 30 minutes so they could get 20% more screenings before people realized it was shit.

but everyone who's watched the Ultimate edition has said it was good

Because studios are run by out-of-touch executives and soulless bean-counters.

no we haven't stop spouting that
It's improved in the way that the narrative is more put together however the horrid pacing, bad action quality and overall Saturday morning cartoon plot being played as grim dark as fuck ruins any strong points it had.
That extra run time fixes nothing

No they most certainly have not.

I am indeed turned off by three hour capeshit

For an actual real film I would be okay with a 3 hour investment, but if capeshit can't do its job in roughly 2 hours its not worth my time

Does this handle the Martha scene better? Because that's the only thing that would improve this movie.

t. stubborn faggots who can't change their mind

The plot is to flimsy to justify the run time. It's not like there are layers to follow or a major build up.
More or less it's just two hours of hero brooding and fighting with an hour of dream sequences

America are pussies.

You can't improve total garbage

Ive watched both versions,they're both shit

I saw the Ultimate cut first user.

no you didn't.

i have no idea.

>theaters sell more food
>public gets a better movie
>studio and franchise public image improves

probably because of home video market?

The only version I've seen is the ultimate cut as well.

i believe you

Idk about the original, but the ultimate cut felt extremely contrived. Superman is about to die and he yells out "SAVE MARTHA" and Batman starts screaming back "WHY DID YOU SAY THAT NAME" 5-10 times and then Lois runs in and yells "THAT'S HIS MOMMY'S NAME"

But I did.
I borrowed off a friend
It was complete shit. I was told it was better then what was in theaters but I have to say I question how was it any worse? A man is ready to stop (in his eyes) a superhuman menace that could destroy the world and as he is ready to being the killing blow, he stops and show mercy because both men's mothers had a common name.

If it was in tone of Adam West Bat-man I would have been on board but they crank the seriousness up to 11 so when I see a clash of man vs gods end on such an ridiculous note as 'his mom has the same name as mine, I must spare him' it just destroys everything build up to that scene.

Nigga that's fucking kawaii. Is this a movie for faggots?

More like they needed the scapegoat.
"No no it wasn't my vision on screen even though for months I've been telling you it was"
"See it's better then the films launch, buy it, It's better so that should just absolve all the flaws that made it a bad movie"

did the theatrical cut have the bits where the wife of the african warlord (who was living in gotham's or metropolis' version of harlem for some reason) was trying to say superman was evil for killing her husband, an african warlord, and his men? Except it wasn't really superman, but lex luthor's men, and they used flamethrowers, the burned corpses would have been instantly identifiable as burned by flamethrowers because of chemical residue, who eventually had a change of heart, but just as she had a change of heart, she was pushed in front of a train by lex luthor's man, same man who burned the corpses of the african warlord and his army?

Because that whole sequence was was pain inducing.

It was his father's dying utterance. It wasn't simply that their moms shared a name. It was that he realized that he'd become the villain and that the man he was about to kill was living far closer to his own ideals than he was.

You borrowed what? The physical release isn't out yet.

being this much of an idiot

No shit. I understand that. It's still an incredibly cringe-inducing, contrived scene.

Nope, his father's last word was "martha." not "save martha" or "you're letting them kill martha." Just "martha."

So feel free to try again to justify that completely abhorrent sequence.

the ultimate cut has been available for download for a couple weeks now.

The warlord wasn't her husband, but no, none of that was in the theatrical version. Also, her change of heart is motivated out of fear for her life when she sees Lex's men looking for her outside her apartment building.

And the flamethrower they were using was commercial, not military. It uses propane, not napalm, and as such wouldn't leave any identifiable chemical accelerants behind.

He said he borrowed it from a friend. Who the fuck uses that kind of phrasing for watching a digital copy?

Wow, it really changes everything. What do you think papa Wayne meant by this?

>Release the ult.cut a month before 4k or Blu-Ray
>No matter where you buy it the quality is shit

Why the fuck did they do this? I immediately got a refund as soon as I noticed how bad the quality is...just gonna wait for the Blu-Ray

no, he quite clearly knows a guy.

