I need a haiku for a date

I need a haiku for a date...

Can y'all Sup Forumsros help a nigga out?

like on the date or to get a date

Yeah that weekend date is coming up right. Any day now? Maybe after you've kissed the ring enough

please go out with me
i promise i won't rape you
or maybe i will


please go out with me
i won't spill my spaghetti
or maybe i will

just to inform you
so there are no surprises
I'm three inches hard

If there's no grass on the field.
flip her over.
and play in the mud.

d-did I do it right?

i'll listen to you
i'll buy you dinner and shots
i'll cry after sex

haikus are:

5 syllables
7 syllables
5 syllables

I wouldn't know, I dropped out of highschool when I was 17, and became a truck driver..

I can build ya a house, or fix your engine. couldn't tell ya the slightest about academics

Do not fear my being
or the things that i fap to
but 2D still better

Five syllables first
Seven in the second line
Finally five again

that's cool. i'm sort of the opposite, I suppose. I'm gonna be in school until I'm 29 lol.

what's it like driving trucks? i thought about just doing that once. i'd probably just listen to music and have a lot of time to think

Smell the burning flesh
Taste the tangy sulfur air
Volcano season

clever, but your last line is 6 syllables. unless you pronounce it like 2 syllable word?

Five syllables first
Seven in the second line
And then five again

>Finally five again

Let's go to a bar
So i can slip a roofie
No pain, only dreams.

Frankly I'm real smart with lots of common sense.. I just never did good in school settings.

some thing about being a truck driver.. go to a private school to learn to drive if you can.

first year of driving is about literally surviving, the job is stressful.

Don't ever use standard GPS or google maps to route you somewhere, or you will be driving a 10,000lb load through a residential neighborhood.

if your idea of driving is purely just driving, the first year or couple unless you get lucky.. you will be hulling shit off your own truck as well, and the shit sucks.

the pay isn't bad, once you get yourself established in a good company. starting out is like 30k a year. after maybe 5 years of driving for one company, or find a different company. you should be bumped to anywhere to 45-55k a year.

and you will be driving for 12 hours or more at a time.. if you play lots of vidya games and can sit in a shitty PC chair for hours on end. truck driving will be alright for you tbh.

If the glove does fit
It's too legit to acquit
You stabbed the girl

Good one m8

Fi-nal-ly five a-gain

How the fuck do you say it?

OP is a fag
he sucks two fat cocks each day
also does anal

thats 6 you retard

I suppose they could have learned to pronounce it "fine-lee". Lots of stupid hicks in my area do jt all the time, but then again, hicks can't hiakus.

but-2-D-still-bet-ter. 6. retard.

Guess I am a retard wow.

I'd call it a moment but this probably happens often.

i live in central Indiana and hear it pronounced both ways, and sometimes by the same people in different situations, as those subtle "hick" and white-collar accents will change depending on the setting

english haiku's are a perfect example of what the sjw like to call cultural appropriation. They jsut dont have any use or meaning in english. not an sjw just syaing. they have no business being used in the english language.

Good advice bro, I'm going to get my CDL soon and start hauling sod around.

You are a faggot
Kill yourself, you obtuse tard
Ayyy lmao

This is a poem
a haiku to be exact
this is a haiku

haikus are great fun
but sometimes they make no sense

Pretty much this. And if you want to try to make it work at least understand what haiku are supposed to represent. It should be imagery of a moment in time focused around nature signifying a single season. There are more rules than just 5-7-5. It's just a dumb thing we've started teaching grade school kids for no reason.