Tell me why you're an atheist

tell me why you're an atheist
i'm not some faggot looking for an argument, I'm just interested

i'm atheist because my parents never pushed religion on me and let me decide for myself

Life is too short to worry about stuff and I don't really care about paranormal things.

to Americans god is Yahweh, to Indians he is Vishnu, to Arabs he is allah. The truth does not act this way, in America 2+2=4, in India, and in the Arab world 2+2 is also 4. Why cant god's possible existence, be as clear as a simple math problem. If god's existence, and which idea of god is correct matters, why wouldn't god expose the truth to all of us, in a clear and infallible way?

Well, if the Abrahamic God exists, then He needs to be told a few things. The things He needs to be told, in turn tells us volumes about His true nature: that God’s specific type of localized old world ignorance curiously coincides with the localized old world ignorance of those who told us of Him. Furthermore, Billions of people claim to “know” God. How could they all be wrong? Simple. Just listen to them. If ten people claim to know your friend Jimmy, yet they all describe Jimmy in different, incompatible ways, then either they don’t know Jimmy, or Jimmy has been doing some lying.
The argument i often here next revolves around morality, so to you i pose a question. That question is “is murder wrong because it's wrong, or is it wrong because god says it's wrong. if it's wrong because it's wrong morality doesn't require god but if it's wrong because god says it's wrong morality requires god.”
This is perhaps due to plain ignorance or emotional bias, many religious folks think and spout divine command theory as if it hadn’t been soundly defeated thousands of years ago. The funny result is that theists are often operating under the misapprehension that atheists cannot account for morality, when in actuality, it’s exactly the reverse. Now id like to say, God does have a creator, but it might not be who you think it is. Ironically, it was God who was intelligently designed - not us. I'd like to end by saying If the Abrahamic God is real, then He cares more about the rapist's freedom to rape, and the murderer's freedom to murder, than He cares about the lives of their victims. The free will which i hear about constantly, is not free but instead is based in favorability, and gods incompetence.

Thanking God and saying prayers for yourself is arrogant and selfish. There are people in much worse situations than you. Why should you be a higher priority? Why are you so special? WHY? I'll tell you why. It's because your god is really nothing more than an extension of your own ego. The complete randomness of the world through it's politics, civilizations, and organisms. suggests that there is absolutely no scheme going on behind the scenes. If there is, however, then God is one scary creature, deserving only fear - not praise. I say once again that a god who would create a world like this, is unfit to be a god, A god like this is simply your own ego trying to believe a lie.

>tell me why you're an atheist

Because there is no god.

Why would god make the vast majority of the universe completely uninhabitable, and to that extent why would he bother making the rest of the universe at all if humankind and the earth are the sole focus of his creation?
Why would god after having created the universe wait 9 billion years to create the earth, then proceed to wait another 4 billion years before humans were able to be created?
Or if you don't subscribe to the idea that the universe is older than six thousand years. Why would god create all animals with the same fundamental building blocks as if they were all related through a common ancestor, despite the fact that this is detrimental to certain species; why would he not create each species from an individual starting point and furthermore, why would god give animals so many vestigial structures (features which no longer serve the purpose that they were originally intended for.) For example, why are 80% of a dolphin's olfactory receptor genes inactive, why do men have nipples, and why do humans experience goosebumps if you can't explain these things through evolution?
If god is omniscient then he knows the future and he knew from the start that one day he would be wiping out the majority of the human species save noah and his family; so why would god not just begin with noah and his family?
Why has god only ever appeared to such a small selective group of people, and why hasn't he appeared again since; especially considering the dwindling of faith across the globe that we are currently experiencing?

I come from a country where religion isn't a major part of society. People aren't shocked when you're not christian or whatever so you can just form your own opinions. That's why I'm atheist.

