What's his fucking problem?
What's his fucking problem?
Do I really need to say it?
He's queer.
the portlandia guy is looking rough, and a few shades lighter
Probably molested as a toddler and bullied as a child.
He's a faggot, he's a faggot, he's a fucking faaaaaggot.
He's been mangled into being a mouthpiece for Sony, like all of their directors/producers/actors.
he looks like an asshole
It gets posted around here a lot but here
Basically he was raised only by his mother and boys used to bully him at school, so he hates men
how could this guy go from freaks and geeks to those really bad comedy movies
He just makes Sup Forumseddit man babbies that don't know sweet fuck about the art of antifilm upset
His last name sounds like fag so he got bullied for it as a kid. Also, he's a faggot. He could never hang out with other boys because he was too much of a pussy to handle their name calling and physical humor. Ironically, that's what his entire movies are but with women.
"I relate to funny women" -Actual quote from Paul Fag
he is
he was actually very abusive on the set of ghostbusters and some of his other movies and people think that he's actually secretly misogynistic himself
I don't wanna say "he's a flashy dresser and hates traditionally masculine things, he must be gay", but he really strikes me as someone who's uncomfortably in the closet.
Dude had a skewed upbringing that he still hasn't grown out of, which is a shame.
If he was raised by his single father and hated women, no way he'd be a filmmaker right now.
His existence is indicative of an industry-wide double-standard.
He never got along with his fellow bois.
Probably wished he was born a girl.
sounds like his dad fucked up big time
wouldn't be surprised if he was molested because these are the exact type of kids that predators go for
I could get behind his reasoning if his movies had a bit more substance. Sure, the things he points out about "manly" comedy really aren't that funny on an empirical level, but considering the fact that there is a scene in Bridesmaids where a woman shits in a sink due to food poisoning, his cries fall on deaf ears.
I'm not a hater though. I really enjoyed Bridesmaids and I plan on seeing his rendition of Ghostbusters.
>gets bullied into being an effeminate fag
>fellow jews approach him
>we like your views on strong wimmin
>want to make movies about that?
>bullies' sons freak out on the internet
He's a big guy.
He spent all his time with his mother because his dad was busy working to provide for his ungrateful ass
He's a gigantic pussy who would crawl through broken glass if it would make a female happy. Plus he's got a bias against men, and based on Ghostbusters, I'm gonna say against humor as well.
>funny women
Are we in Narnia? Where are these "funny women" I hear so much about?
his dad walked out on him so he hates all men in retaliation
As if you have ever met a women not related to you.
Bold assumption, must've taken a lot of pressure to hit those keys, with all the cheeto dust gunking it up.