Precum Thread, OC edition. GET IN HERE
my girlfriend says i drip precum way too much, and wont have sex with me unprotected because she's worried it will impregnate her. does anyone have any advice?
>pic very related
Precum Thread, OC edition. GET IN HERE
Don't fuck unprotected if you are a precum dripper. I speak from experience.
i get what she's saying because she'll barely touch my dick and i'll start dripping a lot, even if im not hard yet
we'll start making out sometimes and i can already feel the inside of my pants start to get wet already. then she'll pull down my pants and my cock will be fucking soaked
btw sorry the pics keep coming out sideways, idk why its doing that
Damn thats a big clit
thanks b she tells me its big too, nice dubs btw
mmm is that thing around Houston so I could suck on it?
See the thing that says cowper gland? It produces the precum. It's a different gland producing it than the sperm, which obvioulsy comes from your balls. The sperm travels thru the vas deferens, into the ejculatory duct and then reaches the cowper gland. Point of the precum is to lubricate the urethra so the sperm can come out nicely when you ejaculate. If you peed at least once since your last ejaculation it's impossible for the precum to contain sperm. They just tell that to kids so they don't use the pull out method because a lot of people are shitty at pulling out. If you pull out before you cum there's a 0% chance of her getting pregnant.
Source: Medfag
if someone could lick this up for me that would be great, but i live outside DC, sorry :/
How do you cum from getting fucked in the ass