Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then everything changed when the FIre Nation attacked...
Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then everything changed when the FIre Nation attacked
>the best anime is western
Why was Legend of Korra so shit bros?
Female protagonist.
>this is what Sup Forums actually believes
still sad there wasnt any hot incest moments between katara and sokka
Too much teenage drama. Show would have been better without brooding fire boy.
Amon and Zaheer were based. Everything else sucked.
I thought it was good?
The fire nation are supposed to be the evil Europeans, and the other nations are the oppressed non whites. right?
>Azula will never capture and torture you
Why live
They killed their best character off in the first season. What a shame but at least his death scene was pretty good.
Is this worth getting into if I didn't watch it as a kid?
weebs OUT
His backstory and reveal was really disappointed
No, Japan. They're all Asians.
The best episodes were the ones about Wan. Hmm I wonder why.
they thought it was going to be a one season long mini series so the four total seasons didn't have the cohesion that Avatar did
4 separate seasons with 4 villains, the second of whom was like the fucking devil made the rest of the show's issues seem trivial since they already killed the fucking devil
character development sucked shit and they tried to introduce too many characters we didn't give a shit about, leaving the ones we did lacking severe screen time (eg, Kai, Jinorra, Suyin vs. extreme lack of Mako and the Korra's waifu)
bitched out of making Amon a GOAT villain by just making him some assflustered bloodbender in the end rather than a proper menace
the tension between benders and nonbenders in season 1 could have been a great plot device for the whole series but they suddenly dropped it after Amon was revealed to be a bender despite that changing nothing in terms of his message
tldr Bryke are fucking hacks
Sozin did nothing wrong, the earth kingdom had an entire continent to themselves, greedy bastards.
The fire nation required lebensraum and the preservation of his people, Sozin was a great leader
Because it explained a lot about the lore. Guy wasn't really interesting.
>dat fucking Of Mice and Men ending.
true animekino
While I agree it did kind of work. He saw he was a monster and hated the powers that he had which drove him to get rid of bending and to make everyone the same. I wonder if at some point he would have blood bent himself to put a block on his powers. He still could have been so much more.
>ATLA establishes first benders were animals in tune with that element or the moon for some reason
>korra shits all over that
>the lion turtles are elemental gods bro!
fuck bryke
Why didn't they kill off Mako again?
> tfw LOK promoted degeneracy and globalism.
the whole steampunk metro city BS also killed the spirit of the old series.
i think korra could've worked. the same way batman beyond kind of worked after batman: the animated series.
but it was such a mess. the writing was all over the place. characterisation was kind of uninspired. and the wan episodes are the ones that best captured the spirit of the original series.
>mako was a gary-stu
>bolin was an unfunny try-hard imitation of sokka
>korra was annoying
>amon was cool but his reveal was disappointing and he was wasted in the first season
>while aang had to train hard to master all the elements and the avatar state, korra gets everything handed to her
>boring-teenage-drama love-square
M&B was too high on copying Spec Ops: The Line with Korra's character development.
>The truth, Korra, is that you're here because you wanted to feel like something you're not; a hero.
>Take away the charm when it was about a place similar to rural Japan with steamboats and weird animals
>The avatar is a mary sue that can use all the elements at the same time
>The main city is a rip off of famous american cities
>literally no originality left
It was fucking bad, couldnt stand it after ep.2
they didn't know how many seasons they were getting, so everything in the first season was rushed as fuck
Better than most shonen, but that's not that hard to achieve.
Those episodes were dick and ruined the lore with a pointless retcon that totally went against the eastern influence for literally no reason other than bad writing
>you will never again be 9 years old and losing your mind because you have to wait another week to find out if they finally make it to Ba Sing Se
That's because it was more about the journey than the character. Every time they make they make the protagonist female they insert her vaginal problems into the story.
>>mako was a gary-stu
God, FUCK Mako.
>named after based fucking Mako Iwamatsu
>yet completely unlikable
>Korra throws herself after him in the first season despite that he's pretty much an angry douche "bad boy" with no real redeemable qualities
Thankfully he got a little better after the first season but not by much. It's only until the fourth season, MAYBE the third, where he's kind of okay.
