Would you be with her if she locked your cock in chastity while she fucked other guys?

Would you be with her if she locked your cock in chastity while she fucked other guys?

no because im not a cuck with a little tiny winy

i would be with any girl who locks me in chastity while fucking other guys lel

I would

i wouldn't be with her even if she didn't do that.she is not very pretty and those shoes are retarded






God, your fetish is oddly specific


If shes fucking other dudes while you're a fag in chastity

guess what

you two aren't together

That ugly face
looks like a man or a fucking lego
disgusting indian slag


>that chin
That looks like the chin of a man.


No. I wouldn't do this for any woman.

>That's my girl
>No we don't have sex
>Yeah she fucks other dudes all the time

You people are fucking weird and I don't understand you.

i'd love it

Shes fucking hideous
OP confirmed virgin

jesus, those disgusting faces, why are indian girls so ugly?
