Who has more of Danielle?
Who has more of Danielle?
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She's pretty hot but those nails are hideous!
She'll be on doctor phil again next week
Dr.Phil her ass with dick
lol she is 18 minus 1 times 5
No shes not you dumb nigger
shes 13 u fucking faggot also i have her nudes cuck GG
You're all welcome.
she is retard
= 13
Youre the retard the math you did does not equal 13 18 minus one multiplied by 5 niggerfaggot gtfo
order of operations stupid nigger
multiplication comes before addition
? that doesnt look like her at all
PEMDAS you dumb kike! Please eat my dick autistic spic
But youre wrong tho
Youre not a spic?
Make-up can do wonders, my dude.
you're retarded, idk how you knew i was a spic tho
anyone actually have her nudes
Parenthesis exponents MULTIPLICATION division addition subtraction. He's right.
bizl bup
it's not even the same phone blind fuck
>What is a phone case?
Post the nudes
Why do you guys want to see her nudes? She is 13
Oooh baby a tripleee
That's not her you ultra faggot. The same picture got posted last night with out the shitty overlay It wasn't real then either you nigger. "You're all welcome" LOL
Because she has nice tits
I'd prefer in her butt