The Late Show With Stephen Colbert

Even if it's far inferior to The Colbert Report, we can all agree that this is far superior when compared to the crap that is the Jimmy Kimmel or Fallon shows, right?

I personally find it pretty comfy.

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I strongly disagree. As shitty as Kimmel and Fallon both are, they're still leagues above Colbert.

Really? Jimmy 'I always laugh and interrupt guests' Fallon. I may understand Kimmel, but I just don't get why people like Fallon

At least Jimmy "Chucklefuck" Fallon and his guests seem to be having fun. At least they're entertained even though I'm not. Colbert entertains no one.

Is he know?

It's on the same level as conan for me. I'll watch the best of it on youtube. But I won't actually sit through an entire episode.

1) Kimmel
2) Colbert
3) Conan
4) Meyers

999) Infomercials
1000) le lip sync and dance man

The best thing that ever happened to Conan was him getting booted from NBC and them owning all of his fucking stale memes, forcing him to create some new material.

You'd be right if Colbert were dead last.


Conan was in his prime on NBC. It was also his dream. Problem was he had the perfect formula on the Late Show and they refused to let him keep it when he moved up the time slot. Now he made a ton of cash, can do whatever the fuck he wants, and he's back in Cuckifornia. He's a great host, but his show is no where near how good it used to be.