Come on, prove it

Come on, prove it.

kentucky fried chicken.


got a job.

ah dindu nuffin


we wuz kangs

bought a bike

Know my dad

know my dad-


gibs me dat
this is harder than i thought

I'm not worthless

Good morning dad

I am black

I pay taxes
Raised my kids
I am responsible
I am educated

I support Trump.

all lives matter

I am employed

Know My father

I dislike Watermelon.
(I can also spell, punctuate and form coherent sentences)

Newports and watermelon.

"Trickle-down economics"
>"God Bless America"

"Police are friendly"

My dad called.

not on welfare.

Conservative Hair Cut.

Grape Drink Sucks!

Poo in loo

I'm a redneck

That just proves you're not indian

Tetrahydra cannabis oil

black lives matter

no gangs here

I hate Niggers.

I'm just saying


What is up

meh dick bitch.

Have u ever heard of blind niggers.

Then how the fuck can i read and type...

registered my weapon

i play tennis

I graduated highschool

Please, may I.

my problem solver.

Watchin' Hockey, Fam

Home from work! =D

konw my father

My dad's gay.

I have Insurance

I graduated college!

i pay taxes

The ol' lickeroo

Haven't been shot

I voted trump

Dont have aids

not in prison

I'm a cuck

I can swim

Don't play bass

I can do it in two.
Salary employee

I like these

Why are these all always just declarative statements? Like none of them could lie, lol. OP says prove, not assert.

Neutral Milk Hotel

Niggernogger asshole clogger

Ku Klux Klan

Never taken welfare

>Drop the weapon
>Freeze dirty nigger