Normal people.

I've only seen the Extended Cut, but it seems to have all the same problems as the theatrical one based on reviews.

It didn't help. Was still a mess. Lois Lane gets way too much screen time, macro-editing is a mess, characterization is terrible for literally every character, ads for next movie feel cheesy, music is bad, special effects are bad.


You realize the 4k version is just going to be upscaled from 2k, right? As the movie was mastered in 2k?

I really liked how the JL teasers were literally shown because batman and WW sat down and watched youtube videos of them.

really makes you feel like the movies take place in our world


If you haven't watched Sky High at least 10 times you need to return to reddit

If you haven't watched Sky High in black and white you need to return to reddit

If you haven't watched Sky High Pausing every 2 seconds to take in every detail you need to return to reddit

If you haven't watched Sky High on mute to just absorb the visuals you need to return to reddit

There are no half measures and i recommend they add these to the official Sup Forums rules.

>music is bad
wew lad

Actually, I preferred the condensed version, without the nigga lady side story, and the adding that hotwheels was leaded so Superman couldn't see the bomb. It actually takes away from his characters dilemma.

That's fine i'm gonna get the Blu-Ray not the 4k, but still the quality they released is shit even on torrents

>and the adding that hotwheels was leaded so Superman couldn't see the bomb. It actually takes away from his characters dilemma.

how so?

Actually the copies are already in store in the back. My boss has offered those of us that preorder an early pick up for it no one that work there preordered it
>Why the fuck did they do this?
They need to show profits in a bad way, it's to mark up the idea that it's profitable to share holders so they are trying to stretch this out in hopes the sales look steady enough to keep shares up and have some spin doctor work ready when it's ask why this film is a massive joke that it is

good god

there really is an opinion for everything

I watched the Ultimate Edition without knowing this is supposed to be the better version (didn't watch the theatrical release).

Is this really the better one? because I felt like it was pretty dumb. Some people said it makes a lot more sense with the extended cutscenes.

Batfleck was honestly the best thing in the movie.

You're so full of shit it hurts.

ah yes, the classic criticism of "dumb", explains so much.

Him not seeing the bomb because he didn't dare look at the cripple is more humanizing than just having it hidden behind lead.

I can live with or without the Nairomi actress's subplot, but the fact that they were burning the corpses feeds right into what some fans have been saying about Lex's true plans all along, mainly that Martha was toast regardless of whether Clark brought back Bruce's head or not, and that Lex wasn't just sitting on info on other superhumans for no reason at all.


Everything about this scene is over the top, silly, cheesy.

Better as in you are given an answer/reason for all actions.

It will never fix the awful plot, nor the snooze fest of a narrative it is.

okay, how does that make the music bad?

In the theatrical cut it's more ambiguous and you could infer he was ashamed to look at hotwheels, and it doesn't make hotwheels out to be a victim as well.


Yeah, I agree, it explains it better for people who need explaining.

Wait, what was the theatrical like in terms of the bomb in the wheelchair?

Decent point.

Another problem with lois discovering that wheel was leaded was completely forgotten about when doomsday showed up.

>seems to have all the same problems as the theatrical one

-Fixed the Africa subplot
-Gave more explanation on why Clark dislikes Batman
-Perry knows Clark is Superman (explaining why the fuck he lets him suck as a reporter)
-Luthor's insanity at the end explained

It's much better than the theatrical cut. The biggest problem is the hamfisted Justice Leauge stuff which was very poorly edited in before the Batman-Superman showdown, rather than after the credits


where's a crazy muslim negro to kill a bunch of suckers when you need one?

Most stores get there truck shipment with the big Tuesday releases usually the week before. Best Buy I work at gets them every Thursday. We have BvS in the back with big old signs that say shit like "do not sell till 7-19-16"

Doesn't he say in the UE that he didn't want to look at him either?

