So we can all agree Rey was a Mary Sue right?

So we can all agree Rey was a Mary Sue right?

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TFA was shit.


But you're on Sup Forums, so prepare for edgelord contrarians tipping their fedoras in your thread

There's no real questioning it.

She masters or in the very least is very adept at everything she tries her hand at very rapidly. For instance flying the Falcon and going so far as to teach Han Solo himself stuff about it. Or how she learned the mind trick very quickly despite it being very well established that mind tricks are one of the harder things for a Jedi to master. Likewise, she never does anything wrong, and when she does it quickly becomes a positive, such as freeing those aliens which saved her friends.

She is damn near the definition of sue.

pretending to hate tfa is ludicrously contrarian

everyone loves the film

>The Han Solo film is the next film we have to look forward to that doesn't have a female protagonist
What changed with Star Wars?

I liked the movie. But Rey was easily the worst part about it. She didn't have any personality beyond "Look how great I am" at the start and then later "Look how great and mysterious I am"

Rey is a Mary Sue. Luke is a self-insert Gary Stu. Thing is, both characters are fun and in great movies.

I agree the movie was shit but my major issue with the movie was with Rey and her ability to suck all tension and excitement out of a scene

Luke wasn't perfect though?