Trump is a racist

Trump is a racist.

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what part of this statement is racist? fag. lrn2bait

Every part


which part, faggot?

if tweet is true... greatest, most honest statement ever

OP is a pathetic imbecil who thinks everyone is racist for stating the obvious. Fuck off idiot.

That quote is hearsay taken from a former employee AFTER he was fired by trump you retard

>implying racism is a bad thing

Yes the truth is racist, and any other dispersion you can heap on it.

But is fucking true! Niggers destroy everything they put their hands into. Look at the fucking country faggot.

You are not very smart, don't you? neither too rich.
Thats why all you can do is hate trump.

meh. it's more Huxley's vision. its just thanks to the interweb that people are so willing to spill their thoughts everywhere.

Obama and Eric Holder were the biggest racists. They assumed all black people were innocent, even when caught in the act. Police - any race - were always wrong. Blacks were always right, even when they were robbing others at gun point. Worst part of USA History ever.

maybe u don't see that....

Trump states facts, and niggers are problem in this country. The only problem is that niggers, like you, don't like facts. Kill yourself you shit-skin.

Why do you think I voted for him?

everybody is a racist. Faggot

i wish
i thank pepe!

maybe he is a racist.what are you gonna do about it?,cry like a bitch in your liberal city that the rest of america doesnt care about

He is right faggot. Why can you slave understand that your race is the cancer of this nation. Please KYS.

>all this winning

nice to see someone have to balls to say it though.

like there arent thousands of shithead cuck liberals out there spewing the same shit.

shut the fuck up

Jewish filth in your pic imbecil

I fucking hate niggers -Trump now put that on a random image you found on google =every one believes it

Obama is racist and the worst president we have ever had


I wish he really was a racist and fascist. Cause if he really was we would be burying all the shit skins confused faggots and other leftist scum in pits where they belong. But he's not, so you're all just showing how stupid you really are.

>Trump is a racist.

200.o% NEW

>KKK promoting equality

so are almost all the people on this site.

>rioters promoting equality

No, OP... this is a list of racism.

Sore loser liberals

