If you could ask one question to an all knowing entity, what would it be?

if you could ask one question to an all knowing entity, what would it be?

let´s start with: "which assumptions of mankind are wrong?"

Is there a theory which explains the values of all fundamental physical constants

What is the age of accountability

I would ask something that I could make money of, like winning lottery numbers

Is using contraceptives for the purpose of stopping procreation as well as to help stop painful menstruation, a mortal sin?

What is the cause of the observed accelerated expansion of the universe?


When do i die and can you make it sooner?

"u wot m8?"

will any of the kids I molest talk?

where's the best place to find a burger?

if yes, which one and will I get away with killing her?

Will I got hell for rubbing my paypay?

>tl;dr if you masturbate instead of having sex with your spouse it's a sin.

"3The husband should fulfill his wife’s sexual needs, and the wife should fulfill her husband’s needs."

Also, it's a sin to lust for someone which isn't your own boyfriend / girlfriend when in a relationship. Watching porn and lusting for them counts as a sin.

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Congratulations, you just caused mankind to be wiped out.

GOD struck Onan down for spilling his seed on the ground. One must assume that human sperm holds more value in GOD's eyes than barley grain. Not only is it reasonable to suspect that masturbation is a sin, but it's one which GOD will possibly slay you over.

What do you not know

Who are you, and why have you let this happen to us?

What is the exact position, and exact motion, of this electron?

sry my english is too bad for that

there is no answer