(pic semi-related)

(pic semi-related)

Hi Sup Forums.

I am 18 old christian male from Poland.

About 1 year ago i lost both legs in car accident. My sister was driving safe, like always, but we met on road that drunk driver. It was winter, so he didnt brake, and has hit us in side.

Doctors had to remove my right leg from hip, and left one from knee. I landed on wheelchair.

I was really thankful for God, that no one died in that day, but I also couldnt understand why I had to lost my legs. Now i know.

Week ago I was in my local church on miracles prayers to God in mediation of saint John Paul II. When I had closed eyes i felt fire on my legs, and then, when I opened them i saw, that my legs are on their place.

Now i know, that it was my job to do. Now I need to talk with you, and inform you that Jesus loves you.

Ask me anything.

Other urls found in this thread:


Why do you believe in god?

How the hell do you know about this place

I believe in God because I was raised in faithful family. And I know that God is love and mercy. I met him in Holy Spirit once during prayers in the evening. Thats why I know that He exist. Any more precision questions?

We all are doing small and bigger mistakes. When I was in 6th grade my friend told me about this site and I was visiting it from time to time for 2 years to search for porn.

I am not proud of that.

I wanna to help all of you, but you need to get into dialog with me.

Pic or it didn't happen

Why didn't Jesus also teach you English?

Why didn't Jesus teach you English?

>About 1 year ago i lost both legs in car accident. My sister was driving
Is your fault for let a woman drive, if you put a lion to watch your sheeps, don't blame god if the lion eat your flock, if you put a woman or a dog to drive don't blame god if a accident happen.

Pan Jezus was kocha, anonki.

I am from poor family. We have weak english education in Poland and I didnt had money for extra lessons.


Zgadzam się z Tobą :)
Wszyscy jestesmy dziećmi jednego Boga!

Czujęw Tobie wielkie pokłady gniewu... Niepotrzebnie. Powiedz mi co Cię trapi i dlaczego oczerniasz papieża?

Do you want photos of me when I am praying?

Bo to ścierwo bez przyszłości, proste :)

But it wasn't her fault. WWYD if drunk driver would hit you? Would you miss cause you are male? I don't get your point. She is a bad driver like every women, but this time it wasn't her fault.

What are you talking about, slavs?

Mysli chuj że jest nie wiadomo kim, bo go kanonizonowali tępe pały

Post the rest pls

Papież jest scierwem bez przyszłosci? W pewien sposób masz rację. Jest martwy. Technicznie rzecz biorąc jest więc padliną i nie może podejmować akcji.

Moim zdaniem jednak potrzebujemy w naszym zepsutym swiecie autorytetow, a papież nadaje się do tego wysmienicie. Był dobrym człowiekiem. Dlaczego więc psuć jego dobre imię i tworzyć żart z człowieka, który tyle dobrego dla Ciebie zrobił?

marsz marsz dabrowski

>Doctors had to remove my right leg from hip, and left one from knee. I landed on wheelchair.
That wheelchair must have been conveniently placed.

He is talking bad things about saint John Paul II, so i have to explain some things to him.

You do realize that dude in the picture isn't around any more, right?

i nagle masz nogi, czy po prostu sie to Tobie wydawalo?

why so sarcastic?

It is phrasal in my language. But it means, that I had to ride on wheelchair

Does Pan Bug love pedos and sand niggers terrorists?

pictures of your dick

sauce on comic name?

aż mi się miło zrobiło, może jeszcze nie oddaliłem się zbyt daleko od Kościoła.. dziękuję :)

Nic mi się nie wydawało, to prawdziwe działąnie Ducha Swiętego.

srsly? why do you even bother posting?

He is saint now :)

Yes. He loves everybody. It isn't their fault, that they were raised in stupid culture.

don't you think people from Poland do not know it? he was a great pope

trochę nie dowierzam. nie zostałoby to rozgłoszone? Twoja rodzina przecież nie mogła nie zauważyć, że nagle masz nogi..

so your legs grew back all at once or did they come in as buds and you had to go through a baby legs stage?


Ej, polacy. Wy też nie możecie nic dodawać, jak nie macie włączonego vpn? Muszę się łączyć z czanem przez usa

Just busting your chops my friend (and THAT's phrasal in MY language).

Nie mówię o papieżu tylko o anonku co napisał "jp2gmd".

All at once.

Dzie papaj

po memy pszyszłem

>It was winter, so he didnt brake
Do you not use brakes durring winter in Poland?

Wiesz ile takich przypadków już było na swiecie? W Różanymstoku co najmniej raz rocznie cos takiego się zdarza. Nie wiem czemu nikt tego nie nagłasnia. Poszukaj w internecie więcej informacji.




fully formed legs exploded out of his nubs in the middle of church, just like Piccolo, and no one else saw it.


Pretty much. Many people don't change the tires so it's like you weren't braking at all

No, i meant, that he didnt brake enough to stop.

Pierdol się

That is miracle... -.-

W takim razie przepraszam.

Bez komentarza.




Pierwszy raz w życiu widzę tak rozwinięty polski wątek. :^)

Aww będzie celibat dla Boga?

Wpadłem zobaczyć wątek

Masz autyzm?

poszukam pod hasłem różany stok

There is nothing to laugh about.

Musisz być tu nowy.

Jest to, że jedynymi ludźmi na zniewagę 4 chan może zebrać?

Does Jesus love me, even though I'm a homo?

Was the driver an alcohol?


Yes. He love even homosexual people. He hate sin, not sinner.

He injected marijuanna

He was just drunk, he wasn't addicted to alcohol.

Ah don't sweat it, god is merciful and forgiving and got our back. and he's totally above arbitrary rules that mankind made up. stay a believer and be kind and gather wisdom, and he'll be happy you're enjoying his creation.

omfg this is a good rewrite... moar!

does anybody know how many people there were?

no ciekawe, dzięki

is your sister hot?

We need pics of her

Not really. Something like 5-6/10

God wills it.

sounds good enough to me

When were you wen my legs were kill?

was in crash car

wake up to doctor

docter says "yur legs are kill"
