Hey Sup Forums what's the easiest method to commit suicide?

Hey Sup Forums what's the easiest method to commit suicide?

Easy? Well you can overdose on water, but it's painful. Is that what you mean by easy?

Correction: the easiest and least painful.

Just sit down and think about the state of your life right now.... you'll find the motivation. You won't need to know, instinct will take over

There's no easy way to do. The better way would be to tell someone to kill you unexpectedly

I've been thinking about ending my shitty life for years now.

Go to one of those trump protests wearing a MAGA hat.

The ideal death according to most medical experts is an aneurysm. The nerve pops before any signals can reach the brain. Almost as if your dead without knowing it.

But that's not exactly palpable. There is a gunshot to the head, but brain signals are faster than the speed of any bullet, more research is needed. I suppose if I had to choose, I'd likely look for a chemist and strike a deal with him so long as he would make me chloroform or ether. It's the historical way of putting someone under anesthesia, and too much of the odor can overdose the patient. So put bag over your head, damp any cloth you can tie around your mouth with the ether/chloroform applied, lay down in your bath tub naked so it's easier for EMT's. You'll basically go into a deeper sleep until you overdose.

You can give them the courtesy of letting them know you're going to kill yourself no one gets surprised. Still, hard to get chloroform or ether unless you know a chemist.

Sandy Hook never happened, I live nearby

These threads smh, swear any that aren't purposed shill-tier bait must have the intellectual capacity of the misshapen offspring of twins with downs. I mean really you could think of a great many ways if you actually put ANY thought into it. Easy example, go someplace really fucking high, and jump. Boom dead on impact, that fucking simple.

> Inb4 "insert x autistic spurglord excuse" to any answer that doesn't fit their ideal slothful way to go; like it honestly fucking matters, that they likely wouldn't go through with anyways.

I thought about trying sleeping pills but I'm not sure how many I would need and I don't want to live and have to deal with the side effects.

Trust me I have searched and thought about this for a long time. I just see different information all over the place. I do think about my own methods, but I'm not sure. Sorry that I don't want to die violently I still want my family to recognize me.

Not a bad idea actually. People will feel sympathy for him, he will be praised as some kind of hero, and it gives us an excuse to put a hole in some libshits

Why the fuck would you care seriously? If you really wanted to off yourself, and are not just some worthless pos looking for attention, then you shouldn't give two shits about what happens after your death; to include but not limited to the opinions of others seeing what may or may not remain of your lifeless husk.


Pick 2, OP

That's the problem with pills. Even trying to overdose on advil is one of the more painful ways of suicide. There's not much studies on giving painless deaths, all we have are the ones where people were simply less aware. I suppose a hard drug like heroine might be something you're interested in, but it would be hard if you lived after. Your body would have withdrawals from going without it and many soldiers use to take it thinking they were gonna die in battle and made statements that living with the need and desire of the drug is worse than dying in the battlefield.

If you're gonna commit, commit to something that has a long case of unaware overdoses from drugs of pleasure. If you have any doubts, don't. You'll end up living with the side effects guaranteed.

If the EMT's get to you before the pills take effect, the emergency on staff will pull a tube down your throat and stuff literal coal inside your body to absorb everything you took. It will feel smooth going in, but excreting it will probably be the most painful shit you ever took. Might even get anal fissure because it comes out in one lump sum.

Turn 13. It's an emergency.

best I can think of is slitting your own throat
bleed out in minutes, pass out in seconds (if you do it right)

Not the same user, but if you've seen the people who have gone through suicide, many of their death notes or last words were apologies to their loved ones and almost always they were the ones they thought about before the committed.

There's only a few who see it from a callus perspective. And in almost all cases, they did notify someone before they killed themselves. That's also why suicide hotlines have deterred statistics in the 80's.

12 gauge shotgun with barrel sawed down to allow hand to reach trigger, 00 buckshot, put to side of head, pull trigger, done. So easy, yet people still fuck it up. They put the fucker in their mouth and blow their face off but live. Or shoot their scalp of because they don't bother to hold the boomstick straight-on. Good luck.

Pic not related

Thanks man. Im going to try and do blow and get an aneurysm. I dont know where to get ether. See y'all in the next one

smoke cigarettes, eventually you'll die of cancer, maybe not tho.

So he/she is trying to make some last ditch effort in having their death mean something? since obviously their life didn't lmao. Life ain't a fantasy animu or a trashy soap opera. Write up the grandest note, or expose some bullshit that lead to it all you want. Unless they follow you soon after your dumb ass will likely be forgotten about post haste. Part of "grieving" is forgetting and moving on, therefore in the grand scheme of things whether you just up and walk out of everyone's life never to return again, or try to futility make your exit some grand gesture, neither amounts to a damn thing.
If OP wants to give it any meaning make some headlines with lasting world effects, but as they stated they've been thinking about this forever but can't even commit to a simple suicide I doubt they have the ability to even begin to see something like that through.

put yourself in a air tight box and as you use up the oxygen you will become weaker and weaker until you eventually pass out then die

I understand that none of this matters in the end. But when we're alone in our thoughts, many times we feel like special snowflakes or some kind of individual.

You may be absolutely agreeable with the lense in grand scheme, but the attitude isn't felt by those who think about it. There's a lot of emotions, many mixed about it, and even if they do want to feel like someone, giving them the benefit may alter their choices.

Having a disassociative personality is on the rise. This person may not be significant to us, but they're someone's child, sibling, aunt or uncle. They're our brethren, and if we can't show empathy to each other, then what does that say about our species from outside view of another intelligent species?

Perhaps more intelligent species who care about each other would justified to destroy us so long as they care about themselves more than we do. One day, we'll meet someone better than us almost in every way, and it won't feel good when you compare yourself to that person. I'm not here to change your mind, because you're right. It's hard trying to be virtuous when someone is making a cry for help and we see this as an everyday thing.