Be me

>be me
>21, go to college, relatively normal, adjusted person, good amount of friends, have gf
>under the facade of normality I'm your typical white nationalism, white supremacy yadda yadda
> dont tell anyone about it, keep it to myself to not conflict
>come back to my family's house for dinner
>family is very liberal
> sister mention how Trump's immigration ban is racist, sexist, and unconstitutional
>grit teeth and continue to eat green beans
>mom says muslims should be welcomed into the country by the boatload
>choke on my water, continue to stay quiet
>sister says that muslims are key components to feminism and are necessary to bring diversity to the states and that different races should procreate to create universal diversity
>cant take it anymore
> chime in saying that possibly each race has something different to bring to the table
>sister calls me racists and a bigot
>explain that blue and red makes purple and red and white makes pink and that we need to keep the colors separate if we want to keep the colors
>some colors are better at science and math, some are better at war, some are better at terrorism
>try to explain that through evolution, certain sections of species go extinct because they are not fit for survival
>we believe this universally about every species, why do we stop at humans? if we believe it so thoroughly throughout the animal kingdom, why is it so taboo to think it extends to the human race?
>mom in tears, sister screaming several liberal buzzwords, other sister has left the room in disgust
> been a couple days, sisters wont respond to my texts, my mom unfriended me on cuckbook(lul), dad won't answer my calls
>pretty much disowned by my family
> mfw i dont get delicious tuesday night family dinner

Other urls found in this thread:

Hire a muslim to fuck one of your family members

I pute my application in for a Syrian refugee to cut the costs

Started to read
>I'm a normie
Straight into the trash

You're an archaic degenerate and i believe all 1.6 billion of you need to be purged of.

>try to explain that through evolution, certain sections of species go extinct because they are not fit for survival
>we believe this universally about every species, why do we stop at humans? if we believe it so thoroughly throughout the animal kingdom, why is it so taboo to think it extends to the human race?
Because we built hospitals. As long as the majority of humans feel empathy, our species is not about to let entire races be killed off by evolution.

LOL You got what you deserve, dumb ass.

I convinced my mom and girlfriend to side with Trump a little more.

I hope your family comes to their senses soon user. Best of luck

>> dont tell anyone about it, keep it to myself to not conflict

>being this much of a >>>cuck

says what? a cuck like you? drink bleach

Gotta understand that most humans are empathetic to other humans and saying that certain humans should be go extinct is triggering to most people.

aww poor wittle fella

wont somebody please think of the racists feefees?

Sucks to be kicked out because of your beliefs huh OP

Give them some time.

So you're a bitch. Who cares... take your whining somewhere else.

I don't think you understand what evolution is. Hospitals do not prevent it from taking place.

You can't be that retarded. Any mildly intelligent person could see that reaction coming from a mile away.


Goddamnit even Sup Forums would mock you

>>>explain that blue and red makes purple and red and white makes pink and that we need to keep the colors separate if we want to keep the colors
literally kkk platform

Muslims are a key component to feminism? That's a laugh. Woman can barely drive in Saudi Arabia. Also, women can not initiate divorce and are typically thought of as property. Nice read and I can sympathize. I have it worse, as I live in San Francisco and my wife and all her friends hate trump.

Exactly. OP should have just pointed out that Islam is dangerous and oppressed people. But instead he starts blabbing about securing the existence of the white race.

Best way to fuck them. Find a nice similar minded Aryan girl (st rmfr nt used to have a dating site, don't know if it still does, farm girls, girls at shooting ranges and hunt clubs usually not SJWs). Have lots of healthy white babies while sisters are money leaching single moms to darky brats. Parents want to visit grandkids that are respectful and don't shit on their sofa. Tell parents to piss off, you don't want their sickly thinking damaging your kids. Play the long game user

Lol do this OP. Also send christmas cards of your kids to your parents neighbors but not your parents. Top kek

>Play the long game
Best advice ive seen on Sup Forums in a while. He who laughs last laughs best

>Stories posted here are fiction and falsehood etc etc


Confirmed awkward fuck, underage b&, or both.

fortunately I have an aryan gf. her great grandad was a german soldier during ww2, not high ranking, but good enough for me. I've slowly hinted at what I believe and she is slowly understanding it. Its just a matter of time at this point.

The fact that you're in college and in all seriousness can't differentiate between more or less arbitrarily categorized human 'races' and actual different species among animals just displays the state of utter despair the country finds itself in.

You should take 5 minutes off every hour to sit down, meditate on and PRAISE the existence of the H1B visa that to a limited extent achieves to mitigate the sheer idiocy among Americans, by bringing in smart IMMIGRANTS that keep this country alive technologically and in terms of innovation.

This ain't about you dumbass libtard family either. You fellas are just two sides of the same sad coin that is the sheepishness of this once great people.

God knows muslims aren't a naturally peaceful bunch. But they just don't fucking matter. They're literally irrelevant. You Trumpcucks are being played HARD by the media run by the NY kikes that stirr up these dull anti-goatherder sentiments with their POS sensationalist coverage while they preach the opposite, equaly bullshit SJW narrative. You're like a silly little ping pong ball.

