Best way to remove acne?

best way to remove acne?

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camel semen

wash your face?

apply a gallon of sulfuric acid


Put a clean towel over your pillow every night. It prevents overnight grease buildup

soak a towel in 2 parts water 1 part bleach, then apply to face overnight 90% of zits will be gone by morning

Wow thats actually a good if only I had acne

Kill your self

will try this thanks

Move to Syria and talk about wanting to sodomize Allah

wash your face, wash your bedsheets, fresh pillowcase every night or use a towel or something, wash your face, exercising may or may not help, healthier diet couldn't hurt, wash your face, ask your dermatologist for acutane. as long as you don't plan on carrying a child it's a miracle drug.

sometimes toothpaste helps it make it smaller, leave it on overnight and rinse in the morning

This is the only way.

It's also good for when you want to cum in the middle of the night, thanks.

i have been washing my face nightly for weeks now

uh... no. don't do this

grow up

Let someone cum on your face or use your own. Then rub it in and wait 5minutes then rinse off.
Works really good and you dont even need that much

When I was young I had acne bad but went to a dermatologist who gave me meds that worked.

It's not because your dirty or don't clean yourself. It's because puberty is a bitch

Get Laid

Im on accutane right now and its some powerful shit. One 6 month course and most peoples acne will be cured for life and the scarring goes away as well. The only problem is that my face and lips are so unbelievably dry. Like "you have to put lotion on your face twice a day or itll flake off" dry. I have never experienced such dry skin in my life and it sucks ass, but its the only drug that really works so I'll endure it.

I had cystic acne and went on accutane for 9 months. It was bad, I'd wake up and the back of my shirt would be spotted in blood. I had huge pits on my face.

Ended up getting chronic fatigue from the drug and it fucked up my grades during highschool.

how is that different from sugar water

Talk to a dermatologist if possible and they can run through some options. Creams and shit will just reduce the problem of acne, and accutane is the only known drug that gets rid of it %100. Most dermatologists will only perscribe it if it's severe.

Retin-A Gel better known as Tretinoin (common brands: Atralin, Refissa, Tretin-X) worked awesome for me. Cleared up my 'pizza face' in 5 Months.

I definitely feel some of that tiredness and inability to focus but hopefully I'll get more used to it. Did it turn out alright in the end though? Im taking it for some less severe acne. Cystic acne is a bitch from what I've seen. I just have severe regular acne and the dermatologist recommended it because my skin has started to scar.

Also seeing a therapist this semester so hopefully i can start getting my life sorted out. I think that its really shitty because im depressed anyway so the fatigue adds onto it.

lol i bet you dont even own a cheese grater

Try drinking more water. Like at least a gallon a day. That shit remoisturizes your skin and helps your body and brain function too. Trust me, you'll be clear so fast.

I do

How much is a gallon and why should I trust you?

You can buy gallon jugs at the grocery store you dense fuck. It's the biggest they sell and is actually what you should be buying your milk in as it saves you money in the long run.


I live in England, m8, we don't use those shit American measurements.

Also a gallon is less than that absurd 8 glasses a day myth. A gallon of water a day really isn't that much and is harmless. (More than I like to drink though.) It's freaking water after all. Just don't chug all, maybe spread it out through your day.

Stop jerking off no seriously I know we are all different but jerking off or just being horny all the time fucks up your hormones thus cases acne on most people.

Will I retain water weight and get even fatter than I already am right now?

It's 5 stone then, wanker.

What the fuck is a stone?

Water weight is from NOT drinking enough water, the more you drink the less likely your body will keep water.

Protip: If you are unsure of a unit of measurement, convert it using google. For example, search gallon to litres. If you're too lazy to look it up, 1 gallon is 3.78541 litre. There, now you can do the same thing to figure out what a yard vs a metre is, kph to mph and so on.

Ironic, that you just got educated on unit conversion from an American who stereotypically should be so absorbed in America fuck yeah, that he shouldn't know that other countries much less other units of measurement exist.

Enjoy your morning, you ignorant britbong. Have a cup of tea for me, cheers.

That's bullshit.

Suck on my willie mate

No it's not. If your body is not getting water daily, it'll keep some water because it's not getting enough of it. Drink enough water and there's no reason for your body to keep it. This is some basic shit of how the body works lmao

I'm 5'5" i can't possibly drink that much water a day even if i wanted to, what do?

Learn how to convert units you dehydrated faggot.

with a knife

Half to 3 quarter gallon. Silly.

Bentonite clay bro. Use few times a week. Forget chemicals. Natural where it at

Eat dry food and go out in the sun and exercise. You'll want water. Although I'm not sure if dry food is bad for acne and sweat from the sun and exercise is probably bad for acne. Then again, if you don't have dirt on you, you shouldn't get acne from sweat. Especially if you shower after. Ah, that's why you have acne... Best answer to getting rid of your acne is CLEAN YOURSELF.

Don't do this. Bad for skin annoys acne.


I'd have to inspect it first. Pics?

ah okay
you write a lot

The more intelligent tend to do that. Although, that was only two lines. You should go visit some of the storytime threads around here. They write MUCH more.

will drinking a lot of water help my attention span? i normally don't drink any water at all and i get dehydrated a lot

Probably. When you're dehydrated it is hard to focus. You really don't need to drink a shit ton of water, but just keep yourself hydrated. Pretty simple, when thirsty, drink.


a shotgun

water is yukky though :c how do you know so much about this?

actually did a cum facial once, made me break out

Apply aftershave to the affected area. Acne will disapear by the next day

roaccutane can actually cause/worsen depression. have you brought the change in your energy/mood up with your doctor?

This or a clean towel or get a some new pillow cases and replace it every nice. new pillow would help to along with washing your sheets more often.

Are you a child? How does he know so much about what? Water being good for you? I would be mad, but your stupidity is weirdly adorable and innocent.

wow rude...

>The more intelligent tend to do that.
Yea, that guy who said "brevity is the soul of wit" was an idiot.

What was that one special soap that was supposed to work wonders? I forget the name

OP, for me it was eating healthy and cutting candies and carbonhydrates. I know the food in america is shit tier at best, but try it, if necessary buy fresh fruits and vegetables

and how much is mph in attoparsec per microfortnight?

newfags are always so easy to spot

Dad's cum.

Remove your face. You'll never have to worry about acne again. GUARANTEED!

go to the fucking doctor and get dermatologist to look at ur fucking face

Tried that, it didnt work

Tetracycline, my dude.
Had the worst acne; nothing cleared it up, not even proactiv. Tetracycline was prescribed. Holy fuck, it fucking saved me. My skin is so smooth. now holy fuck.
can't post pics. because user.
but ask your doctor.

Motherfucker I was going to post that kek

No this is bullshit. Drink a gallon of milk a day. It will make your acne clear up and you will get sick gains

Worked for me, you must be doing it wrong.

Maybe, how'd you do it?

steady on m8 youll piss your lonsdales

wash gace
stop eating greasy shit
go outside
be less stressed
if none of the above work, get prescription
give it a few months

Remove head

When I was a kid my mom would come into my room in the middle of the night, cup my cheeks and let my father's cum drool out of her mouth and onto my face.

This shit but only with a clean diet