Any anons over 50 years old here?

Any anons over 50 years old here?
How does it feel to know you are close to stop existing?

How does it feel when you are reaching the end of your natural life, not some sickness, but natural age.... The average lifespan in USA is 78 years, so when you are 50, you basically have only 30 years more of life?

When you are in your teens you feel like you will never die, do you wonder about what will happen when you die? Even religious people are scared to die, because deep down they know it could be like going to sleep but never waking up, and no dreams

Do you regret all the things you missed? All the people you never dared to talk to? Do you wish for time to go slower?




I wish you would shut the fuck up

>white 22 years old virgin male make a gay thread
These older people no longer exist in Sup Forums, they end like kurt cobain

dubs orororooror

trips 000

33 here and already experiencing the realization of mortality and the how fleeting time truly is. Yesterday I was 25. Tomorrow I'll be 55. We truly don't have a lot of time on this earth. Younfags here may not get it yet, thinking "I don't have to worry about 30 - that's a decade away." But the truth is that by the time it's there, the length of time that it took you to get there is essentially meaningless. The present is all you have, ever. Embrace and cherish it.


fuck you and your trips






Man Im 21 and I feel that I will stop existing one day and it pisses mi off because I want to leave a mark, something that will be there to confirm that I existed, I dont want to be reduced to two dates on my tombstone like most people. And the worst thing is that I know that I wont leave any fucking trace of my existence because Im alredy on my way to being just another cog in this fucking machine called society, and I'll die as a normall, gray and dull person with no significant acomplishments.


>Yesterday I was 25. Tomorrow I'll be 55.
>The present is all you have, ever.

Defend. And I don't mean your arithmetic ...

62 here.

Well, OP, that's a whole mess of questions and no mistake.
>How does it feel to know you are close to stop existing?

>How does it feel when you are reaching the end of your natural life, not some sickness, but natural age.... The average lifespan in USA is 78 years, so when you are 50, you basically have only 30 years more of life?
So I've got about 20. Nothing I can do about it except try to keep healthy

Do you wonder about what will happen when you die?
No. I'll just cease to exist. The method of my death is of some interest and speculation, though.
>Even religious people are scared to die, because deep down they know it could be like going to sleep but never waking up, and no dreams
That's actually what will happen. I have no illusions or religious convictions

Do you regret all the things you missed?
>Regret is stupid as I can't change it, so I try to avoid it. There's a couple of things I wish I'd done, but accept it's probably too late now
>All the people you never dared to talk to?
Not a problem for me. I speak to who I want to and don't waste my time on people I don't like
> Do you wish for time to go slower?
Speed of time is relative to experience - it appears to go faster as you age. It's also variable - a boring hour waiting seems to drag for ever; a day spent doing something you enjoy flies by.

I also made a real fuck-up of that greentext.

Life's too short to delete the post and redo it

post AARP card or GTFO

LOL. Just gotta show you reality every once in a while.

What is an AARP card?

Coming up on it in a few years. My parents are in rapidly declining health, and I'm not sure either of them will be alive next Christmas.
Now I know it's for real.
I'm gonna fucking die.
My turn in the box is coming next.
I workout, ride bikes, run and shoot guns - so life is still good.
I can pull qt's half my age.

I really want to help the younger generation of guys starting out in life now- I genuinely fear for them...being raised in such an emasculating, feminine society is messing them up.

Be a man, have balls, have an informed, educated opinion and don't be afraid to speak it.

My greatest fear is being a broken down old man and dying in my bed a frail relic of my former self.
I don't fear death, I fear being old and helpless and alone.

All I want is a good death.

>Defend. And I don't mean your arithmetic ...
\Once you hit 27, it's pretty much over. Your best times are behind you. Now it's a mad scramble to keep a job, raise a family and pay bills.

>AARP card
OK I Googled it.
1. I'm not American
2. I'm still working

What about my statement do you disagree with? I'm not sure what you want me to defend. Obviously I was speaking metaphorically about the age thing.

>Now it's a mad scramble to keep a job, raise a family and pay bills.
So don't raise a family and find the bills easy - that's the route my wife and I took. Being 42 was brilliant

I'm 53 now. I never thought I'd live past 30. Every day is icing on the cake. You could get hit by a bus this afternoon, and never make it to 15, or get a chance to see what life is like living away from home. You may never get a chance to see what sex other than your dad's cock in your ass feels like. Enjoy your life Spanky!

Life isn't about being "happy".
That's for pussies and little girls.
Men should be epic. They should strive for things, create things and conquer things.

Pain is temporary, glory lives forever and chicks dig scars.

