Anyone else tired of being expected to have an emotional response and opinion about every little thing that happens...

Anyone else tired of being expected to have an emotional response and opinion about every little thing that happens? People are so hungry for fights they just go looking for stuff to be upset about. And if you don't care, they get upset about you not being emotionally involved in whatever headline they were reading.


You're in a desert, walking along in the sand when all of a sudden you look down and see a tortoise. It's crawling toward you. You reach down and flip the tortoise over on its back, user.

The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over. But it can't. Not with out your help. But you're not helping. Why is that, user?

becuase that would undo the work i just did in flipping it over. i want it to die, why would i help it?


You could never know the pain that a middle class white transgenderfluid table kin could feel? Let me guess, your dad was in the army? Of course, because it must be easy af to live under the delusion that pain can only come from whatever SOCIETY recognizes as "hardship". You want to know real pain? Walk a day in my shoes. Understand what it's like to endure bullying all day long at school just because I called the teacher out for being a sexist, and then come home and find that some horrible person commented on my Tumblr update saying I was a "drama queen". DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THAT FUCKING PAINS? You'll be laughing when I'm hanging from the ceiling

lol. this is good. i want to meet someone claiming to be table kin

Being a kin to something is like the new age rule 34. If it exists, you can be a kin to it. Ironing stands, black holes, guitar strings, umbrellas, traffic cones, etc.

So I should start an argument with the sun about how much of a dick it's being?

I'm agefluid.

I'm definitely alone.

*shoots you under the table, twice*

Why was the tortoise in the desert in the first place? They're indigenous to temperate climates with lots of vegetation.

Him flipping it over isn't going to kill it. It's the fact it's going to starve to death or dehydrate like a motherfucker. Unless the snakes get him first.

You just described having a girlfriend.

But you could bring it with you and cradle it back to a fruitful and healthy life

You seem to ignore the fact we're only allowed to have these emotional reactions to anything so long as the reaction fits with crowd you're in.

And then there's the whole social media buffoon brigade who might get a tweet or a pic on the FB feed of you not reacting like all the other morons.

"diversity".... as long as I agree with you. Etc.

What disaster and tragedy here?
Things are going great.


Fucking awesome post, user.
Very truth.

Pasta is yummy.
And, yes, I will be laughing.

I hear ya OP.

My old man would complain about his brother anytime someone else mentioned him. Not a good word to say. My uncle is a dick, no argument.

Get a call from Dad: my brother has dementia, a brain tumor, and his daughter just got a divorce (big news in their "born again christian" side of the family).

I'm like "yeah, and?"...

Dad's upset that I'm unfazed. I've been told since birth that the uncle and family are cocks. I grow up (37 now), and see that they are cocks, and Dad is surprised when I don't care about their little misfortune?

Thankfully uncle has a different father to my Dad (we're not trash, this is an exception to the whole family). So the genetic link is weak regarding tumor possibility.

Tits for listening.

Definitely this.

I am mad that there are no aliens come to hang out with us yet.

I read it.
I looked at the tits.
We're all trash.
You seem less so.
Your dad seems more so.
So was mine.
Good post, user.

Should be worth a giggle. Want some rope user?


Find new friends in real life, you dumb fuck.
"I dont like the people i hang around with"
"I better hang around with them a bit more"

Fucking idiot OP

You're right. We are all trash. Thanks for bringing me back to reality. My only defence to being called trash would be if I was never here on the 'Chan.

I test of which I have clearly failed.

You are not a faggot.

Considering it's giving off no heat it seems pretty fake.

>but user! This is VERY important! You should CARE about this!
>but I don't have any strong opinion either way
>but user! You. SHOULD. CARE!
>alright alright. Fine. I -insert opinion/emotion/respone that differs from theirs-
>GASP! But user! That opinion/emotion/response is WRONG! Let me show you how wrong it is!
>cue 3 hours of verbal vomit on why they're opinion is so good and why this irrelevant thing matters to some minor degree

I don't know. Just seems like 99.9999% of the time its literally just them trying to bait me into a conversation for them to feel self righteous or bitch or just decompress and i don't exist to be an emotional pack mule and have literally anything else i could be spending my precious time on.

>no heat
>medical is already screwed for 1/3rd of the country and he still has more on the docket for fucking over
>trades crashing literally as we type
>USD went from being worth 1.27 GBP to .7 literally over night
>countries already chatting about embargoes left right and center
>China's getting more uppity as is russia
>trump literally firing people for not agreeing with his opinions in places of power then installing idiots or fuck ups
>already abolishing health laws that keep poison out of our water table and drinking water
>tax season just ended so idiots in the middle and lower class have zero clue how fucked they're going to be come this tax season

1 USD being worth 1.27GBP are you fucking insane? When did that occur?

China and Russia have been getting more uppity recently anyways despite Trump remember fucking Crimea? You understand as well of course he isn't going to have people in charge who don't agree with his views and opinions on certain matters, He wants to get HIS shit done. You really think the people before disagreed with Obama?

US medical services have always been screwed so that's not new.

Health laws being abolished yeah can't argue that it's pretty shitty. And we'll wait and see how the taxes fair.

It's amusing that you were so desperate to be accepted by an online community that you declare anything and everything a "copypasta" but the truth is that I wrote this entirely out of my own fruition. So feel free to suck cock fag