You idiots really feel empowered because you cast a vote for a former Reality TV star turned picturebook populist?

All the ate night shows really played with your pride, they almost forced you to vote for the sexit old ugly white man and you dumbasses feel fucking emancipated?

Why the fuck are you still on Sup Forums? Go out, rule your new kingdom you poor cucks.

Nobody is interested in you, stupid Sup Forumslacks. You didn't 'elect a meme for president'.
You're just so tired of the same old Bullshit lives you lead, now you tell yourselves this new lie.

In the end the country's gonna burn and then everyone, retards left and right, will have to carry the blame altogether.

I mean, take what you want from this, but I'm a pretty normal person. Go to state college, friends with all my roommates/classmates, in the flag football club, having typical normie college experience. I just believe the white race is superior, but try to keep that on the downlow

> blathers idiocy re:survival of the fittest
> is denied dinner

someone has just been given a lesson in game theory. will probably ignore it.

Yes they do. When you can eliminate diseases that otherwise destroy swaths of species until only the naturally immune remain, you're disarming one of evolution's quickest weapons. Not to mention the work done in the medical and psychological fields to allow people with debilitating conditions to live long lives and reproduce when they would otherwise die young.

Good for you. Got myself a sturdy firm girl. Unlike mudskins we stopped having kids when we had all we could afford (4) but she could have given me a dozen more.

t.immigrant cock loving autist

Oops meant to say farm girl, although when we were young she was pretty firm too

You had so many good points you could have brought up, but you used the most sketchy of all.


If you were my kid id be upset that your ideas sound like a bad anime spiel dirty edgelord

You don't get a refund if you are kicked out of university user.

Stop riding on the back of your race you havent done diddly dick to make the human race better

And many others. Global diversity is important, and cultural homogenization threatens it.

Which is why I believe it is the duty of every western civilian to redpill people as best they can.

Yeah man you went about this terribly, should have eased it in

hush hush run back to your cave trumpcuck

I'm looking forward to the American equivalent of the Nuremburg trials where we'll see the last of white trash like you

tfw I actually sat quietly at the dinner table seething with anger while fantasizing about writing a greentext story for my buddies on 4chin

>I'm looking forward to the American equivalent of the Nuremburg trials where we'll see the last of white trash like you
keep dreaming

>explain that blue and red makes purple and red and white makes pink and that we need to keep the colors separate if we want to keep the colors
>some colors are better at science and math, some are better at war, some are better at terrorism

Man race stuff aside you are bad at metaphors user.

so we live in a time where we, as humans, are able to 'choose' whether we let "the other colors" live or die off. It's not that survival of the fittest stops at humans, it's that we have the power to change it. And willfully allowing a 'color' to die off, is on the line of racist. as actual racist would be actively trying to kill off a 'color'.

people of all walks of life can have a use, you say so yourself that some are better at different things. So why would we allow one of the colors to die out if we have the power to prevent it?

Not sure if bait or just autistic

That's the response of a person that can't respond

Enjoy your 4 or 8 years of self delusion

Deep. From experience: Asians often live exactly that. They don't try to extinct others, but believe that they should only breed with same-culture people and that their respective culture is the best.

I'm not American you delusional cuck. Sup Forums isn't a US board faggot. The glory will prevail.

that's true. Asians do tend to believe that way. That doesn't make them correct.

America is, and always has been a melting pot. Saying we should not allow any specific people just because of where they're from, or what they believe, is against the ideals of America. I'm not saying we should let everyone in, I'm saying that race and religion shouldn't be involved in deciding.

The American people are done with the excessive immigration and welfare loathing and suppression of the middle class, deal with it. If it goes any further, the US will soon be the next Germany with their problems

Trump might end welfare, but it's not like he's gonna help the middle class, faggot. Since when did a corporate billionaire favor the middle class over the upper class?

>how can you spot the autist in the family
Don't worry he'll tell you


He's not gonna end welfare.

being a conservative is the new atheism prior to 2008, it's a fad to follow an unpopular opinion.

when something gets popular, it gets oversaturated with idiots and people who dilute the significance of a group

sooner or later, you're going to swing back

No, I feel as though trump will end welfare...just by cancelling welfare...then we watch a real shit storm

why do you support welfare?

are you a literal libtard cuck?

It hasn't always been a melting pot. It has been a peaceful country until it got invaded and from then on has been a melting pot. It also has been the root of hate and destruction worldwide from then on. Let that sink in.

do you think we will ever be liberal again, that's an insane stretch to just go back like that

Wow, your family is brainwashed. Nice of you to try and red pill them.

HoB visas aside, there is ample reason to have a nationalist sentiment and opposing immigration where it hurts the economy and national security. Mass immigration is downright insensible when done illegally, and the sentiment that liberals place on needing to take care of humans who happen to either neighbor you physically or are undergoing crisiees of their own is misplaced. There is reason borders exist and have existed for the duration of human history since the dawn of the first settlements, and that is because safety of the populace is paramount.

