Sup Forums i really need your help, If anyone could help me with any information I would be indebted to you for the rest of my life My mother is 48 years old , she has a cirrhotic liver , which now has cancer, the tumor is blocking one of the branches of the portal vein and that means she is not eligible for a cadaver transplant where I live , she won't let me donate part of my liver and I'm dying inside with pain watching her suffer . She just underwent a TACE procedure and is suffering with nausea and acidity.
I'm dying in pain ,she's all I have in the world any advice or help will be valued with my life.
Angel Cox
Your mum's tits or gtfo
Logan Walker
C'mon man take it easy , I'm just asking for advice you don't have to be an asshole about this.
Joshua Carter
I just had to try , still waiting if anyone can help
Lincoln Nguyen
If you want some real advice, I honestly don't know much but maybe convince her to accept your organ? Or, give it anonymously if you can? If you have money, you can buy one on the black market, too.
Carson Butler
I don't have much money, my dad and mum say they won't pay for the surgery if I'm the one donating the organ and I feel helpless as fuck, I literally feel like dying in a hole . I'm not asking anyone for money , please don't misunderstand this I just need direction so I can do something to help,I've tried everything to convince them to give half of my liver to her but they won't budge. I've had many lows in my life but this is the darkest it's ever been
Cameron James
Thanks for the (you), an empathetic reply almost makes it feel like I'm not alone
Landon Cook
Weird, did they give a reason why? I know it's a bit risky but still. I guess they don't want their legacy to be destroyed?
Robert Baker
Live for you. Sounds like your parents are living for themselves. They have made their choices. Live for you.
Grayson Long
Something along those lines , the absolutely infuriating part in all of this is I can actually help I'm young ,I take care of my self and my liver will regenerate to 100% in 2 months they still won't consider it ,if not save her life I can atleast give her more time ,they won't even talk to me about it anymore, I'm her only fucking hope I would gladly throw away my life for her