This is how it starts

this is how it starts
this is how civil war begins

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it's not violence if its against a nazi and lucky for me everybody who disagrees with me is a nazi.

Why did that old man pepper spray that young girl?

the nap doesn't apply to lefties

liberals are literally pieces of shit

Fuck that shit.

if this is what it takes then you're a pussy

>the left blocks and attacks people
>why the fuck did i get maced in the face?
>the right walks away because they're done with the conversation

these people are so insane.

Han violated the NAP

Partisans are all pieces of shit

I like how you can't see what's wrong with what's going on here.

How does one start a revolution without guns?
Please bring on civil war. Let the history of 200 year democracies repeat it's self.

Right back atcha

In order for there to be any type of "war" there needs to be 2 sides willing to fight. Liberals are all fucking pussies, so therefore no war.

I was watching this - they cut the feed right when this happened. All she was doing was talking, others were talking too, some lib coward swoops in and maces an innocent woman to the ground and MSM just makes it disappear. Expect nobody to care about it.


full video?

not even sure, snagged this from another user who was watching and made the webm. gonna be a few mins before someone puts up the stream.

this is the basic mentality of the left.

It's wasn't the guy with the mic it was someone out of view and he maced her because she had a MAGA hat on.

And I hope it happens.

So the people who think that only the cops should have guns are going to win a civil war?

shame we dont live in denmark

Post source faggot, we need more then just a shitty webm without sound or back story.

>Destroying banks and businesses
Oh yeah, you're sure showing trump.

Jesus Christ, I'm not a Trump supporter but leftists should not have citizenship. No one who works for a living would even think about destroying a bank and putting people out of a job.

I hope all of these fucking dickheads are caught and given federal rioting charges.

Fucking morons.

I'm going to have to walk by all this damage tomorrow morning. Should be interesting.

>Thinking the police will do anything or that anything will happen
You have no idea how liberal this place is. It's really bad.

hehhehee 307 here...

>back story
You think the Trump hating msm will run this story?
Here's a link to the video

scum of the earth

hello nazi, can't wait to punch you if i see you outside

You mean, the same police who let the Rodney King riots happen? They pulled a trucker out and almost killed him. Police did literally nothing. California is America's Germany.

>props to them for doing it non violently
gets maced
then that mob proceeds to reck the entire city right now they are looting in berkely
another camerman doing a live stream just got jumped for recording it
fucking all libs and dindus...yet again.

No these people make the left look bad, any sensible person on either side of the spectrum should dislike them

It's California. This is normal. Look at Oakland. There's non-stop riots by degenerates. Cali cannot be saved.
the previous streamer got beat down and his feed stopped.

shit licker, the right NEVER walks away from a conversation, NEVER! of the two, they are the most obnoxious. Yes, the left is mostly pussies, goes without saying. The right, however, is almost unbearably stupid an annoyingly vocal about it. Confront a group of people that strongly believe differently than you, laugh at them, and then see how that goes. For a competing example I give you Trump town meetings vs CNN reporters. You are all stupid ass wipes that need to shut your pie holes and actually build something, Don't legislate, don't call anyone names, don't answer questions with a pivot or alternative facts. Just get the fuck out of the way. Fucking people in this country are pissing me off right now.

un fuckin real. MSM keeps cutting away to the band instead of the looting and rioting.
they are painting their own narrative once again.
praise kek
i'm sold.

Pussy AND a fraud, winning combo there user.

>No these people make the left look bad
Wrong. These are the left and they used to be normal, but now they're so brainwashed they don't know wtf to do with themselves.

You swing at me, I'll shoot you.

Kys cuck

>this is how civil war begins

Lmao, you autistic moron.

How many riots and protests have taken place? How many times the participants have been assaulted and killed by opposition?

It's happens every year. There won't be a civil war. Back to Alex Jones.

name caller, awesome. keep up the good work comrade

how do you fight a war without guns?
the civil war has already started.
>2017 and not knowing this
>back to pinterest cutie pie.

>These people

a vast majority of the left are from here, most leftists I know act like savages

>the civil war has already started.

Define civil war, moron? If there was an actual civil war in America, there would be mass bloodshed everywhere.

If you think what's going on resembles the first civil war in anyway, you're a mentally inept idiot.

can't tell if you're making a presumed assumption or just a poor writer. Are you saying that there are no guns, or that the left has no guns?

Perhaps, on the other hand, you are brilliant and know that future revolutions will not involve guns.

Nice anecdote.

Most people on the left or right of the scale that I know are normal everyday people.

There are certainly zealots, but I don't generally interact with them. Sadly, the zealots get the most screen time in the media, which is why the left commonly thinks that all of the right are Altright and the right commonly thinks that all the left is socialist SJW's

What the actual fuck is wrong with the shillary support system. Had a single small group of people had a protest if she won, they would call the right scum.

this isn't call of duty
this is the information age
it's a war of provocations and catching the other guy being worse on film and swaying the minds of the majority. through provocation people go from either left or right to terrorist - those will be the people with the guns. who they are affiliated to afterwords will be the enemy of the majority.
this is the civil war.

>wearing that hat at an ANTIFA riot

Most people are sitting at home sedated with fructose, fatty food, entertainment, sports, and materialism while watching retards assault each other over political beliefs.

There has to be more people involved for me to consider it a civil war. You're talking about a minority of the country that goes out and causes mayhem for their political stance.

I'm reading this while eating pizza. You are right.

i think you're confusing civil war with a coup d'etat.

>i think

To clear that assumption up, I'm not.

where did this meme of dropping people out of helicopters come from?

this they will just get cucked into irrelevancy

its not a war at all, its hardly even an uprising much less a rebellion

merely a minor incident, why would a war of any kind begin because of dumb shit like this?

No it's not.

You haven't seen a civil war, and you won't get one in the US in your lifetime. You wanna see how civil war starts, look at Romania right now or the Maidan protests in 2013.

The US is just a bunch of butthurt idiots screaming at each other.

because people are retarded and will therefore say retarded shit

The US is so fucking boring and full of cowards that the only thing they do is go outside and wait for reporters and complain in front of them. I want to get out of here.


Hello bitch who forgot what country this is. I've been itching to use my firearm on something other than targets at the gun range.

This. It isn't a left/right issue, its the cunts who wont compromise or listen to reason from other sides of the isle.

Found the lib supporter.
Thank you for correcting the record. .10 shekels have been deposited in your mom's account.