>they insert her vaginal problems into the story.
But you had no problem with Aang's peepee getting hard for Katara, right?
All you want to say is: "Hitler did nothing wrong."
You don't sound so sure user
Lore based ep that didn't shove down forced politics into our throats.
Add in that Asami could have been a great character but the writers forgot to write her any development.
Also that left field ending is bullshit.
>The fire nation required lebensraum
I had a good laugh.
A female protagonist doesn't make something bad, it is the writers that do.
One of the biggest problems with LoK is that Appa, a flying animal that can not even talk, has more character than the most of LoK characters - including main characters.
The whole series (except for s2 maybe) is basically:
>Oh look, this is actually a neat idea
And then they fuck it up
Unalaq wasn't terrible, with Vaatu he was p good. Kuvira was pretty badass IMHO.
They all got cucked. Literally.
Mako cucks Bolin
Asami cucks Korra
Korra cucks Asami
Asami and Korra cuck Mako
>Want to talk about ATLA.
>Discussion inexorably turns to LoK shit.
Make it stop.
You're forgetting the best antagonist.
I remember watching the third season on English streams because I didn't want to wait until it got localized.
Must have been the start of me watching stuff in English. I was also very frustrated because I couldn't understand that fucking lion turtle!
What do you want to talk about? I bet people will answer you.
mah nigga. The whole lotus were amazing. I unironically can say that they did nothing wrong.
Ghazan>Zahher>P'li>Ming Hua in terms of cool powers
lok seasons 3>1>4>2
atla seasons 2>3>1
>learns from ancient texts during his entire life
>acquires airbending due to circumstances
>has more theoretical knowledge than most airbending masters did throughout history
>just puts it all into practice
zaheer was cool but rushed
Why does a comet increase firebending power when they are giant balls of ice?
Should have been the villain of season 2 as well.
Firebender get their powers from the sun.
The comet gets energy from the sun while traveling through space.
The comet emits that energy when close to the earth -> gives firebender more power.
This is all explained in: I just made that up
Because at last, truly I have become A Song of Ice and Fire.
>while aang had to train hard to master all the elements and the avatar state, korra gets everything handed to her
You mean one episode with Toph and suddenly he's master earth bender?
when will this meme end?
He only mastered Air bending when he defeated the fatherlord.
Katara mastered waterbending pretty fast though.
I always wondered why they would do this.
First they show having struggles with water bending and being even jealous of Aang. Then at the beginning of S2:
>Well yeah, you actually mastered water bending
Katara and Toph were both op as fuck benders. Only Zuko was just a normal bender.
>and suddenly he's master earth bender?
He was never as good as toph at earthbending outside of the avatar state
Even water he wasn't that great.
Fire is the only one that he kinda rushed through and that probably was a good idea because season 3 had such a strong focus on arcs and seeing him struggle with an element for the third time really would've been boring.
Forced bullshit for lgbtqwerty points.
If they actually went full lesbian relationship I don't think most people would've minded it so much.
Nobody really knew what they were planning. They sort of ruined a good female friendship which aren't seen often. It just felt weird.
Quick Sup Forums, claim your bending!
Air bending master race reporting in.
>those mental gymnastics
Who /Earthbender/ here?
Firebending master race tbqh familia.
>not wanting waterbending
Reminder that she did nothing wrong
Daily reminder that Azula was a lesbian sex goddess
No direction after season 1
they had 1 good idea and got stuck with 4 seasons
Azula was way too good for this show.
Water is objectively shit and for women.
Tyzula is a meme
Ty Lee betrayed Azula, Ty Lee is scum. Azula would never forgive her for that. Also Azula seems the type to want to have an heir at some point
Every time I think about how much potential LOK had that went to waste I get so pissed. There was so much potential make Korra Just as good if not better in a few ways then the original. As soon as I saw the end of season 1 I literally quit the show and never went back. I was that pissed off.
It sucks because people will just say it`s because Korra was a female lead like this fucker but the problem is the writers always end up with the b.s. route with female characters. It's not impossible for both boys and girls to relate to a female protag for similar reasons, yet writers refuse to grasp this concept.
