ITT: the weirdest fucking gifs you have

ITT: the weirdest fucking gifs you have.

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i dont get it.... whats the reason behind this

Is there source on this shit?

Just when you think you've seen it all

It says Hollywood tower






What is the cheerleader source?


Top fucking kek







Nigga is he slingshoting a fucking jimsonweed seed pod?! Those are like, heavy hallucinogens or some shit!


Can we make it a thing where gifs/pictures are edited like so and we have to guess the celebrity?

Simon Phoenix got knocked the fuck out.


i dont even know what to say..

It's a horse chessnut you cunt.

Go for it sport.



yah no fuckin shit







Until I clicked on it, I thought it was the snout of a dog.....


>Peculiar Meme




Source on video?



this is some real life anime manga shit. Love it.


That man brought a gun to a dick fight

this man is a legend



in bird terms, that nigga's rich

like bird bling or something

Did cartoon Mike Tyson just punch that old lady?
I'm going to guess this is from that cartoon about him.


Right in the kither


Thanks friendo



ME TOO. Scarred for life



More like this


ayyyy sauce?

Can't make out what happened. Did Asian use the left or the right?



just pretend you didn't see, that's what I'm doing




Nevermind I found it.

What's the story behind this? Is it a prosthetic, is it so sick that it needs to be amputated? Is that a doctor doing it, or is some random guy deciding to cut off his dick? Is that actually what the inside of a dick looks like? What are all those wire looking things? What is the source? Who am I? Why is life?


Wierd he's not dead

This causes me actual, physical discomfort.


It looks tattoed to me...

Sweet gum tree pod you mongoloids

What is a horseshoe? What does a horseshoe do? Are there any horse socks? Is anybody listening to me?

Pedobear isn't gay you retard. Use Shotacat.

Twin towers bruh

Some retard had the bright idea of planting a bunch of those near the elementary school I went to. It was generally agreed that the fallen brown pods were acceptable as ammo, whereas green pods were more serious.

It got so bad that, during the fall, the gardeners stayed on top of things and the principal decided that the mere act of picking one up became grounds for suspension.

Man, those were the days.

That chicken would rip his face off if it were alive. It's probably dead, and the video edited to make it appear he is pleasuring the chicken.
So, just to be clear he is tonguing a chicken dead or alive, either way.

Wait. Why does his dick have 2 holes? Is that normal or am i actually defective. Like, um serious right now, i only havr one hole.

evolution in progress.


don't worry friend, you're just an idiot