What if Seinfeld was still on TV?

What if Seinfeld was still on TV?





It would be extremely painful

Would they introduce Larry David as a regular guest-star?


jerry get ipad

>David Richards starts yelling at Leon and the crowd sees it
Top kek


The Soup Nazi would become The Soup Socialist SJW, a black transgender who withholds soup to show stronk womyn don't need no Jewish MAN's money.

It would be pretty sad to watch a show about a bunch of 50 year-old single people living in crappy apartments.

Damn bow did I get confused about that. That's the effect Larry David has on people senpai

Curb Your Enthusiasm is basically the continuation of Seinfeld.

As for modern day seinfeld, there's a bit of that in Curb, but also IASIP.

I got a great idea for an episode plotline
>george hears about tinder
>accidentally downloads grinder
>doesnt understand why he keeps matching with gay dudes

God damn jews.


lol so true! fucking sjws


jery get tablet

>Kramer is now Trans
>George as been replaced by a black girl
>Jerry doesn't understand how people move from netflix all the way to chill.
>Elaine defeats a sith lord the first time she uses a lightsaber.


He was pissed he kept getting spammed that on twitter or w/e
Ironic considering his entire career rests on the repetitive nature of the writing in seinfeld

George accidentally use women's restroom
Claims to be trans to get out of trouble

jry gt ipd

For you.