Hello, Sup Forums.
It is my first post here and I want to present you this guy. His name is "Liviu Dragnea", and he made stealing legal in Romania, for politicians, if it's less than $43.000, ignoring the 200.000 people gathering everyday all over the country.
May I get some help raiding this piece of shit's Facebook page? It is "Liviu Dragnea", the verified one.
Hello, Sup Forums
fb com / liviudragnea . ro
Sup Forums ain't your personal army
hows about go fuck yourself?
You don't know what we get through in this country
this is for a good cause tho, the guy is a prick and a dictator in the making
i dont understand your numbers.
the periods make it seem like u are either dumb and dont know how to separate numbers, or that its not really that big a deal. or maybe u are actually smart and being very very precise with your numbers but still thatd mean theyre low numbers.
wtf op.
you can steal 43 thousand dollars.
And we are 200 thousand people gathering everyday
that's how we separate them in romania...dont be such a jackass
ur the jackass comin on this american image board with ur gay roman numerals.
fuck off back to your side of the river.