Why would god prioritise his own ego in his commandments detailing precisely how he should be worshipped above the commandments not to murder, or steal?
Why would god not include a commandment for parents to respect their children to go alongside the commandment for children to respect their parents?
Why would god allow satan to exist, if he can eliminate the devil and he doesn't want to then he has malicious intent, but if he can't eliminate the devil, then he's impotent, so which is it?
Why would god harden the heart of the pharaoh of the book of exodus, to then punish the pharaoh with plagues for having a hardened heart?
Why would god create a son to send to earth who's destined to be merciless tortured and brutally crucified in order to forgive the sin of man, when he could have just forgiven the sin of man?

why would he care?

Based god

see, I will read all your posts in a few minutes, and I might even agree with you
but I'm atheist in the way where all religions are equally silly and to focus on the wrongness of one is great if you're into that, but to focus on the wrongness of all of them at the same time helps you with all the others. because there are so many fucking religions

So I dont have to sit through 2 hours of nothing every week.

I do miss the wine though

the point being multiple religions as a whole are nonsensical for a one god system or otherwise. but like most things that went way over the theists head.

No reason to believe in god, so I don't

Raised Mormon, did research, figured out how full of shit the religion was. Questioned religion itself, saw how stupid the concept is in general and that it's a waste of time. Don't believe anything now.

I am an atheist so that I can push my agenda of science and be accountable to no one.
I am close minded and have chosen science to be my religion, my faith.

Because so far, science has explained much more than the bible has.
Also, because if god were real, he'd be anything but good, we are basically ants he is constantly burning with a magnifying glass.

except science is an objective model of reality achieved through research, tests, and studies. in order to find out the most realistic version of where we exist. science is not faith, its reality or at least the closest thing to it, finally your claim has no evidence, its just ancient superstition.

I started getting away from church because I really didn't believe any of the things they were telling me, and I considered it to be hypocritical from my part to say I believed in god, so I just left.

I have questioned this matter for years, and the best answer I've got and what I currently believe in, is that life is meaningless; Nothing we value matters on a higher level, and was never intended to do so. If there is a god it is certainly not the christian one, or what any anthropocentric religion believes in.

but im not?

A big reason is.."god of the gaps" argument it is called.
Being a man, you have a brain. That puts you ahead of a lot of the planet, and you're capable of "critical thinking" (an actual class they teach in elementary schools) that trains you to use your brain.
The gist of it is, humanity has, I won't say always (because I'm not sure) had religion that conveniently explains what is happening. The classic example of Poseidon, a GOD of the seas, being in charge of water. a lightning god, a love god, a hell god, there are a lot of gods.
every religion has these. if you take a religion class in college, you will see how many fucking religions there are and their explanations. from ancient egyptians to current day catholics.

They've never been correct. They've always been explained away. What was once a phenomena is now on a wikipedia page.
and that is exactly what the strongest, most bestest gods have to offer. it's no longer angels bowling, or god crying, it's understandable meteorological data we can comprehend now.

and that is "god of the gaps", fitting your explanation into anything you can to explain something that doesn't have a science explanation yet.

I admit, we "don't know", yet, but that isn't to say we plug our ears and accept it's beyond our comprehension. It's that EVERY OTHER FUCKING RELIGION AND FUCKING GOD IN ANY SOCIETY HAS BEEN EXPLAINED AWAY BY SCIENCE AND IT'S ONLY A MATTER OF TIME BEFORE THE BIGGEST RELIGIONS ARE TOO

this is why I'm an atheist

that's how it is for the rest of the animals. we're just better animals
they're lucky enough, not knowing that they're going to die. all they do is fight to live, but we're so comfortable we have to dwell on it

This comic is so true. If anyone dares question their fragile belief system, Atheists go full tantrum mode. They don't understand that what they call 'facts' are just as faith-based as believing God created the heavens and the earth.

It's amazing what state sponsored brainwashing can do to otherwise intelligent children who instead get sucked into the cult of Atheism.

Allah = Yahweh.

