Please tell me, have there been any episodes were the girls get treated like shit and/or cry?
Please tell me, have there been any episodes were the girls get treated like shit and/or cry?
if kieran's boner was a bit less skinny he'd be top tier
but not danny D thick just a bit more like a kielbasa
That doesn't answer my question
how much of this show is dude's not being able to get it up?
Remember this shit getting shilled like crazy a few weeks back. Then it suddenly died. Sage.
I couldn't fap while watching this
Maybe episode 3. For like .2 seconds he he play chokes and slaps blair for the same of her wanting to be dominated.
>wanting to watch qt remy lacroix or adorabiru lexi belle being mistreated
intern yourself, senpai
who gives a shit about your stupid question
thanks, yeah i figured as much, definitely not trying to watch this.
Probably, but they wouldn't put that on camera.
this, t.b.h. familia
it's weird how stuff like this is almost mainstream (articles on vice, buzzfeed, etc.) yet the only place anyone would admit to watching it is on a korean knitting board
This place isn't a taiwanese canoeing forum?
I'm embarrassed because of how shoddily done it was. You can tell they started shooting before they had a concrete idea of what they wanted to do, what the rules were or how the format should work. The fact that it was shot two years ago and this is the super heavily edited result to look coherent only points out what a terrible clusterfuck of a mess the original print was.
>vice buzzfeed
lol u wish
Does only one get to win? Because Blair is a lock for the winner.
i only watch the scenes where the black guy fucks the white girls
The trailer trash girl is treated pretty awfully when she's kicked out. Ends in tears and a freakout.
>it was shot two years ago
you what
Yeah, it's from 2014. Remy and Lexi are fat as hell now.
Yeah, people were talking about it back in 2014. First we thought it would be released the summer of, then winter of, then maybe summer of 2015 and by that winter, everyone forgot about it.
Half the contestants either are out of porn entirely already or already names themselves.
How the hell did The Colonel even get in the show?
Watched it after seeing it shilled on here. It's pretty dumb, mostly just an excuse to jerk off.
Apparently Khaya was beaten pretty badly by Hero and caused a bunch of drama by trying to talk about it. The female producers (judges) are all bitches who think every legitimate issue from the girls is some sort of attempt to slight porn as a whole or something.
One of the reasons it's hard to watch its that it presents itself as sort of an exploratory piece, but the people making it are kind of stupid and you end up wondering what's going on in their heads. Imagine if every Louis Theroux doc was just him getting mad at the people he's filming, then doing a voice over bit like "those people were frickin weirdos!" After a while, you'd start to wonder if there's something wrong with him.
Anyways, it's clear from the fact that she's in some productions now that Blaire won. Not sure about the guys, but who cares about guys in porn. Khaya was the hottest, colonel was the most deserving of a job (if he wasn't weird looking and autistic - but once again, who cares about guys in porn? He was the only one consistently "showing up").
Overall, I give it a 2/10. Watchable only as spank material.
I don't find it arousing at all, if anything it's turned me off of porn. The parts where the guys keep getting soft particularly.
Buddy and Danny do porn as well. I'm sure they just got noticed even if they didn't win.
You have a point that guy's looks aren't THAT important - but The Colonel was just plain ugly, skinny, and really weird during sex. He would just be distracting.
Are there any interracial scenes?
there's a black contestant that pounds the shit out of white girls
Except the first half of the show where he couldn't get his dick hard.
What's next for her career?
depressed housewife
getting some shitty online college degree to become an EMT and beefing with other pornstars
A diet
Where can I watch this show