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but they get stopped from entering the country, not the plane

lol did your buddy share that on facebook?

saudis did 9/11, and yet they are not banned.

Iran fights saudis and isis, and yet they are banned.



You're fucking retarded because the country where the motherfuckers who did 9/11 aren't banned. You alt-right fags are retarded.

But Trews did 9/11 and Russell Brand isn't v&nd

*This is what trumpanzees actually believe*

While it seems a good plan to ban immigration to prevent terrorism in America, the people being banned are mainly those trying to escape the extremists, trying to avoid being:
a: killed by terrorists
b: killed by terrorists and having their children/families taken, trained, radicalised, weaponised.

So banning refugees means giving the terrorists more victims AND more soldiers.

"I'm a fucking pussy faggot who can't function in society" - typical republifat

War= $ and if you think the 1% give a fuck about allowing or even helping facilitate a terrorist attack then think again. 9/11 made the ultra elites billions

isn't that like music ban because of bieber?!


Really because all I see are libtards committing acts of violence and some of the most racist people I've ever met calling peaceful republican or libertarians racist thugs. Kinda like the kettle calling the pot balck

Jews did 9/11

>Saudi Arabian attack
>We never invade them
>We never ban them
>No attacks done by the countries banned since 75'
>More deaths by homegrown white nazi wannabes
>Conservative security advisors said pls dont this its terrible idea.

Yea Im sure Trump and Bannon didnt do this to invite an attack so they can ramp up military spending and the police state. Enjoy your rights while you gottem.

The people out there tearing shit up and protesting are the racists. The people they call racist are those minding their own business trying to better themselves and could give 2 fucks about the protesting because they only want to better their lives and don't have time to play liberal petty games

>peace through superior firepower
You muricans really spread peace through Iraq, right? All those weapons you left behind, all of that broken infrastructure, all those civilians you left without anything that got radicalized, that truly brought peace to Iraq and Syria. Great job America.


yeah, you got pranked by the leftist media

trump banned muslim refugees, there was no list of countries

The whole problem in America is Americans are lazy now. Men forgot how to be men. Everyone is worried about what their neighbors are doing instead of worrying about themselves. You will see racism is not as msm portrays it to be, sure it exists but not how they say. Those roaming the streets screaming racism are usually the ones rioting and beating people because of a belief or color of skin so who is racist?

>american's think terrorists wont use fake passports


Can you two tell the difference in time, before more americans die?

keep in mind, most extremists are trained to act innocent

>There was a foreign attack on our nation sixteen years ago.
>Let's prevent another by blocking immigration from certain countries, as long as none of them are the countries that the original attackers were from.

And Oklahoma City
Where is the ban on blond American Christian patriot extremists?

Lol you spastic

Agreed however where do we start? Where does charity start? Charity should start at home. We must get our house in order before we can help others. We have to close the gates rebuild, get jobs back , become financially stable and take care of our own homeless Then we can start helping the world again . Otherwise the ship is going to sink then everyone drowns and nobody is helped

>There was a foreign attack on our nation sixteen years ago due to decades of ostracizing the Middle East.

>Let's prevent another attack by ostracizing the Middle East.

I agree with this. How do you feel about the wall? I think it's crazy how we must basically be strip searched at the airports by tsa yet our border is wide open

im not even american but isnt this crap just like obama did

That's because they're worried about a hijacking.

Actually the immigrant ban Trump just did is the exact same as Obama did in 2010. The difference is I believe is that trump does truly care about America. Of course he is a business man and human so some things he does are in his own interests but they are in ours also. He is taking steps to create more jobs boost the economy and in return making America viverant again so he can make more money. He isn't just selling our country to the highest bidder. He wants to make money but also have a country his kids are able to make money in that's why TPP was done away with so quickly. This isn't a republican or democrat thing it's an elitist thing

well if obama did the thing why is it so much worse when trump does the same

he banned countries. not just refugees. no matter who and for what reason, no one from those counties are allowed. it's not just refugee related.

Ok let's talk about that. Why is it ok for whites, blacks, hispanics to have to be strip searched and yet Islamic people don't because of religion? If it's about safety then it shouldn't matter what color or age you are. It is what it is and that's it.

Lets ban white people too for shooting up schools

It's wasn't a ban, it was additional vetting. There were delays, but it was never "Full stop." But keep parroting whatever Fucks News says, researching shit is hard.


Because it's all being manipulated by MSM to fit the racist propaganda narrative

Gas all the moslems. Women children and adults.