You got me 4/10 good job

Hinduism is the one true religion

no you misunderstand, I have faith in science, I intentionally choose to have faith in it arbitrarily,
I don't do any research, I don't believe i peer review or empirical evidence. I choose blind religious faith in Darwin and science. And Bill Nye.

well then you arent believing science, youre believing popular opinion.

nope wrong again.

I believe in science because I know it in my heart to be true. I pray to it and it comforts me. I have no faith in popular opinion or god. I exclusively have faith in the holy trinity of science. Biology, Chemistry and Geology.

clearly you believe in satan.

Satan may or may not exist,
But science my brother, is the only way to eternal salvation. Accept Richard, Steven, and Sheldon cooper into your heart.

Because I've never been shown anything remotely miraculous. I'm not talking 'unlikely', I'm talking honestly 'physics seems to have stopped working' miraculous.

If any of the religions' shit worked, we would have harnessed it for our own means by now.

how do you explain how europe kicked everyone's ass and owned all the world then stopped believing in god and became a bunch of fags who are afraid of muslims? Check mate

>military industry somehow correlates to theistic faith

Oh this one's easy.
See, in order to fully exploit the natives in the colonies Europe set up, they had to invest in infrastructure in these places. The infrastructure they built up eventually led to the education of the native people, at least enough for them to realize they were getting the shaft. Native resistance to further exploit became increasingly more common until the European militaries were spending more on battling the insurrections than they were getting out of the countries via exploitation of people and resources. So Europe said "fuck it, we're out".
I think you can figure out the rest from there.

>to Americans god is Yahweh

Lol fucking no

And learn to type

Yeah, my parents never pushed a particular faith on me.
Really I'm agnostic athiest, I'm open to the possibility of some sort of higher power but at this point no one belief structure seems any more convincing than any other.

I'm an atheist because the God I was taught about wouldn't let the world be such a shitty place.

I was waiting in line to see that 'Employee of the Month' Dane Cook movie and my friends who wanted to see it were my ride.

Non mormon missionaries (or just college christians going around bothering people with Jesus) come up to me asking if I believe in God. I said yes, in my way. Blah blah blah Christianity has problems but ultimately is a good moral story and Ghandi goes to heaven and Hitler goes to Hell and my Jewish cousins are going to be just fine because God is good etc.

I was raised loose Methodic Dallas Texas Christian so it basically just meant church was like Barnie. Veggie Tales was cool.

Missionary dude tells me that I'm breaking the second commandment and by believing in God in "my way" vs the literal interpretation of the bible I was putting my own god before the true god.

In a flash I recognized that they were right and I was being absolutely hypocritical and using my own personal worldview as a religious stance. Instantly stopped believing. Thanked them.

It wasn't what they were really going for, but I missed the movie so thank God for that.

I'm just saying things were pretty much going their way for a while and then the theistic faith died away and then the empires collapsed. coincidence?

Because there's no empirical evidence, no compelling rational argument, and not even an agreed upon definition of what a god or gods are to justify belief in them.

I think you mean autist, friend.

Im not an athiest I just kind of don't give a fuck. I grew up catholic but I will quote bill burr here. He said he wondered why other religions sounded stupid to him. then he realized it was because he heard all the other religions when he was an adult and had reason. religion is brainwashed into you as a child. It's literally just some old fag talking at you every sunday. besides if god is everywhere why would I have to go to church? your parents tell you everything like santa and easter bunny and shit isn't real but those stories are just as crazy as the story of jesus. Nigga is walking on water, making food appear from anywhere. Bill burr said he was a fuckin baby moonwalking on water throwing shrimp and bread at everybody. Fucking insane. This nigga did not come back to life either. All old bullshit. It's political. ancient shit. we are advanced now and it's all mumbo jumbo son. Even if it isn't who wants to be around church douches? and actually go to church and practice for real. Half of these religious fags dont even do that. fuck that shit nigga

I worship Death.
Its part of our society.
Our way of life.

Their empires collapsed before the theistic faith died away.