The racial bickering, I don't agree with either. That said, I do agree with OP in that the races should have the laws of evolution and Darwinism more heavily applied to them for the betterment of the human species. Some subspecies, such as the Africans and Aboriginals, should be culled. Part of me thinks that, at least by the way you speak and call names, you might be a part of one of the lesser subspecies that the human species has under its geneus... And therefore might explain your utter saltiness.

Lmao at libtard sissycucks

>Hospitals grant eternal life
>Hospitals make dying from a cut less common

One of those seems to be the reality here and I don't see my gran running around... So..

>try to explain that through evolution, certain sections of species go extinct because they are not fit for survival

>mfw you Caucasians are the species going extinct and isnt fit for survival

Kill yourself, faggot.

Don't lie OP, you are a virgin Sup Forums kid and your family is tired of your shit. You blame other races for your failure at life and you cry every time Dad tells you to man up and stop being a pussy.

pics or it didn't happen

your mom hasnt a orgasm since the '80s?

next time they talk about Muslims being necessary for feminism explain to them that in Muslim countries women arent allowed to drive hold jobs and are actual property.

nice story bro, KAPPA

THIS. The truth hurts but it must be said.

Fuckin Russian shill

>being this autistic

You are a racist, a bigot and a fucking RETARD if you believe any of that fake "evolution" shit you spewed.

You deserve a curb stomping, fucker.

You are now aware that proximity to the Equator or Tropics of Capricorn and Cancer are the ONLY thing responsible for human skin pigmentation.

You hate people based on the absorption rate of Vitamin D they have.

You are a fucking imbecile.


Let's go with the real version of this story, shall we?

> be OP
> be NEET, overweight neckbeard
> called up from the basement for the 4th time to come to dinner
> takes several minutes to put tiny, flaccid dick back into sweat pants
> takes several minutes more to waddle up the basement stares
> recoils in disgust at the sight of OPs more fit, more successful, more liked family and siblings sitting at the table
> sits down at the table and proceeds to take triple helpings of everything
> sister mentions a new friend she's made at school
> find out new friend isn't white
> go into long-winded, barely cogent diatribe about Trump getting rid of the 'mud-skins' and the 'niggers' and destroying the 'jew-media'
> most of what's said is almost inaudible as the food-stuffed mouth absorbs most of the voice
> family gets sick of OPs shit
> tells OP to get a job now or he's out on the street
> OP waddle off in a rage, sits at computer, goes to Sup Forums, and starts thread

Sound about right, shitbag? Please, fill us in on any details I may have missed.

>things that never happened

gee I wonder who could be behind this post.

the media fucking hates trump jewboy.

Itt; a retarded neckbeard gets himself disowned from family as a result of his derp level understanding of evolution

>"some colors are better at science and math, some are better at war, some are better at terrorism"
You seriously can't be this dumb user

OP is a lying faggot

I can buy fam being anti Trump

But who the fuck legit says "breed with Muslims. Muslims be for women"

Like come on. If you're family is that dumb maybe you should disown them too

P.S:. Ask your sister if she'd go to a rapeugee camp on Europe or something. One full of men too

Even say you'll pay for her tickets to go

See what she says.


>Some subspecies, such as the Africans and Aboriginals
You don't understand genetics. We are all the same species. 40 chimpanzees have more genetic variation than the entire human race. Don't make claims about things you don't understand.

>some are better at sports.
>some are better at math

Heh faggot.

Judy supports Trump. Why don't you?

Good for you, nazi

>relatively normal, well adjusted
>typical white nationalism, white supremacy

Spending too much time on the internet ass hat.

Phenotypic expressions are not diversity.

Genetically speaking Blacks are the most diverse. That picture is just psuedoscience propaganda.

Fucking HERESY.

You really think Judy would support a fucking hyena ban and shitloads of fake news pushing "us vs them" politics with a sheep supremacist at the head of the army?

FUCK YOU. That shit isn't even fucking funny. Get that disgraceful shit the fuck out of here.


Your better off with out them. They are losers.

>implying Trump has ever worked a day in his life.

Meanwhile, on facebook, they are trying to takeover a Fox poll...

>Trying to use evolutionary evidence for white supremacy
>Doesn't understand what a species is

Fucking hell American schools are fucked. If you're going to try to argue pro white race, at least do it with the right information. I assume bait, but alot of you cucks are pretty stupid so I can totally see this not.

One mark of intelligence is being able to hold conflicting ideas at the same time...sadly this feels lost. One side deals in alternate realities and unfounded "facts" whereas the other deals in absolute utopias and extremes. So, really they are one a day the same and the real loser is the fate of everything else relying on this clusterfuck of human cultural "advancement"

I literally ate Judy last week. She was delicious as I always thought a perverted rabbit would be

If you're looking for advice I will tell you what I tell everyone who calls the suicide hotline where I work.

Kill yourself. Quickly and quietly.