
>being that deep on either side







Libertarian masterrace reporting in

more like minarchism.


My nigga


A centrist either has no philosophical principles or applies them inconsistently.


because someone is willing to change their position means they lack principles?


but they fuck a lot of women because they're not autists

Has nothing to do with changing your mind. It has to do with being a hypocrite. For example, anyone in the green.
>I have the right to smoke weed and get abortions because it's my body and my property, but businesses shouldn't be able to keep their property and we need to increase taxes on the rich because their property is different somehow.

Same applies to blue, for the opposite reasons. If you're in the red, you're an authoritarian. If you're in the purple, you're a libertarian. Anything else is a betrayal of principle or just being an idiot with no rational thought.

Businesses aren't people and also fuck the rich

hope that helps

Saying you have a monopoly on yourself is not the same as saying you have a monopoly on the planet. Of course they're different.

Not an argument.

Businesses are property, and are owned by people. They're property under the same principles by which people own their bodies and minds. You either acknowledge a right to property, or you don't. There are no concessions. It certainly helped to show that you're brainless.

Can you control and direct your body and mind? Yes, so you own it. Can you control/direct the planet through voluntary exchange of good/service? No? You don't own it.

rather similar faggot


Shitty compass. Only the bad guys up and that wannabe untouchable saint lazy fucker Gandhi representing the libertarian left. Manipulation tool to make people think "authoritarians always looks like Hitler or Stalin". Also, Hitler to right side? The symbol of a socialist party on the right side? Really?

yeah.. only thing that makes me lib is the questions about abortion and shit probably.

cause I like muh gunz.
I want to see niggers [not good black folk tho] but niggers, strung up on ropes and left for examples.

Comrade Leaf reporting in

Idk man im not that political, I just answered honestly.

Seems I've moved to the left economically since I last took it.

I find the LibertarianAuthoritarian axis to be the most important though.


and you're an autist who will never accomplish anything in life, except blather about property from some bullshit hovel in Iowa or where ever the fuck you are



You're all a bunch of babies. Left or right is clearly overrated. Classic liberalism only way to go


My nigga

I feel like some of the questions are worded a bit bizarrely. For instance "Good parents sometimes spank their children."

I think spanking is a bad thing and should be avoided, but some otherwise-good parents still spank so I have to choose Agree, which moves me towards authoritarian I believe.

get on my level

cool m8

used to be on the left before the election

SJW detected



Is this in any way accurate?

Afraid so: no matter where you fall on the political spectrum, you're going to get raped by a feminine penis

feels good to be reasonable, doesn't it?

This made things clear for me.....

Huh. Could be worse I guess.




Last time I took this I was right authoritarian but really close to the middle. No idea what happened between now and then

>inb4 Trump




I honestly didn't do any research for the election at all. I really didn't give a fuck, I just new hillary wanted to start ww3 and that Gary what'shisface from the libertarian party was retarded.

I'm a stalinist, i hate sjws


>MFW I'm literally Gandhi

Your Political Compass

Economic Left/Right: -1.63
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 1.69

I didn't NEED a compass to tell me that I'm one of the few normal, functioning, successful members of society left... but it's nice to know where I stand in a popularity contest.



This is me btw

if you are more than 2 points in any direction, you are a bad person that's incapable of rational thought and critical thinking skills


Nice to know a fellow Gandhi


The only remotely acceptable kind of communist.

Hitler dubs wasted on such a shit post.

Fellow purples: What are your feelings on protectionism in trade, specifically the policies being/about to be implemented by the Trump administration?

Personally, I'm not sure why we're going down this route. I see more deficit spending, a minor increase in the net amount of manufacturing jobs while simultaneously putting tens of thousands of jobs that rely on lower-priced imported materiel at risk, and little to no change in GDP growth.

is it weird to think that maybe only 10% of the questions are debatable?

eg: "What's good for the most successful corporations is always, ultimately, good for all of us."

how could you possibly agree when it says "always" AND "ultimately" there's an exception to everything

Protectionism is kinda a retarded idea to be honest. Yeah it makes it so your economy is more independent from other geopolitical influences, but at the same time you're more than likely inflating the price of those goods and services because of it.

Luckily though Trump is deregulating the marketplace with his protectionism, at least giving some positive benefit to manufacture and produce here in the country.

Top left corner of blue here. All of that sounds pretty good to me.

Huh, I've moved left...


>All of that sounds pretty good

Like, how?

True, but how long can we guarantee the security of these manufacturing jobs? A decade, give or take? Automation is rapidly becoming more integrated and improved, and holding onto these laborers will eventually cost producers and consumers disproportionately. Then we'll have an even larger domestic workforce with no work. The deregulation is nice, especially for a small business like the one I'm in, but I can't see how it'll yield 4% growth, especially with his other trade/fiscal policies taken into account.

My most optimistic outlook is that he'll be an entertaining dud.

Mine just said literally Hitler

I dont get how hitler is just barely right

He's barely right, but he's at the very top. Authoritarian national socialism.

What you're missing is that small businesses drive a lot of job growth. Excessive regulation and high corporate tax rates make it extremely hard to start/run a SMB. Removing those means these businesses can employ more people.

Because ultimately economics is a tool. How many shekels the nation is worth isn't exactly a high priority to me, but building the skilled workforce is.
I agree that automation is a possible problem but it's easier for factory workers to retool as maintenance people than it is for service/information workers.

You support Hillary?
Fucking shill
Support Trump?
Fucking racist
Hold no strong beliefs?
Fucking self righteous asshole

Because fascism is economically ambivalent. Its policy on the matter is basically "whatever works."

whoa its almost like people will disagree with you and you shouldnt choose your opinion based on what others will think of you
rly maeks me think

Contrary to what the left has beaten into everyone for decades ... Hitler was a fucking socialist not some right-wing conservative.
Hitler vs Stalin was national socialism vs global socialism.


Good times

Fascism is what you get when you take all the kikey bullshit out of communism.

exactly identical

>small businesses drive a lot of job growth

Right, around 70% of our workforce is hired by small businesses and they contribute nearly half of GDP per quarter. Their are lifeblood, and that's why deregulation and small taxes sound fantastic: What I'm asking is, is this enough to brace the impact of his other policies?

>is a possible problem
It's not a problem, I think it's an inherent good, but it's already definitely been a pivotal factor to the decrease in domestic manufacturing jobs during the last decade, and the next decade will see that exacerbated. I agree that we need to stress innovation and entrepreneurship through our education, but

> it's easier for factory workers to retool as maintenance people than it is for service/information workers.

I'm not sure what you're saying here. Why has losing these manufacturing jobs been such a prevalent issue, then?

C'mon Sup Forumsros, try to be more on the left-bottom without cheating

My nigga

Fight me niggers

They're our*

Fuck, I need to go to bed.


Nah, I'd hurt you.

>Why has losing these manufacturing jobs been such a prevalent issue, then?
Companies leaving for cheap third-world labor. The economy has moved away from manufacturing and toward service/IT jobs. Try to get a barista or a web developer to service a factory robot- then try the same thing with a factory worker.

If we want automation then we need people who can work on the robots.


I wish they had more than the usual two axes.
Go go small business, no no overconcentration of capital and power.


Right, but what are we forcing producers to bring manufacturing jobs back to the States under threat of high tariffs for? What payoff does that have for them and consumers? Yes, we need people who can work on the robots, but we don't need to do that.