We should ban white people for creating stupid shit like OP's image

Asians shoot up more schools than whites.

Mostly half-asians.

Let's ban race mixing.

>liberal logic.

b8 or Trump voter? Who the fuck knows anymore.

>trump supporters play minecraft

Actually it was the exact same. However it didn't stay that way for more than 30 days before Obama opened the Borders and said everybody come

you've never heard of polcraft have you?

Good! More Columbine for you.

Why are you telling us that they're Superior humans and fucked our mom's?

It's not exactly the same. Obama stopped only Iraqi citizens.

Watch out people we have a lone wolf here
>Rawr~~ xD

Shutting out immigrants from seven nation because Muslims are 2spooky4Trump is not "the exact same as Obama did" in 2010 when he required additional vetting from one nation to find a specific individual.

Because you didn't reply to anyone at all or provide an image with your post, your post is void of meaning.


It's absolutely very difficult, but I think the current administration is pandering to people, pretending it's as simple as 'don't let em in'.

It's letting in, say, 50 threats a year, which we have to trust our internal security to deal with (as they have incredibly well since 9/11) or creating 5000 threats all working together to *sneak* in/attack by funding a single seemingly non-muslim killer - radicalized white guy, for example.

Basically, it's more complex than anybody wants it to be, and the government are treating people like idiots by suggesting it's simple.

We live in an era where being white is a crime now and being an immigrant gets you the world. Who else here would love to start a business and not have to pay taxs for 7 years? I'm a small business owner and I loose out on contract just because I'm white and that's the gods honest truth. I don't believe whites should get more then anyone else at all but damn if I bid a contract for less and have more qualifications then shouldn't I win the contract? Nope because I'm not Minority owned

OMG HOW CAN YOU TRUMPANZEE RIGHT WINGERS BE SO WRONG!? People of Islam (Muslim is offensive) are some of the most peaceful people in the world. Cisgender Euro-Christian colonists are the ones who should be punished for inflicting the world with their western hipocracy and dangerous thinking. In college, Where I went to like a NORMAL PERSON, I realized that my gender was not based off what I had between my legs but how I feel, that's what led me to realize that I was transgendered. Did you know that the state of Iran PAYS FOR SEX CHANGES? How can our so called "PRESIDIDN'T WIN THE POPULAR VOTE" not pay for this. I literally cannot even deal with this pressure right now. I'm headed back to tumblr where people are open minded unlike this cesspool.


I can't tell if this is bait or are you actually fucking retarded.

Actually we armed Al Qaeda to destabilize the region then we armed ISIS to fight Al Qaeda now we are arming ISIS to fight Al Qaeda

They pay for sex changes because being gay is illegal.

kek, people that still browse and use facebook proactively are fucking retarded.
>"The last people that are allowed in always want to close the door behind them."
This country was literally built on refugees, poor, and prisoners. If you were one bit smart you would realize that immigration stimulates the economy. Also, the only jobs immigrants take from Americans are fucking shit tier jobs. So the majority of those who complain about it, have shit tier education.

In 2011 the State Department's issuance of SIVs to Iraqi applicants slowed after two individuals in Kentucky were identified as having possibly been improperly screened; multiple national news outlets reported on the State Department visa processing slowdown while it was occurring and in subsequent years.

Next they're gonna argue that they devalue labor, but when your stupid government keeps the minimum wage to half what it is anywhere else in the developed world yeah sure, blame the immigrants and not the fucking government. Retards.

True to an extent. The country can only support so many at a time. However there are way to many lazy ass Americans that would rather sit home on welfare then go work to support themselves

You ever notice employment figures are related to the strength of the economy and not how much welfare is paid? Lazy pricks will always make up 3-5% of the population.

I can tell you're 15 top

Yup agree 100%

So are the jobs that Obama created, part time gigs, i'm talking McDonalds, Starbucks. There's 13 million illegal Mexican refugees taking the jobs that are rightfully American, no matter easy or hard jobs, there are people born and raised in the US who would rather have that than nothing. Also this country was not built on refugees, poor and prisoners, you're thinking of Australia, a country that's good with refugees and illegals.

>get jobs back

Point at this guy and laugh. You ain't getting shit except more automation. The unemployment situation sure as fuck ain't gonna get better and no-one without decent skills or education is going to ride this one out.

sad how rednecks are this brainwashed

No, he banned countries.
There are literally elected representetives in NATO and other US ally countries that can't enter the USA because of their dual citizenships.

yeah, you got pranked by the cuckservative media


Obama loves Saudi, and Al Gore sold his TV network to them.

