>horny manchild momma's boy
>smug, sarcastic, insincere most of the time
>obsessed with social media
Face it Sup Forums, you only hate him because you are so much like him
>horny manchild momma's boy
>smug, sarcastic, insincere most of the time
>obsessed with social media
Face it Sup Forums, you only hate him because you are so much like him
>insincere about his "I'm insincere but actually the MOST sincere" shtick
>his philosophy on life is useless because he wants it to be useless to excuse his sincere insincerity
>the most contrived projection of male sexuality I've seen in again and again in modern consumable American culture
this guy bores and annoys the shit outta me, I'm triggered at him now when I used to love Fleet Foxes
You could you type that out again but this time not in autist?
I don't predict this thread going much farther than my spergy opinions, so don't be a snide little bitch ALL the time- it might bleed into your real world behavior or something
I don't know much about his personality/interviews/social media shit that Sup Forums always spergs out about when discussing him so I don't know if he's really that much of a pretentious dick. All I know about the guy is his music is bland and boring as fuck.
>Sup Forumstant
>telling someone else not to be a bitch
His lyricism is supposed to take the forefront anyway. The musicality is not as important
sounds like an excuse for making shit music then.
go write a book
Oh so intelligent.
I'm sure this will get you somewhere start with the Greeks
I like him though