Communism is fucking stupid. How the hell do people unironically support it thinking it'll help people...

Communism is fucking stupid. How the hell do people unironically support it thinking it'll help people? Capitalism isn't perfect, but look at capitalist nations like Germany and Japan, and compare them to shitholes like Cuba and North Korea.They always say that we just haven't tried REAL communism yet, but they never explain what real communism is and why if capitalism is so horrible, why so many capitalist nations do well. At this point, I'm convinced it's just an excuse by edgy college students to justify not having a job.

>North Korea

Better dead than red!!!

Yeah, I know they switched to Juche, but what system got them to how they are in the first place?

Japan has the highest debt to GDP ratio in the entire world

Any pure economic ideology a shit.
Functioning democracy where people can choose what sort of economic policies they want a best.
Spoiler: They always pick mostly capitalism with some limited amount of government involvement.
Spoiler 2: I don't even know if spoilers work on Sup Forums right now and I can't be bothered to check.

It looks good on paper but doesn't work out. It would be good if it actually did though.

That debt may catch up to them someday, but that day is not today, and even then, they are way better off than nearly every communist state to ever exist.

Post your ebin gommunism memes

China is America's biggest creditor