Tell me again how Trump isn't racist

Tell me again how Trump isn't racist.

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Wtf I hate drumpf now

Because he likes Jews?

Low quality


ok, trumps racist.
you win.


she made a make believe world and now cant get out of one

Is anyone else disturbed by this?


ANYONE who tries to defend Trump at this point is literally a Neo-Nazi, a retard or a Kremlin web brigade operative.

There is no way in HELL for a sane American to defend even 0.01% of the fucking messed up shit that that unstable orangutan has said, Tweeted and done.

That is one LETHAL burn. That fucking Trumpanzee shitstain got BTFO.

Of course he isn't racist. He loves the Hispanics.

My Jewish doctor supports Trump. I know he's Jewish because he goes to my temple. Rabbi ain't to keen on him though ; being a gay South American immigrant Jew thats to be expected

God I love that the modern equivalent of Tolkien called someone a virgin on twitter.

You can love Hispanics and still want to kick illegals out.

Aint nuttin wrong wit dat

Only most of the Harry Potter fans I know who are adults are females and far from virgins.

Eugenics works magic.

Its not a slight against Potter or its fans, I just think think JK Rowling is fucking boss.

he is racist, and so am i, and we're all coming to your town to kick your ass, and we're bringing our shotguns and candy

Tell me again why "racist" is an insult

But you bring those two things everywhere you go. You fat fucking cracker.

Come get me.

Because phenotypes don't mean shit and you're a moron if you think they do.

Muslims can't even co-exist with muslims what the fuck makes anybody think they'll coexist with us? Is it racist to acknowledge this?

Slavery in the states was a eugenics program when you think about it. Also the result of Nazi eugenics was average kids. Nothing more. It fails

that picture always makes me hungry.

Maybe those ones can't get along because they actually share our values and we should be embracing that instead of trotting out white nationalist bullshit thats just gonna get more people killed?

I like to see the source on this quote

There is a link to rollingstone in the thread and that has the source listed.

You keep changing the definition of the word 'racist'.

I'm guessing he's bought into the propaganda that PP/ACA was poorly implemented and caused premiums to increase (it didn't).

The GOP and HMOs/PPOs spent shitloads of money constructing and pushing a hate campaign against socialized medicine.

It also makes him objectively a terrible doctor who is in violation of his Hippocratic Oath.

Creating jobs for millions of people of all races.


>using an unconfirmed quote



in Mexico and China

"And isn't it funny. I've got black accountants at Trump Castle and Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. . . . I think the guy is lazy. And it's probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It's not anything they can control."

just like Taylor Swift

Tell me again how he's not right.

>In a 1991 book, one of Trump's former colleagues recalled him saying, "Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are little short guys that wear yarmulkes every day." (Trump called the things written about him in the book "probably true.")

Do you even read, this probably never happened.....

"us vs them" is detrimental to society as a whole and if you think race matters enough to be able to prejudiced about entire classes of people because of it, you are a fucking moron.

Skin color is determined by proximity to the Equator and Tropics and exists for the sole function of regulating the optimum absorption rates of vitamin D. To place pre-judgments on such triviality is a sign of extreme ignorance and arrested development.

>probably true
>probably never happened
pick one

Until you're on the receiving end.

It's also devastating for societal growth and socioeconomic prosperity.

…and Hispanics love Fearless Leader!

(Gusano Cubans like Cruz and Rubio don't count.)

No, but it's retarded and hypocritical as fucking HELL if you don't say the exact same shit about Christianity, which in the First World, is a MUCH more dangerous group than Muslims could ever hope to be.

literally why?
i was a harry potter fanboy as much as the next kid of my generation but go back and read the books again sometime
the writing is extremely simplistic, the plots are cookiecutter, and the characters are about as interesting as cardboard with a few exceptions

i understand liking the books for nostalgia sake but honestly how can you defend Rowlings
especially now that she sits back and does shit like pottermore and curse of the golden child to try and stay relevant instead of even attempting to write anything new

This, exactly. Trump is racist, but the trumpcucks will attempt to hand wave this away too.
>y-you s-see what h-happened is Hillary used a time machine and a body double of Trump to make it s-seem like h-he said t-those things...
>T-Trump wouldn't s-say mean th-things!

projecting this hard
thanks Crew

>look up quote to see if its true

>only one source "verifies" it



Nice try you goddamn piece of subhuman shit nazi. Go eat a bullet.

>If you have enemies, you probably stood up for yourself
>Hey lady it goes both ways, people are being manipulated by the media into rioting and protesting against Trump and you're contributing to said hysteria, also your books suck
>Well you're a virgin, frogposter

A renown author attacking the person instead of the argument presented, one which she probably started by the looks of it. I want to say this is typical of lefties and those who disagree with Donald Trump, but it's a common mistake nowadays that make people from both sides look stupid.

