What do you do while listening to music user?


browse Sup Forums, twitter and think


squeeze the weasel ;c

browse Sup Forums, look at pictures, or just lie down. nothing too stimulating, don't want to be distracted

listen to music

what if you're listening to sufjan is it a sad cum

Uh, listen to music?

I don't really get the whole idea of background music, if I'm listening to music I'm listening to it. Not just playing it while concentrating on something else, that's weird.

I exclusively only listen to music when I'm taking a shit.

Sorting new music or drawing.

I fuck your mom op


Read books, grade essays, browse Sup Forums. I'm not one of those people who get distracted from reading with music.

Drive or do mindless homework. I can't study and listen to music unless it's drone.


browse Sup Forums, work, read articles, look around on chaturbate, etc.

imagine masturbating

Browse the internet (mostly tumblr/Sup Forums), download more music, tag recently downloaded music, lay down, drink beer, pet my cat

lately, rocket league cuz fuck you that game is fun


walk in circles


Go back and stay there


>mostly tumblr/Sup Forums
Fuck off.

Grinding in WoW.
Grinding in IRL.


Yeah. Now fuck off.

Imagine Sup Forums anons imagining masturbating


Imagine Sup Forums anons imagining Sup Forums anons imagining masturbating

Imagine all the people

Imagine butthurt Sup Forums anons getting triggered at other user tumblr users using Sup Forums wherein Sup Forums anons imagine other Sup Forums anons imagining masturbating

I go for 3 hour fap sessions and choose a set of albums I haven't listened to, yesterday I did Battles - Mirrored, dont know about today though

>3 hour fap sessions
how does your dick not fall off?

sad cum make sperm depress. sad baby

Smoke weed and drink. i dont even remember if i listened to any of the latest music. I might have.

Lay in bed, flip through art books, read poetry, pay attention to the lyrics or melody, do homework, write, shit-post, research what I'm listening to, think about if I can apply anything from it towards my own music, masturbate if it's late and qt female vocals.

you edge nigga

play windows solitaire
sip some tea
clean my house

i would do other stuff while listening to music I'm familiar with. New music, that's where you hone in and stare into your mind