It was ambiguous, it didn't explain whether it was Lex, or the wheelchair guy, or both, and it doesn't mention lead as the reason Superman couldn't see it.

if you'd actually read any of the reviews for ghostbusters, you'd see they all say the movie is pretty flawed, but girl power adds 4 points.

Lead-lining as a precaution makes perfect sense, but the fact is it wasn't what kept Clark from seeing it. Up till the end of the scene, Clark never does more than just glance in Wally's direction.

Clark's own words about it express that: "I'm afraid I didn't see it because I wasn't looking."

That's even worse, they are shilling a product they know is flawed because it advances an agenda.

Yes, it removes responsibility from Superman, which weakened the impact of that scene.

That's honestly a lot better than the extended version. Superman not seeing the bomb because he didn't want to look at something (not someone) that reminded him of a personal failure goes a lot further to establishing snyder's superman's problems.

But hey, snyder is nothing if not incompetent.

well 10 minutes of 2 guys punching the rest is "kino" moments of exposition.

and they're about to find out it doesn't matter how hard you shill for something if you personally don't buy a fucking ticket for it.

it doesn't lessen it, it just solidifies Lex's plan, if Clark had looked he would've noticed the blind spot, but he didn't want to look at him.

Also, there's a nice little added touch where we don't see Wally's last check until Alfred sees it laying on a table in Bruce's TV room. The drawing of the capitol in flames matches some of the graffiti Lois sees in Wally's room. Lex was laying all of it off on Wally.

Personally, I've always thought that Lex only got in on the check bit after Wally came to his attention and that before that, it was Wally acting on his own.

>Luthor's insanity at the end explained
I don't think it's meant to be taken like that. I took it as a final stab at Batman, like ''haha, i did all kinds of crazy shit, but my corporate lawyers' are gonna make sure I don't have go to real prison, because I'm so 'crazy'.''

Because it was painful enough sitting through the original without them adding an extra hour of filler

I went into BvS Ultimate Ed. completely fresh. I really enjoyed it.

I can see how some of the parts could be considered a little overwrought, and the grim tone was pervasive throughout, but each scene was entertaining....some, even captivating.

That being said, I maintain my position that DC's heroes are dead archetypes, but I enjoyed the movie nonetheless.

I actually quite like Snyder, but to each their own


If you interpret it that way, it didn't work as well for me.

There are some things, which added something to the Ultimate Cut, I'll have to watch both when I get the DVD.

I knew Civil War was going to be an irredeemable children's movie when they didn't have the balls to kill off Rhodey, or anyone for that matter.

I think they really had to put that in, because people just can't wrap their minds around the fact that Superman can't be x-raying everything all the time, and how would he even know what a bomb looks like? I don't know what a bomb looks like, sure, if you put a timer on it, maybe I start getting some ideas, but we have no idea what the bomb was like in the movie.

because it was just as mediocre

Kek, I probably wouldn't know the difference between a bomb and the insides of an electric wheel chair, but I don't know what you mean when you say they "had to put that in, because people just can't wrap their minds around the fact Superman can't be x-raying everything"


>-Perry knows Clark is Superman

Well, apparently people needed that explanation, because many people were complaining about why he wasn't scanning the room for bombs when he stepped in.

What the hell did it even bring to the table compared to the original?


are you trying to advertise your channel? what the fuck

Too bad people need to be spoonfed

I haven't seen the theatrical release but I saw this and it was pretty bad, user.

Really can't imagine the trainwreck it was on the big screen.

> It's not like there are layers to follow or a major build up.

but thats exactly what there is...

It's hilarious how Bendis thought Rhodey would die in it, so he killed him in Civil War 2 for synergy.

Fuck you, the movie's shit and the only people supporting it are fucking sjw types whom i hate with the force of an ori star fractions of a seconds away from a hyper nova

tl;dr the day of the rope will be here any day now.

"why isn't superman being super" is a pretty valid complaint, though.

This tbqh

Reminder that in the continuity of the page you posted, Batman and Batgirl fucked