What can we do to help Haiti?

What can we do to help Haiti?

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Remove Haitians

same solution for mexico: remove mexicans

Give Swedish citizenship

Send them to Sweden/Germany
They will accept them.



conquer haitia enslave haitians


not cool

Let DR annex them

One million niggatons nuke

Funny enough, it already happened.

Once you learn about Haiti's history you realize there's nothing you can do. If anything, sending them money only makes it worse.

>If anything, sending them money only makes it worse.

The alternative is much worse though

remove all the blacks.

Remove them.

If they had been left alone it wouldnt be half as poor. Haitis woes started when France demanded billions in gold from them, to pay back for the fact that they were once property. Since then they've been exploited by Americans, Germans and Canadians. Also papa doc and his son set the country back 50 years

Send them to France.

If you knew anything they're literally the most savage niggers in the world. They DONT WANT TO GET BETTER. Spend money on your own fucking country.

Send them all to French Guyana and let the DR have it

Send every Haitian to French Africa and give Haiti to the Dominican Republic.

It's sad as fuck and angers me but I would have a more difficult time immigrating to your country with a BS in Applied Physics than a deadbeat Somalian who can't even push a broom simply because of my skin color and helping me wouldn't make you feel all warm and fuzzy and like you did a good thing.


>He [the Haitian] has had his opportunity. That opportunity has lasted for a hundred years in a splendid land which he found ready prepared for him. Yet to-day we find him with a Government which, save in the single point of force majeure, has degenerated into a farce ; and as for the country itself, houses and plantations have disappeared, and where clearings once were there is now impenetrable forest. Certainly he has existed through one hundred years of internecine strife, but he has never for six consecutive months governed himself in any accepted sense of the word. Today, and as matters stand, he certainly cannot rule himself.

Context: About a hundred years after Haiti's independence, an Englishman visits the country to observe it. He was interested in the country because it was a unique case: a bizarro-land where black ruled white rather than vice versa. When there he of course drew comparisons between Haiti and the French motherland and concluded, among other things, that Haiti has copied France in style but not in substance. It fashions itself a Republic, but behind the façade is merely a despotism. Publically the people are Catholic, but their personal faith and practices are closer to voodoo and shamanism. To the Haitian, copying the white man is enough to become the white man.

>Haitians want to become white

Fuck off, only the mulatto ruling class adopted European culture

The normal people were black, voodoo speaking creole, and their culture was a mix of Taino, west African and French cultures with a bit of Spanish.

The mulattoes spoke French amongst themselves and were educated in Europe.

>all these retards saying give it to DR

the only time Hispaniola was unified was when the Haitians liberated the Dominicans from the Spanish

How about you actually read the source, written by an eyewitness who actually visited the country? Wait, is it because you're willfully ignorant? Quite typical of A FUCKING LEAF to lash out against anything that clashes with his fragile world view.

I want the removal of the negroid race from the Americas, slaves own nothing let alone land.