On my way to the hospital. AMA

on my way to the hospital. AMA


Nice fake OP

Nice finding!

It's just a flesh wound, walk it off pussy.

looks fake

Defective finger box?

pic of the wound in the hand with timestamp or gtfo

fake. Thumbnail not real. lol


fucking idiot.

put it in your mouth, keep it warm and moist, while you get to the hospital ASAP.

- that gives you the best chance that they can re-attach it

i can text one handed but its tough to write

pls you have to do it

im allmost there, ill ask a nurse? mum wont do it

seriously, OP. put it in your mouth, keep moist & warm. - if you want it re-attached, that is

i feel faint allready, i think i might puke if i do that

then get your goddam mom to do it. if i were you, i'd do pretty much whatever it takes to increase the chances...

OP here, I tried this "trick" and something went wrong. Maybe I pulled too hard

this jutsu got a name?

Four finger phoenix palm explosion ouchy. Jutsu.

she didnt even reply. were getting checked in now

Hope you ain't hitching a ride to get there, dude.

is nobody gonna fucking ask how he did it?

tell me op

never smoked that strain before. Whats the name and how much for a gram?

Can you please makes pics of the "magic finger" trick?
Fake or not, would be mad silly


log splitter

they better attach this, using the phone is hard with this hand