>shooting your own foot this badly

Disprove anything in this video:

You can't.

Nothing pisses me off more then when I see someone with food stamps in Walmart buying steaks, shrimp and lobster then go out to the parking lot and get into a Cadillac escalade and drive off. True story! I was married 4 years with 2 kids working for 16hr not on any kind of welfar when this happened and I've seen it many times since

Marine fag here the ban is a help but anyone who truly wants to attack us can find a way. he is simply not making it as easy. I for one am glad someone is trying to protect.

Yes, America shooting it's foot. Lol. Fuck,I live here and can not ealisly go back to Merkel made Haven.

To bad the highjackers were from saudi arabia which is not on the ban list. Also the fact that more people die in the US each year from lightning strikes than foreign terrorists kinda speaks to how pointless this ban is.

Congrats on proving your total ignorance to the situation at hand.

Lol, in Australia we have a specific section of the navy running "Operation Sovereign Borders" to patrol and make refugee boats disappear. In Australia we literally run offshore concentration camps for refugees, my mother is married to one. He saw his friend get hacked apart with a machete by the locals who then broke his leg. Our government then said it was the refugees rioting that caused all the injuries. He was recently forcefully taken back. People regularly die from basic injuries/infections. Women and children are held there indefinitely. Literally years. Opinion polls are saying we think we need to be more cruel. We're really not okay with refugees.

Didn't read the replies but the length of the thread shows how gullible you guys are responding to obvious bait

Yes, it pisses everyone off. You take away food stamps and welfare then that family will just sell more drugs that week and the people who actually need it will fucking starve.

That's where it come out to... those that aren't lazy with half a brain. I was 28 when I had my 4th major shoulder surgery and left with little to no use of my left arm because of it. Being 10 pound weight limit. I could of sat back and collected disability for the rest of my life. Instead I started a business employ 4 people don't need welfar and live fairly well. Where as as sad as it is to admit there are people in my own family trying to get disability simply because there whiny ass little lazy bitches

I enjoy it

Trump also started businesses in saudi arabi. in bed with the terrorists america, like always

This is why I never understood why Americans love capital punishment.

They didn;t get that money from food stamps, genius. They got it form prostitution or drug dealing, which is not claimed as income. Take away the food stamps and they'll just sell more drugs/hookers/children hookers, while the honest working poor just starve to death.

No shit ah! Totally missed the point there bright eyes

How many of you have actually been to Afghanistan? I have. and I can tell you most people are enjoyable. in fact they didn't even realize we were at war. Very nice people I would defend myself. but those savages in ISIS are another thing all together. Shit no human should do to another human. I wish I was still in the Marines to kill more of those fucks. I hate them all. but I am confident in my military to take care of them. and FINALLY confident in my government (for once)

Thank you for your service! And agreed. I don't think Trump is our savior but he's definitely making steps in the right direction

Based on what happened in Yemen I doubt there'll be any competent use of military in this administration. It'll probably be Bush Jr. again but dumber.

oh I get it now. You want the drug dealers to sell more drugs, and the honest working poor to just starve and die.

even worse funded by the same people that funded Obama and hillary

oh really? General Mattis is kicking ass and taking names

So, it wasn't an inside job then?

You can't take international funding for presidential campaigns. They donated to the charity, but some retard tinfoils decided Clinton was using the Clinton Foundation money for the campaign and therefore the Saudis owned her. If that was the case she'd actually be in jail. But I'm guessing you think she's a criminal genius who'd foil the 50% of America that already wants to see her hanged.

A tip to imrpove you pretending to be a Marine: Marines never "wish they were still in", because there's no such thing as a Marine who is no longer in the Marines (except Lee Harvey Oswald). They say they wish they were still active.

General Mattis is a Marine Corps God. That Man knows what he is doing.

Can't argue with a retard! When you get half a brain let me know then we can continue the conversation. Maybe reread my post and see if it sinks in. My point was about how people that shouldn't have welfar do. I could of gotten food stamps but didn't want to because I knew I was capable of helping myself. Supporting a family of 4 on $16 hr isn't easy but I did it because I believe in paying my own way through life.

Was sloppy, too many innocent civilians dead along with the militants, one soldier dead. Showed signs of being a publicity stunt rather than anything that was properly planned.