First of all why did there have to be a FUCKING LOVE TRIANGLE? To appeal to girls? To shows that Korra is a girl and craves sappy romance like all girls(with douches)?
How about they actually write her like a person? Hey sometimes your crush doesn't always like you so just deal with it and stfu and no you're not exempt from this b/c you're a girl!
I still wouldn't even forgive them for adding Mako and introducing Asami like that if they went that route.
Then there is that cluster fuck that was the season 1 ending. Holy shit! What the hell was the point of foreshadowing her personality clash with air bending then have her lose all her bending except air if she was just gonna get it all back? God dammit we already started the series with her mastering pretty much everything, wouldn't it be better, or at least less cliche that that clusterfuck that was if they had made the entire show about her struggle to regain all her bending by 1st forcing Korra to face herself and overcome her inability to air bend? Then have her learn all the elements eventually in reverse order maybe? It would be interesting since it would be about self discovery too and she's a teenager.
It sucks because these writers are perfectly capable of writing decent females as shown in LAB. But noo they over think it like always just because a female is the main. Fuck!
What really bothered me about the love triangle is that Korra almost "settled" for Bolin, but actually they had way more chemistry than Korra and Mako did. It could have been a nice "hey, the most attractive guy isnt always the best choice" kind of lesson, but no she had to go back with Mako because zutara shippers are fucking babies
Don't mind me, just posting best girl
>its a "Ty Lee betrays her best friend to protect someone who barely likes her" episode
when will this meme die? She just realized she was being used like a puppet and that Azula was a cunt and didn't care for anyone but her
>Not one of Ty's best friends
Apologist pls
Made sense, considering the fire nation had already entered an industrial revolution.
avatar 1 = 1850's
avatar 2 = 1910's
I'm pretty sure she did care, seeing as that betrayal sent her over the edge
Azula could have used anyone as a puppet, but she kept Ty Lee and Mai around despite their numerous failures. She might not have been the best friend to them, but she was the best friend she could be and if Ty Lee was a good friend at all she would have realized that.
Also Ty Woo>Ty Lee
>the whole killing conflict with every previous avatar, even the air bender one telling Aang that he needs to do it
>the energy bending ass pull
Aang had to train while running away, was a child and had a time limit.
Korra was at least 6 or 7 years older when the series started and had proper training in all the elements.
Remember, kids show.
I know that, but there had to be a better way to pull it off instead of deus ex machina.
Because they couldn't write a female character without having the love triangles being a main focus. And because in the end they couldn't help but go for an attention grabbing "the two strong independent women in the show that don't need no man are actually lesbians!".
The worse part is that in post production interviews the writers literally said that the only reason they made Kora a lesbian was because it would bring in more viewers.
She literally put her in a life-or-death situation and fucked up her circus career for her own selfish gain.
Azula knew Ty Lee had potential for more, Ty Lee is just immature
Manifest Destiny
Airbenders don't kill idiot
The thing is why did it have to fall to that,. Whether she liked Bolin or not, can't she just except that not all guys are gonna want you and get over it like, idk most people have to do? There are many interesting things in life to think about and make yourself happy instead of lamenting over someone else who doesn't love you. This is especially important because you're the fucking avatar, you have so much other things to worry about too. Mako is shit teir too personality wise too. And instead of focusing on that they could have focused more of developing Asami who actually could have been good too but no, fucking triangles.
Why do writers stick to this cliche? It's so lame to watch when other things could be going on. I've only seen it done well in Shakespeare's a Mid Summer Nights Dream and that's only because it was funny.
well since Azula was her princess, Ty Lee technically committed treason by turning against her. she may have had a good reason but it was still a serious crime by the standards of their country
Yes. Watched it for the first time when I was 23 and still was impressed.
Seconded. Some of the best animation this side of EoE
>Sokka kills hundreds of people with that zeppelin crash
>never brought up once
Which is ironic considering he never killed anyone with his Space Sword
OT: So TLoK is worth watching or nah?
it's better than ATLA
Zaheer literally did nothing wrong. He should have achieved his goals but nope korra plot armor to make a few more bucks off season 4.
except his plan was stupid and self-defeating. the anarchy he sought was never going to end any other way than the rise of a new tyrant, which is exactly what happened