Could one of you kind anons please link me to some good suicide handbooks/guides? I need to kill myself, but have no idea how I would go about doing painlessly and effectively.
Much appreciated lads.
Could one of you kind anons please link me to some good suicide handbooks/guides? I need to kill myself, but have no idea how I would go about doing painlessly and effectively.
Much appreciated lads.
Other urls found in this thread:
Don't do it man. Think of all the epic memes you will miss out! And also WW3 is maybe around the corner anyway. If you really want to go about it you should jump infront of a train. I tried that before it's relatively painless.
Can you go to Hawaii? Afford a helicopter? You might as well make it fun if you can.
Just do the car and hose trick with some booze ant tunes
Blast 80's synth while you do it.
an hero
Live in the states?
Get yourself a gun and do the good old First Blood part 1
This is how I'll do it if I ever need to
This is perfect
> get fentanyl
> write letter to train conductor
> I'm sorry you had to go through that, it's not your fault, nothing you could have done to stop it. It's my dieing wish you don't feel sadness or regret.
> eat fentanyl enough to OD ( not much at all)
> lie on traintracks lengthwise so the tire goes up your ass down your back and crushes your skull.
> listen to v a p o r w a v e and wait
> skip vaporwave and fentanyl if your broke it's more of a failsafe.
It's free
It's painless
No other victims
Guaranteed results
Can be done at anytime very convenient.
Good luck faggot
these 'hurrr durrr i'm a off myself' threads are getting to be as bad as mlp and pol threads. chink moot should just make you a new board so you underage dipshits can whine to each other the same dumb shit over and over and over and over
this is why "livestream it or gtfo" should be a thing Sup Forums...
Why not just live an insane life?
Pretend you're in a simulation and do the thing you would never normally do.
Go to Mexico, get wasted and try to pick up every girl at a bar.
Go to Thailand and live like a king on $1000 bucks.
If you still want to kill yourself afterwards, I'd be surprised.
>It's free
drugs are free now?
>It's painless
>tire goes up your ass down your back and crushes your skull
trains have tires?
>No other victims
except everyone on the train
>Guaranteed results
unless the conductor happens to have vision
>Can be done at anytime
cause there are always trains around
>I'm gonna kill myself how should I do it
>dont bother talking me out of it :(((
>what? Did I see any of the other suicide threads posted 30 times a day?
>Well uh
>If I take these advil and my dad's beer will I die?
>Thanks Sup Forumsros I love you guys out saved my life blah blah blah
If you're not going to stream it then fuck off
here ya go buddy it has every possible answer now get out there and make a difference!
Get a couple large garbage bags, and any gun 9mm or above. Sit down in an empty bathtub. Put 3 or 4 garbage bags inside each other and then tie it firmly around your neck. Once sufficiently tied place gun to the side of your head on your temple and shoot. The bags will contain *most* of the splash back, and minimalize clean up for whoever has to do it later. Youll have plenty of air air in the bag to do it and not seeing the gun is proven to make it easier. Enjoy your quick and easy death
do you realize how fast trains are? you would be dead before you could feel any pain, and even if the conductor saw you, he couldn't slow the train enough not to kill you, trains take miles of slowing down just to stop moving.
That sounds pretty good tbh
Way better then some other ways
Plus it's manly and alpha as fuck
it is amazing one can so unskilled they can't even kill them self. What has the world come to.
Jump into a train you god damn faggot. You don't deserve to die painlessly.
Drive to chicago wear a MAGA hat.
Problem solved
If I show you there nudes will you decide to keep your life?
Suck a dictionary from the tip of my dick faggot
This is the most effective method of suicide by far
Use a gun, retard.
this. buy a tank and a mask. your lungs dont know the difference so they wont struggle. there are several guides on how to do it out there.
i tried and i have a squirrel voice durning 1 week.