Sup Forums has been through some crazy shit, i'be heard the tales...

Sup Forums has been through some crazy shit, i'be heard the tales. What has been the craziest shit you've ever taken part of or were at least around to witness?

I once saw someone bite into a kitkat right out of the package without breaking off the individual pieces

I saw the fappening unfold in front of my eyes. I couldn't believe what i was seeing. That is what's gonna define Sup Forums. Other than this, pic related

what a madman. i cant beat that.

oh yeah, that, and 'hitler did nothing wrong'




how to take a screenshot

and this



Never has a truer statement been made.


I've been here through the boxxy phase, saw Jessie Slaughter happen, epic beard guy, amberlamps. All that stupid shit.

Why hello there...

2016 election.

2006 when i entered the abyss


Hi faggot.

Can you post a few pls? Kimmy's birthday is day after tomorrow, so send your cards

Fuck off FBI.

I remember downloading this years ago and ended up infesting my rig with malware. That was fun.

EFG, is that you, bud?

adding habbo raids


At least you didn't end in jail.

I was off by 11



I'be been lucky enough to have been in at least two threads where the OP was a killer. That crazy Canadian Luke something. The guy that killed that woman and left the corpse for her son to find, plus I watched toaster Steve try to kill himself.

Good times.



>this bullshit.

Back in 2013 we raided this femenazi bitch Adria Richards because she got a couple of software developers fired after overhearing them making sexual jokes about "dongles" at tech conference. Blasted the shit out of the company's site that she worked and eventually got her fired from her job, plus a beautiful bounty of "dongles" memes that were created in the process. Fucking beautiful


Shit my covers blow!

i replied to the sixes

what happened?

Oldfag, remember this place back in 2008. Back when mudkips were a thing and habbo raids were funny.




reliability of this is uncertain, but that first pic is in my memory. I remember each one


I remember "raiding" Snakes on a Plane at my local theater. Ended up running into like ten other Sup Forumstards also dressed in suits with fake afros. Good shit.


I saw one where OP killed someone, then we rolled for trips for his/her coordanates and pictures of their body being burned

Epic. It's shit like this that will literally never happen again on Sup Forums

raiding younow in 2013 and deviant art
>>buregh came and it was a shitstorm
>>sadly i have no proof i started the raid


I made this pic just for this thread.. I remember when this shit went down. Sup Forums gets a little out of hand some days

The spambot that caused the introduction of the captcha obviously



you aint gettin me today nigger

moot? actually posting in a thread in 2013? What is this black magic

[zalgo] shut up faggot [/zalgo]



hey EFG, what's up?

>mods asleep post pone
>the people's champions are roody poos



What the fuck actually happened to demotivationals?

Those really were the classic days. Or...nvm...Sup Forums never had classic days

I remember seeing someone live suicide from this website. Wasn't too scarring, I honestly couldn't care.

And, of course...



I remember feeling like a newfag back then because I came after W. T. Snacks had already been banned. Over a decade later I still feel like a newfag.


Seven TEN MOTHERFUCKERS, seven fucking ten

I remember jessi slaughter, was funny

I once suspected ny best friend of fucking my recent x. When I asked him for her jager she had left there he wouldn't let me have it. So I decided to leave and break the hinges on his front screen/ glass door. Then I demanded he bring me my half bottle of old english and he threw it on his driveway. So naturally I I mule kicked his basement window and pissed threw it. Turns out he was fucking her.

but how much %triforce? Hunded?



Does dripping wax on a friend's naked ass at a sex party, then having her turn around and tell me, "Oh, I think I forgot to mention that I dropped acid a couple hours ago.", does that count?

Quo Est Demonstratum

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This is too good to be true...

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whats this

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Oh, hai!

It's been so long!! Have you heard about boy pussy?


Once I came on Sup Forums and called someone a newfag


ITT: You prove you aren't a newfag.

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Jessi Slaughter escapade or that insanely weird Dolly thing. Maybe the Kim-Jong Un Time Person of the Year also

Such things were the main reason for the increasing cancer

Damn everyone violating rules 1&2 n raids

Ahh donchya just love watching the newfags...

I smelt what the rock was cooking

newfags, newfags everywhere
it has been proven that moot is newfag too tho

The Scientology protests were a big reason too. Don't get me wrong, Scientology sucks, but it attracted too many people and made Sup Forums political.


newfags can't

And, of course, my all time FAVORITE....
