Clock-Boy got his case thrown out of court. How can Sup Forums help him?

Clock-Boy got his case thrown out of court. How can Sup Forums help him?

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fucking sand niggers

His clock patent fell through?

We don't want to help an attention whore. That kid is a victim of his scumbag dad. Hope he grows out of it.

He didn't even make the fucking clock, just stuck it in a briefcase.

>How can Sup Forums help him?

Make sure the damn thing goes actually off next time.

Cool clock Ahmed

We could stone that pretentious little faggot to death.

By deporting him.

Terrible idea.

>When you fag parents make you fake a bomb threat for publicity

I bet he felt dumb as bricks when they gave him that nasa scholarship and he had to complete with kids who actually can build a clock from scraps

>goes actually off
Is English your 5th language faggot?

Send that sand nigger to Iraq, fuck Muslims


would have been hilarious

He doesn't deserve help

What the fuck.

dont worry,donald trump will send this sand nigger to where he belongs

Bullshit, he doesnt deserve to live

get out newfag

>sending American citizens to interment camps

I see you recently learned about Hitler from. Pewdepie

He doesn't need anymore help. The little fucker rode the victim train to a fully funded future already. We basically created Osama bin Laden II

I've got a new clock for him.

is that a new Coke commercial?

>he still thinks being born in america makes you an american citizen

Are you a massive retard?