Twitter needs to pull a Myspace and die, social media is cancer.

Are you retarded?


>manipulated by the media

FUCK you're stupid.

TRUMP brings that shit on HIMSELF. He's done SO many inexcusable and unforgivable things in only two fucking weeks.


The protestors and "haters" are the normal human beings. The supporters are the fucking crazy people and literal neo-Nazis, which, NO, they do NOT get to come out into the open with that shit.

That's exactly what makes MuriKKKa great!

>provided irrefutable evidence Trump is racist
>get called out on blindly defending Trump despite his actions
>1 minute later
>"hurr ur projecting"
Thanks for proving my point faggot.

>modern equivalent of Tolkien

I don't see that being an inappropriate description.

She doesn't have shit on Tolkien

Never read 'em, but you can level those complaints against Star Wars or anything made for children. I think the value in the work is how it makes its audience feel and she managed to get 21st century children to put down their gameboys, actually read and turn into obsessed fanboys.


im ok with this

get prepared for 8 more years of massive butthurt on your part

did you really have to look that up?
goddam social media has dumbed us all down hasn't it?

That's because you're still in high school.

>timeless classic literature vs. books for pre-teens

"Fake News" has been making fiction as indestringushable from reality as it can for years. This is just its most recent and devastating form.

Fox News is the granddaddy of it all and they're still going strong with it. Just today they attributed the current economy to Trump's doing.

something being made for children is not an excuse
E.T. was made for children, and its amazing and holds up
Lord of the Rings was made for children and its amazing and holds up
etc etc
being made for children does not excuse something from criticism

I'm 30 kiddo. Nice try though.

HP is probably gonna be just as popular in 50 years, then will it be old enough for you to label a classic?

God damn Trumpets. Glorious leader can do no wrong in their eyes. Dude has been doing some fucked up shit for a couple of weeks now and all of his fanboys just fucking froth at the mouth and hoot and holler "WHAT ABOUT OBAMA?!"

I honestly can't even take Trump supporters seriously anymore, it's fucking disgusting. Can't wait to see what kind of damage is done four years from now.

eight years with heavy flooding every major election cycle
2018 alone will keep morton salt in business for decades

She has more female characters than he does.

eight more years

eight years from now

She stole it from a British T.V series.

Don't get your hopes up.

>thinking Trump will get a second term

but it isnt
you can easily compare it to any classic literature and see how badly it falls flat
popularity in a given time frame does not make something classical literature
unless you are also willing to argue that people will still be reading 50 shades of grey fifty years from now

itll be even funnier when he does

gonna be a great eight more years

Trump won't even be president in 2018. You can count on that. He's FAR too unstable and obvious in his fascist movement for the real movers and shakers to put up with him for long.

I've been watching Harry Potter popularity steadily grow for 20 years. You should read contemporary reviews for classical literature, most those books were despised at the time but they connected with people and thats what has made them classics. Like it or not, people will probably be studying Twilight in classic literature classes in a hundred years. Given how many billions of dollars HP generates, its hard to argue it hasn't connected.

Chill out on the caps, they don't make you right.

Obama did the same thing during his presidency by placing a ban on Iraq for 6 months, way more than the 90 days people are bitching about. There is no "muslim ban," this isn't some indefinite and permanent block from entering the country. A measly 90 days to lengthen the vetting process on countries that Obama had lined up on the crosshairs anyways. More could be added, could also be removed from the list of banned countries.

It's leagues better than sucking up thousands of refugee strangers and putting the lives of American civilians at risk.

The rest of your post is cringe rage.

>The protestors and "haters" are the normal human beings.
I took the bait, maybe it would've been better if we swung "REFUGEE WELCOME" signs from our balls and took a couple of attacks within the hour of entry.

i very much doubt that
but i guess we will see

go back to tumblr antifa

I don't care if you think he's racist. Your reasons are based upon emotions, not facts or evidence.

Blacks are racist, Arabs are racist, Chinese and Koreans are certainly racist.

It's OK if whites are racist.

WHAT'S TRUE: In 2011 the State Department's issuance of SIVs to Iraqi applicants slowed after two individuals in Kentucky were identified as having possibly been improperly screened; multiple national news outlets reported on the State Department visa processing slowdown while it was occurring and in subsequent years.

WHAT'S FALSE: Neither President Obama nor the State Department banned or stopped those applications entirely; the slowdown affected a single type of visa from a single country (and not all entry from several countries); the slowdown occurred in order to implement enhanced screening procedures, which remained in place in January 2017.

