Dead dickrape

Dead dickrape

still dead

My friend thinks I'm insane because I love garbage and want to start making counterfeit used women's underwear to sell to disgusting perverts. He also says it's really fucking bizarre that I intentionally live in complete squalor when I have enough money to not do that.

Go be a nigger somewhere else.

>that entire post

Justice bump

He's the crazy one. He can't deal with his emotions properly and doesn't know why he does most of the shit that he does.

I'm perfectly sane, I know why I do everything I do and can deal with my emotions properly. It's not my fault society doesn't think it's okay to roll around in and eat trash. Just because I throw raw meat behind my refrigerator every week and removed my mirror because I hate my own image doesn't mean I'm crazy.

That is just abnormal.


It's not.




Yeah, I'm pretty sure it is.

I don't pretend to be anything.

How is it abnormal?

>Pretend to be a person of mereit
>Is just a fuckwit.


Refer to what I said yesterday to you, Nibi.

You should probably look up the meaning of the word first.

I know the definition. It's abnormal just to you. There are plenty of people who do exactly the same thing that I do.

Yes and they're all labeled as nutters.

No they aren't. Ezra Pound was deemed insane by society, but psychologists thought him perfectly sane.



I've also seen a mental health professional two different times in my life, and neither time did they believe anything was really wrong with me.

You cracked your head when you were a stupid child. Which was rightfully deserved.

Refer to what I said to you yesterday, Nibi.


Yes. Moar paws!




I can't fap to that sona anymore knowing the owner paid 1000+$ on a YCH comission



Why don't you faggots just fuck real dogs like normal people?











