I don't believe in climate change, debate me

I don't believe in climate change, debate me.

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>Polar regions melting
Fucking nigger.

Ice is thicker in the poles than it has EVER been.

Global warming is debatable. Climate change is not.

Source please?

I agree, there have been 30 year periods of warming and cooling since the beginning of time, which is not related to any human activity.


Dunno about the north pole, but the south pole is still growing at about half the rate it used too, so it's still getting bigger.

And isn't science great when your theories come from consensus and not fact. Like real science

True, but that consensus isn't even real. The number comes from scientists in ALL fields, not even just in the fields which study global temperatures or even the atmosphere.

31 percent of the world believes in the doctrine of Islam, does that make it true? Hell naw.

>Don't believe
So you're just wrong then okay

Wao those facts really hit me

>Water is in cold place
>Water turns to ice

>I don't believe in climate change, debate me.

Why wouldn't pouring billions of tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere decade after decade impact the climate in some way? What natural process intervenes?

or youre just brainwashed and weak minded

thats not ok, you need to be killed before you reproduce and create more retards

science does not require belief

>Climate 'scientists' claim that there would be no ice in the poles
>finds that there is more ice in the poles than ever

climate... by definition is always changing.

assuming what the earth is now is optimal is beyond stupid.

Yes but there is no science behind it, that's why.




The debate went on long enough, then dem politicians declared that "the debate has been settled" and name dropped the word science a lot as if it's an ace card. It's like how they just say "Trump is racist" enough times and people start to believe it. There's no debate that the climate is changing. That's a natural process. The debate is over whether or not humans have any real say in it one way or another, and the answer is that our impact either way on climate change is insignificant.

Earth's axial tilt changes over time and creates a cycle of ice ages. That's actual climate change, and it gives zero fucks how many EPA regulations you pass. We like to think we are all powerful beings with our iphones and internet porn, but we're just a thin layer of scum living on a rock that's 25,000 miles around. We are along for the ride and have no input on what the climate does.

I question the qualifications of those you are quoting, the time at which said quotation was spoken, and the biased in which you may or may not have.


I'm quoting Nasa my dood.


Here's your reply you oh so intelligent and thought provoking 10th grader.

And that was written only 2 years ago

The same group OP quotes (AMs) in his faggoty pic has this on their website:

Climate is always changing. However, many of the observed changes noted above are beyond what can be explained by the natural variability of the climate. It is clear from extensive scientific evidence that the dominant cause of the rapid change in climate of the past half century is human-induced increases in the amount of atmospheric greenhouse gases

>the entire article compares how much ice Arctica lost with how little ice Antarctica gained, concluding global warming is real and happening
>cherry picking this hard

I'm not questioning your sources cited that claim the ice in the poles are growing thicker, I'm questioning where you heard someone say that there should be no ice in the poles right now from global warming.

Its not the heating up thats the problem, its the speed and the extent that its heating up at now.

Which part of what I said was wrong? Protip: none of it was.

Doesn't really matter what you think, now does it?

There is science behind it.
Thermodynamics is a science.
Humans cause a lot of lot of greenhouse gases to be released into the atmosphere and we cause deforestation which means there is less processing of those gases so they stick around.
This causes earth to gradully warm up, but there is nothing we can do to change because we are consumers.
So it is pointless to debate it.
Science is cool because it does not require belief.
You can remain unconvinced and the scientific method is still the best method for uncovering the facts and discerning what is the truth.

No, MAGIC happens that prevents greenhouse gases from warming the planet.

>assumption and generalization of human species
>subjective pronoun

Yes you do.