Moralfag here, wanna ask anything?

Moralfag here, wanna ask anything?

What do you think better solves problems, the power of friendship or a bullet between the eyes?

A bullet can't solve anything anytime, it make it ends without solving.

Is killing ok? Is torture ok? Is sadism ok? Is liking to be feared ok? Is killing yourself ok? Is self harm ok? Is not caring about what others think ok? Is vengeance ok? Should pedophiles be murdered? How do I become sane? How can you fix my morals? What is good and what is bad exactly?

I disagree.
You shoot a libtard and that solves a lot of problems.

This guy

I'm serious.

Killing is not ok. Torture is not ok. Sadism is ok if both consenting. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Nope. Nope. Only you can sane yourself. I can't fix anyone. Is good everything till it wont hurt anybody.

Dude I want the op to deliver too

What are your personal morals? Are you religious?

So killing a libtard makes you a problem solver? So you do not have problems anymore? libtards doesn't exist anymore

is cumming on my cats face ok tho? OP?

It does.
You kill the libtards and suddenly, nobody needs a safe space anymore because there's no more crying little bitches.

I'm atheist. If you want to hurt yourself is ok and nobody can't stop you if you don't ask for it. If you want to hurt anybody is bad.

>self harm and suicide is ok
>it's good if it doesn't hurt anybody

Is wrapping my sisters dildo and giving it to my gf for valentines day and acting like it's brand new okay?

So being a pacifist is ok unless they do it to to themself? I don't understand. Is abortion ok? What should I do about my sanity? How valuable is human life? Why is my morals all fucked up and yours aren't? Is killing animals ok? Is killing pets ok? Is torturing animals ok? Is torturing pets ok? Is killing kids ok? Is torturing kids ok? Is rape ok? Is suicide necessary? If so when and how so? Should I see a therapist?

Well, can't say, maybe the cat liked it. Maybe not.


I was thinking you were gonna say "Im Christian" and I had a set of questions to ask you.

Based on your English, I'm going to assume that it's your 2nd language.

wont your sister miss it?

Is beating kids ok? Is slapping kids ok?

Do I fucking care?

are you a liberal? yes or yes?

You're a bit more of a cynic, that's all. It's nothing to worry about, in fact it might help you survive

They should understand that it's their problem and they should not break other people serenity.

Sex should not be against nature.
Oral sex, like anal sex, is against nature.
Homo sex is clearly against nature.

Also, nature demands marriage, because birthing children requires at least 9 months + 18 years of total care for each one (actually more because getting 18 doesn't mean getting autonomous).

This means that things like divorce, cuckoldry, viagra and other chemicals, adultery, bondage, plus other queer stuff, are all against nature.

do you?

OP why are you posting on Sup Forums? Fight the good fight!

And answer the first damn question

Anybody except yourself ;)

Fuck no

shooting a conservacuck fixes more problems, though.

did hitler really do anything wrong?

Stealing is bad. Giving your girlfriend a real dick should be better

He failed Art class.

No I'm mentally insane. I always felt different from most people. At first I thought I was a sociopath then I realized that sometimes I feel empathy but mind answering my questions?

So you'd be ok with suddenly everyone killing themselves. It's a decision, after all.

I just gave a chocolate bar loaded with meds that are harmful to dogs to my faggot dog that kept going outside and then crying to get back in 10 minutes later every single day, did i do something bad?

You good. Unfortunately my english has some gaps.

So you recommend I give her the dick?

I wonder if you realize you can feel stupid

You must feel that a lot.

What'd you know, you have no empathy

nope and nope

Never said that dumbass.

you should

I don't really know

you don't know nature at all my friend, please make some research.

My bad. Please don't call me dumbass

Only to have conversations

No you dumbass.

I wasn't birth in those years, informatio maybe are modified, maybe not. We know only a bit of knowledge of what's happening in this world

You have to see a good doctor, if you want it.
Then you can understand yourself, and decide who you want to be

yes, their decision.

You already wrote it, if it would be good you wouldn't ask yourself that

Yes of sure.

I guess I kind of am cynical but I'm also pretty optimistic and I've got a big ego. I don't want to see a doctor. Unless I'm near to fucking up someones life then I will see a doctor. I'm a bit confused with my morality. I just don't really understand 100% what right or wrong is sometimes and sometimes I do. It's complicated. Blame my trauma.

>counterargumenting with "make some research"

Don't blame yourself, you have to think about it. And as you wrote,

> Unless I'm near to fucking up someones life then I will see a doctor.

Koala females sometimes organise some lesbian orgy. So the nature is against him.

I'd recommend reading Kant but maybe you've already got too much on your hands

I talked to some psychopath guy and he told me I was possibly polarized he said I should see a therapist or meditate. I usually meditate with some music of my choice so that should do. I wonder why I'm so different to people though.

Moralfag here, i have to go, bye.
I lost my iPod

No I'll check it out.

everybody is different, c'mon that's not a problem

Not as different as me. My mind disturbs me sometimes. I had some nightmares about doing some actions that I'm not really proud of and can't really tell here either. I'm very secretive, abusive and manipulative. I abused my pets when they were new to me and I kind of abused my mom because she was annoying me. Of course I regret it and all. I'm obsessed with physical fighting. The last "fight" at school I had was with a friend last Tuesday and it was because he said some shit to about me to me a and then I punched him and he punched me 3 times then I got up and punched the shit out of him. I wanted to fight more but he didn't fight back so I quickly stopped. My dad beats me sometimes and I was bullied when I was 13 so much that I got expelled from the school because the bullying went out of hand. I was a loner from day 1. I'm constantly lonely but that doesn't bother me. I like being alone. I tell people to go away from me and they don't understand how introverted I am. I can go forever on my own since I was basically raised without many friends and was at home a lot. Barely talk to my parents. My mom forgives me though and I'm not doing that fucked up shit anymore. I regret somethings but I don't regret others. I never regret saying some things since I think actions speak louder than words. Ever since I was 13 I always wanted to have a full on fight and I've been exploding to be in one just for the hell of it. But nobody wants to fight me. Like not even as a friendly fight. I ask my friends to have a fight with me and they just refuse since I'm a pretty big guy. My friends and I well we normally just slag the shit out of eachother the whole day and since I'm not really good at comebacks I just lightly hit them to stop it. Of course it doesn't work so sometimes I have to roast them. We're good friends though. We like messing with eachother. I just wish I can understand things better.