>He's done SO many inexcusable and unforgivable things in only two fucking weeks.

Busy Making America Great Again. It takes a toll on your fragility, doesn't it?

>He's done SO many inexcusable and unforgivable things

Creating Jobs, securing our future as Americans, raising the value of American money. It's pretty horrible alright if you're intent on being miserable.

Sup Forums has been and will always be racist..........what are you doing here?

Such a bad troll. Low energy! Sad!

White nationalist bullshit is how the world maintains some semblance of civility.

The reality is, the whites are the only group that are advocating for lasting peace without executing civilians in order to enforce laws. Most white countries rank highly on various freedom indexes (and don't give me some shit about those indexes being a construct of white people, by definition, being able to embrace sexuality is a freedom) meanwhile every country run by sand niggers is basically a hotspot of violence, corruption, high rates of poverty and unemployment etc bla bla bla

Send me a list of your sand nigger owned countries that are peaceful, go

Indonesia 204,847,000 (87.2%[80])
Pakistan 178,097,000 (96.4%)
Bangladesh 145,312,000 (90%)
Nigeria 75,728,000 (47.9%)
Iran 74,819,000 (99.6%)
Turkey 74,660,000 (98.6%)
Egypt 73,746,000 (90%)
Algeria 34,780,000 (98.2%)
Morocco 32,381,000 (99.9%)
Iraq 31,108,000 (98.9%)
Sudan 30,855,000 (97%)[81]
Saudi Arabia 30,770,375[82] (99.9%)
Afghanistan 29,047,000 (99.8%)
Ethiopia 28,721,000 (33.8%)
Uzbekistan 26,833,000 (96.5%)
Yemen 24,023,000 (99.0%)
Syria 20,895,000 (92.8%)
Malaysia 17,139,000 (61.4%)
Niger 15,627,000 (98.3%)
Philippines 5,000,000 or 11,000,000 [83] (5% or 11%)
Somalia 10,864,733 (99.9%).

you see coincidence, I see a pattern.

kill yourself op

I love how Trumpets always throw out shit like this, but with no sources. You have to actually PROVE that the jobs that have been created since he took office are a product of his presidency, which has only been TWO weeks, mind you. But go ahead, faggot, prove it.

Visas were not terminated, resulting in the sudden literal "FUCK YOU" of tens of thousands of people who have already been thoroughly vetted.

Also, considerations for people in positions of trust such as the families of OUR MILITARY'S TRANSLATORS AND CULTURAL PROFESSIONALS WHO KEEP OUR TROOPS SAFE were kept outside of the scopes.

Trump is performing surgery with a fucking battle axe. He's too fucking stupid to comprehend that his actions have consequences.

By the way, the caps are emphasis. If you don't like that, fuck off.

Can you rewrite that after you've taken your medication? Half those countries are peaceful.

When did it become a crime to love your own country first. Why should we allow other to enjoy freedom's, that they are unwilling to fight for. Stay in your country fight for your homeland. Many will die but you'll appreciate the results.

He's a person that uses his own mind and doesn't not say something because it's not PC. Not racist, just telling the truth.

-endangering our troops
- getting a SEAL killed due to slipshod intelligence
-making us a massive laughingstock overseas
-being a sexist retard in his "dress code"
-stranding 109 innocent people and endangering tens of thousands of former visa holders
- eroding the separation of church and state
-removing white hate groups from the federal terrorism watch lists
-delivering speeches written by an actual neo-Nazi
-crying about his pitiful inaugural turnout and then lying about it
-declaring war on the real media and telling Americans to watch Fox

Yeah. Trump is a subhuman piece of shit and a fascist and he WILL pay for his crimes against this nation, her people, her values and the Constitution.

Oh, and Trumpanzeees are going to start getting openly attacked as this shit continues, which is why the KKK and other hate groups are so much more active. This is real "it's happening!" level shit that we will NOT tolerate.

Nazis belong hiding in dark clubhouses and under the American people's boots after a curb stomping. They do NOT belong in our politics or government.

KILL YOURSELFAll you SJW cucks literally need to kill yourselves. Your so fucking stupid and naive that you buy into the blatant leftist propaganda. You people aren't even capable of thinking remotely for yourselves.

The way you talk, its like your psychiatric patients in a psych ward, on your 5 minutes of internet time.

You can't be even mildly well functioning, judging by the way you think.

How can anyone even approach the level of neurosis, delusion and shear retardation where they come to the 'conclusion' that everyone they disagree with is a nazi?

Just kill yourself leftists. You are dangerous, gullible, deluded, neurotic , retards , who will never contribute anything positive to society.

Says who and so what?