I'll just leave this here

I'll just leave this here.

it's a boulder asshole

I'll just leave this here.

metamorphic or igneous?

that's a fuckin boulder ya twit.


I saw a t-rex too

In geology, a boulder is a rock fragment with size greater than 25.6 centimetres (10.1 in) in diameter.[1]


It's King Koopa's secret lair

this is a .JPG image file

so we're all in agreement that it's a boulder and that OP is indeed, a faggot?


It could be two rocks cleverly positioned and glued together.

Or a camouflaged tree

mine is bigger

They're minerals Marie

though that was a horses nose til i enlarged it

To prove we agree with one sentence:
OP is faggot

get the beans jesse

He goes by Dwayne Johnson now

well played

Before she got there an hour ago, that was a lush forest filled with life sustaining vegetation. By the look of her, there was A LOT of sugar cane

some mad painful poops

I am in agreement that OP is indeed a faggot.

However, as pointed out in geology.... rock fragment....

Can we in fact confirm that this is a rock fragment and not part of the bedrock that has been exposed due to erosion or a shift in the mantle?

she probably swallowed a big chunk of cactus and it's lodged in sphinter

Well someone was gonna bite, congrats


You won't leave that here, nigger.

Get over yourself. It's obviously stardust fused together by heat.

This isn't even it's final form

Jesus Dead Christ. that is a mineral.

this was clearly desposited by an iceberg.
1v1 me m8's
i know im right

It's a rock that God created around 6000 yrs. ago. End of discussion.

nah dood it was an asteroid


thats a csi level pc you got there, user


No, this is a Rock.


youre all faggots, its a photo


the rock is actually 6'2 and constantly lies about his height because of his insecurity and desire to be legendary

Nonsense, it's just a collection of pixels.

Oh god you posted my OC.
I am honored.


The Rock says "neener neener"!


Looks more like a stone to me

No, this is a stone...


way to ruin a thread faggot.

So it's not wrong to say it's a rock, just more accurate to call it a boulder

=i have dreads and can almost have a bong without coughing
>im a stoner XD
>Have it like most days lol
call me when you smoke 5 real blunts a day minimum


thats maui, nigga. this is the rock

idiots, its a pebble. they were just zoomed all the way in when the pic was taken*

You're making me shitpost rocks.

It's a boulder you fucking retard. Also, it might have multiple names based on its region.

This is Maui, you're just another Rock.

So close
This is now a get thread

You're just jealous of her pretty bong

boulders idiot

>Also, it might have multiple names based on its region.
Like Sir Boulder Rock Stone Massif the Third?

Clearly it is not plural.


Is this real?

its an underdeveloped mountain, you twat

Clearly, you missed the baby rocks.

This is an unwed boulder-mother.

fixed it for you retard

No, like 'kei' in Dutch.

Isn't it pronounced Eee-rock?

Its not, it is a oppressed mountain. damn whites always be oppressing.

I'm pretty sure the one on the right is an orca whale.

Those are his balls. wtf are you stupid?

That's not a key, it's a rock.


ignorant piece of shit that's clearly a fucking tree.


It was Allah who made it.

Isn't saying "orca whale" like saying "shark fish"?

I dont understand why y'all are fighting over what is clearly 3 kids in a trenchcoat

Or Sir John De Pebble of United Blacksprings International

Can I just ask, is it just me or is that rock kinda hot?

Also, who pulled the sword out of it?


you're god damned right it is

Balls without a dick?

Castrato rock is sad, so must sing.

Or Rocky "the Rockness" McRocksalot!


it can be if you use it right


Keys are masters at disguise, after all.

You cant see the dick because its balls deep in to the ground.
Still it is good to have balls though,

Boulder jackass.

Fucking retards

Obviously the rock.

My father once told me he had a key to everyone's house. I asked him to let me see it. He hit me with a brick. Don't be so stupid all your life he said. Lesson learned.

Women who don't like dick?

There's something wrong with that picture!

CERTAINLY a camouflaged tree, let's try to burn it.

Ceci n'est pas une rock.


I agree. its a rock

English only, your nigger speak isn't allowed. .

We just had this thread


No, that was a discussion about a boulder.

Completely different thing.