>Any anons over 50 years old here?
63 here
>How does it feel to know you are close to stop existing?
Hard to say. My father is in his 90's and my mother in her 80's, but dying. It's tough to watch. As I sat with her last night I thought maybe I should start stashing pills away for when I get to that point.
>How does it feel when you are reaching the end of your natural life, not some sickness, but natural age.... The average lifespan in USA is 78 years, so when you are 50, you basically have only 30 years more of life?
I definitely feel I've rounded the corner. I'm still pretty active (run, lift) but I can tell my body is slowly giving out. Mind is still pretty sharp (accountant).
>When you are in your teens you feel like you will never die, do you wonder about what will happen when you die? Even religious people are scared to die, because deep down they know it could be like going to sleep but never waking up, and no dreams
Never thought of it when I was a kid. Even when my grandparents died it seemed like an abstract concept. We lived more for that day. It wasn't until I got older and had kids that I started thinking about the "what if's..."
>Do you regret all the things you missed? All the people you never dared to talk to? Do you wish for time to go slower?
I have "no regerts". I did what I could, led a pretty decent but not perfect life. Are there things I'd change? Sure. Are there things I would have done differently?Yes. But you don't drive a car looking out the back window.

Original guy who wrote about time being fleeting. I don't agree that your "best times are over" after 27. Personally, my 20s were terrible and I'm doing much better in my 30s. I'm just saying time is fleeting.

It's "no regrats" grandpa.

Thanks for sharing though.

>My name is Ozymandias, king of kings
>Look on my works yet mighty and despair
You're wrong. Nothing you leave behind matters. The best you can do is enjoy your short time on the planet - all else is vanity and failure to accept the ephemeral nature of life

>no regrats
either bait or a demonstration of stupidity. Not sure which.

Someone's new - how cute.

superfluous "t" sneaked into that Shelly quote

Ask a 21 year old with lung cancer anything.

Let's be real here. Age doesn't matter. Every single faggot in this shithole is depressed, suicidal, and close to death.

Thanks for the advice dad

I mean you get sucked into all the bourgeois bullshit and you forget about the important things.

You NEED a good woman by your side. Noy a cheap shank that was the first girl you got to fuck, but a quality woman that will support you and your decisions and raise good, healthy kids for you.

I'd rather live in a tent in the woods with a healthy happy family, than live in a 3000 sq ft house with all the modern distractions and shitty kids and an untrustworthy wife.

People shouldn't fear death, it's the natural order of life and they should accept it. Only those who wish to live forever fear death

Truth has been spoken

>what is "deadpan"?
Or perhaps it was just old age?

speak for yourself - you appear to be projecting

This is a sweet quote user

You have no clue what is being referred to. You're out of you element, Donnie.

fuckin checked

Why|? I don't know you, I know what lung cancer is and the 5-year survival rates are.

You'll probably be dead sooner than I will

Damn check my trip quads. I'm on fire.

58 here....well, the original plan was to live fast and die young leaving a good looking corpse.....think I've left it a bit late now.....

>You have no clue what is being referred to
This is true. But then I can quote Shelley from memory, so I think I'm ahead here

This is a pretty rad feels thread OP

Is this a get thread?

Yeah that's why despite all of that what I've written I still try to do something. Im writing some short horror stories inspired by Lovecraft, Im playing guitar and shit like that. But still I dont think that any of that will be noticed by history.

Sounds life a defeatist feminine attitude.

I sincerely hope you can find, and reattach your balls.

I swear to god I wish I'd taken a slightly different route...all the money we pissed away on booze and drugs and clubbing.
If I had put half that much money and energy into working out and being in shape, I would have been incredible. It's odd to be super fit and alpha when you are in your mid 30's and wish to god you had done this in your 20's. Even eating better and doing some basic push ups and chin ups will put you FAR ahead of all the other little flaccid quislings in the world.

Thanks for the support grandpa. Excuse me will I try to get a pity blow job from one off the nurses
>essentially on my deathbed already,been hospitalized for a 5 days.

How do you get lung cancer that young? How much did you smoke?

To any of you anons complaining about "wanting to make a mark" school shooters normally get pretty famous.

You're about as deep as a puddle and not worthy of any further consideration.

Same here, i want to die young and with honour, maybe saving people or die fighting for justice. Tempted to join the YPG so I can fight Isis and hopefully prove my blood. If i do that then my ideal way to die would to be to pull a pin on a grenade so I can take a few of those cunts with me

>But still I dont think that any of that will be noticed by history.

I watched Chariots of Fire 2 nights ago. There's a great scene in the beginning when the dean of Cambridge address the incoming freshman class- and tells them they need to elevate themselves and find the thing in life that will allow them to be great.

Fantastic scene. (and worth watching the movie for- and seeing how the 'elite' were told to act and how the expectations were set out for them.)

Well you don't get lung cancer from smelling fresh flowers. You are probably one of those retards who started smoking cigs at the age of 14 or 15 and if so you can blame only yourself for your situation

1/10 for making me reply sonny

Didn't smoke. In the genes. We think it might be from inhaling chemicals from a shady factory job I worked from 16-17. Of course I worked under the table stop there's no record of me being there.

