Posting this whores pics cause I don't like her. Pretty simple. Info about her if you convince me

Posting this whores pics cause I don't like her. Pretty simple. Info about her if you convince me.



noice wat did she do?

hmmm.... I am pretty sure I know her, how tall is she?

there's always one moron

bumping for more.

My digits shall convince you

Just one of those slooots that thinks her body is the end all and doesn't realize there's a billion of her... likes to use it against men

Nope... she's from 530 area though

her body is fire tho, face is a solid 2/10

so she rejected you or broke up with you? which one was it and why are you so fucking butthurt crying like a little bitch on Sup Forums?

Oh I'm with you on that one. ....i would have ruined that girl

So goes her first name start with an A?

Eh, she was in a different state at the time so no rejection, just can't stand vain little bitches.

Just tryin to do y'all a favor and give you some oc jerk materiel. You frosty cunt.


she's not even hot so i don't know why you bother. grow up.

So she did absolutely nothing, you're a kissless little virgin bitch who would kill a hundred people to get her attention for longer than a disgusted glance except you don't have the balls or physical ability to harm a god damn thing but yourself - which is exactly what you should do, immediately, until you stop breathing and the world is rid of one more worthless piece of sulking, hairy lard.

Fuck off reddit let OP do his thing

So, A? Has 4 initials to her name?

Look alikes? Or are you blasting a a sloot too?

Message me kik hemper9009 please

Lol for real, is this the thanks oc gets?

not. Even. Close.

fuck shes hot

Not according to the 13 yr olds upthread.... but yeah I figured you guys would appreciate it

Thanks for the inner peace there with the slight face pick. Although I guess I shouldn't be worried about a woman I had a relationship with a long time ago. I like the relationship with her a lot more. Or at least my dick did. Imma stop hurting myself for the night.

Sorry, Newfag here, but what do you mean by "13 yr olds upthread"?

>posting pics from tumblr of some bitch you'll never meet because you're bootyblasted that she'll never touch your micropenis
>muh oc

kys fam

Don't be sad, this is about us all getting off on her slutty pics, and me enjoying it. One word of advice, FUCK THAT HOE



Quality get

First things first, checkkkkedddd.

Second, why you gotta be so pb &jelly??

Well. Yea, the reason we broke was her fault, but what I did for revenge more scared me than her. I never had the same passion for others again. It was all willingly done on both sides, but that doesn't stop the pain. I guess burying it doesn't help you much. I think I'm a get help.


Third thing

in his mind, people who don't share his impotent rage are somehow less mature. he's enlightened, you see. in order to validate his feelings, he wants you to beg him for the personal info of this random cunt he's fallen in love with because he's desperate to feel some sort of control or power over her and choking himself while he strokes his pimpledick with tweezers just isn't cutting it anymore

well that settles it then, open up those veins op

*sad puppy noises*

Quit being a pussy beta and go do some shit. Forget about her, it's someone else's turn to deal with her bullshit.

Oooh the butthurt is strong with this one

says the neckbeard whose wildest imagination is roleplaying as someone who's been in the same room as a naked girl. ok

Sorry I know you wanted a trap thread but this isn't the place

Shes someone i know. from aus land.

Can we have some fun now?

Any other pics?


OP you ust come across like a butthurt control freak. If she sees these, gets you arrested and you spend time either paying her for her emotional trauma or spending time inside i it worth it?

oh and to reitterate, you really come over like a sad butthurt loser. Is that the look you're going for?


I'm thrilled about that get, however do we have to be so lame about things? Some sandy vagina talking shit? Oh how I miss the real /b

And you actually believe that "the real Sup Forums" consisted of whiny little bitches like you begging people to beg you for some random whore's personal info because you can't get over the frustration with the fact that no woman would spend the time it took me to type this even thinking about you? Aye, I remember December too. Truly Sup Forums's golden age.


Any without clothes? She looks like a cunt anyways

Nah fam and nah shes chill.

Stop wasting my bandwidth with her ugly ads face pics. Thanks.


Sloooot baaaamp


nice. ass pics?

Not anything I haven't posted. Sorry....



Still rolllllllllin

PLEASE give her Facebook op


Give me her Facebook and I'll send the nudes to her dad/male relatives

Will post results

Been toying with that idea, as I'm friends with her dad originally.... don't want to ruin his day.

Well give us the Facebook anyway??

Deliver name op




It's a comic book character. You guys are smart. ;) have fun