Friend hooked me up with a Percocet for my birthday...

Friend hooked me up with a Percocet for my birthday. I've never taken one before and I don't know what to expect or what the high is like. Plus is it better to snort it or just take it orally? Is it safe to drink after consumption? Pic related

Also general drug/stoner thread

don't do pills bro. you don't come back from pills.

...having said that, I did em a few times back in the day. snorting will get ya higher quicker and probably stretch the supply farther, but it will burn and be nasty so have some sugary chaser. swallowing may last longer overall but if your doing this one pill this one time I say go 'head and roll up a benjamin.
What kind of high is it? I mean it's a pain killer/muscle relaxer/whatever percs are. find you a comfy couch and chillax.

this low a dose, you're not going to get much out of it regardless of how you take it.
It's a strong pain killer, not a magical hallucinogen.

It's not recommended to drink with it, because it can thin your blood. But it won't kill you, just don't cut yourself or anything.

Never smoked weed before. I want to get over the phobia, how do I do it?
>inb4 just smoke weed
>don't know how to get it
>dont know how much to take
>dont know how much to pay

... get papers, roll it into a joint, light it, inhale.
it's not fucking rocket science.

That's not what I asked. HOW do I get it, not how do I smoke it.

I mean I'm not out looking for pills. Someone hooked me up and try everything once ya know

>what the high is like

Like "doing" a few ibuprofen

Finding weed is so easy. Just ask some friends. Or if you're desperate, if you see someone who looks like they smoke pot they probably do, so just ask them like "yo man do you think you could hook me up with a dime?" And if it's your first time you should probably just use a bowl or pipe considering you probably don't know how to roll a joint if you've never smoked. Just tell your friends you're trying to smoke and that it's your first time and I'm sure they'll be ecstatic to pop your weed cherry

youre gonna need more than one to feel anything