>There's a great scene in the beginning when the dean of Cambridge address the incoming freshman class- and tells them they need to elevate themselves and find the thing in life that will allow them to be great.
Have you heard Shakespeare's "St Crispin's Day" speech from Henry V? Inspiring speeches are two-a-penny. And the one you are referring to was written by a scriptwriter deliberately to affect the emotions of the viewers. Looks like it worked.

Lol. These kids don't think their lives could end tomorrow. Lolling. Zazzle. Memesprout.


>People shouldn't fear death, it's the natural order of life and they should accept it. Only those who wish to live forever fear death
I don't necessarily fear death. I fear what happens to my family when I die and the sadness (shit, I hope it's sadness) after I go.

I deny nothing. To what do you refer?

Ah, fair enough. Still, this is where the meme came from - which I misspelled the misspelling anyway.

Still, you're going to die soon. So ha ha and fuck you.

Their reactions are theirs. Leave them to them

Sorry dude - prognosis? Chances of survival?

And fuck you back, as this
isn't the one you were pointing your meemee at

And you'll die... sooner or later.

See you on the other side and we can discuss "regrets".

Yeah, we've established that. Calm down and have some Ensure - we don't need to bring that blood pressure up.

Yeah I understand where you come from, but I hope my family don't mourn me but rather honour my life and celebrate it, like me and my uncle who passed away a few weeks back, I dont mourn him because he died with honour, was a paratrooper and a major in the British army and served his nation, he even organized his own funeral. My only hope is that I manage to achieve a higher rank since I'm going in as an officer and paratrooper as soon as I can

>When you are in your teens you feel like you will never die, do you wonder about what will happen when you die? Even religious people are scared to die, because deep down they know it could be like going to sleep but never waking up, and no dreams

Sorry, I didn't address this.

In the modern world, kids are raised in a sterilized, protective bubble that cuts you off from experiencing the real world.
You never see or experience death or hardship.'You live ina world that was science fiction just 30 years ago...personal communicators, instant worldwide communication and commerce, you can buy almost anything via your phone and have it delivered to your front door.

But it skews and warps your perceptions.

Get out there and do REAL shit.
Learn about struggle, failure and discipline.

40 years later, I can tell you that competing in sports is a great way to learn these things.
But fuck football and basketball.
I mean real sports.
Running, track and field, cycling, mountaineering.
It teaches you the basic rules for life. Minus all the PC bullshit.
Even if you just sign up for your first 5K or something- it can change your life.

Please, I'm practically begging you younger guys- get off your ass, turn off the computer and the phone and go experience something REAL!!!

None here pops - still got lots of fucking and spending money to do ;) we'll talk regrats later.

Was diagnosed 3 months ago. Wasn't reacting well to chemo, poorfag so naturally waited to go to the hospital at the last minute, late stages

Keep your dick wet and your wallet dry my friend.

I'm still young and I think that Universe know better the right way. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF 'TILL THE END. Death is just like being can't realize what happens after.

I've said before - I'm not American. But I can see from Google that Ensure is for adults.

I know that you Americans don't get irony

>suicidal, and close to death

Nope. I intend to go out wit a bang. Suicide is for pussies and people with a terminal disease...

I've got a list of people I want to deal with before my time is up here.

Freedom's just another word for...nothing left to lose.

I'm pagan and I believe in reincarnation. Death doesn't scare me.
Having regrats is what scares me.

>implying suicidal faggots can't go out with a bang

I'm 37. And this.

Hey, dude, isn't it sad that reincarnation make you forget that you've been here before?!?!

I'm none of those 3. Speak for yourself faggot.

>This is a sweet quote user

Because it's true.

Almost EVERYTHING that we see around us that is epic, came from struggle and sacrifice- everything from the Golden Gate or San Francisco bridge, to landing on the moon.

Having regrats is far worse than a little physical pain.

>not some sickness, but natural age

Aging is a disease you fuckwit.

Stung...didn't it?

I concur with what this user says. It's fine if you don't agree or accept it. Doesn't change the fact that it's the truth. We may be closer to death but your dreams will die before us.

I agree with that, nigga! Those are such beautiful words! That perspective will always save you!

> natural order

> appeal to nature fallacy

Fucking kys, deathist

What a tool


No one remembers their names... Breivik will live on though...

It's FAR better to serve a purpose greater than yourself, than it is to be a self centered little pussy all you life and then die alone is a shitty cheap government subsidized apartment somewhere.

Why aren't you donating to SENS Research Foundation to fight against aging? Do you want to die? Do you want your loved ones to die?

Everyone has a role to play... some may be a soldier, some may be a speech writer or a film maker....

Find what will allow you to be great.