>Live in Denver, where a pizzeria called Pantaleone's that was on the show is located. I have eaten there off and on for almost 25 years believe it or not. The pizza was always good, very expensive and often unavailable (because of the odd hours and habits of the owner). The owner is a cantankerous guy that seems not to care much about what his customers think of his place. After the show, you can see that the menu is more standardized, but honestly I see no change in the place. I'm honestly curious how he keeps the place open sometimes. If he just hired a delivery person and gave two shits about customer service, this place would probably dominate the neighborhood.
Gordon Ramsay BTFO, Pantaleone's confirmed great 'za
We live in an age where reddit threads are openly linked here.
Kill yourself dumb mobile poster
>muh website wars
I can't wait until you have to go back to school
why do you care so much about a two year old episode of a reality show?
You could have stopped it
Because redditors are low IQ
I would fuck that pizza
Nigga who cares
>redditers have lower iq than the "people" that post on this shit-tier meme board
People who complain about reddit links
People who defend reddit
People who don't give a shit
Then why are you kek tier pretending to be patrician tier?
Blame the accelerated bane memeing/fappening/cuckshit cancer trinity from a couple years ago.
>I visited here in April, completely by accident (it was late, had no idea it was on the show) and my experience was not very great. The owner was there and he kept asking if we had seen his episode of the show and how he had been on TV or about his favorite ice cream place an hour away. He didn't stop talking to us for about 20 minutes and kept rambling on about whatever he could and eventually it slipped that his wife had left him. I felt really bad for the guy because it seemed like he was just super lonely and all he had left was this restaurant. We had a pizza that night and it was really subpar, the toppings were sliding off the pizza and the crust reminded me more of a sopapilla. Definitely not "Denver's Best Pizza".
go back please :)
>If he just hired a delivery person
Gordon got him a van for delivery service...did he not use it or something?
Stop it you stalker.
Pretty sure the guy paid for at least half of the van so he probably sold it, stuck in his old ways
Greasy ass pizza with a wet crust. Only in CO would this be acceptable. Enjoy your shit pizza lmao
>So far this week (monday July 11th) eaten about 1700 calories
>see this pizza constantly
I wonder how easy it would be to clothes line a moped pizza boy and steal the pizza and run off
>wish I had the balls to be reddit
>don't want to adopt a handle because I might screw up a post and never be taken seriously again
Why are you eating so little?