>wants to be Woody's moving buddy
>"I'll be a couple blocks away."
>immediately dumps him for Buzz once he shows off his "little light bulb that blinks" flys around
>cucks Woody in the second one as an act of "please do what I am about to do to you to Woody when you find him"
>gets amazed by Woody's slightly larger arm
Why is she such a slut?
Wants to be Woody's moving buddy
Tyler Howard
Grayson Sullivan
What happened to this bitch anyway? She wasn't in 3.
Adam Brown
You will understand once you have a job and disposable income
Jayden Jenkins
Woody was a cuck.
Ian Powell
Actress irl died so she was sold in the movie
Cameron Mitchell
Hotglued by Andy, his mom caught him and threw her away
Liam Lewis
got sold
Daniel Parker
>preparing men for the real world
based pixar
Joseph Morgan
>Actress irl died
Andrew Harris
Annie Potts died?
Odd how her twin sister showed up in Ghostbusters.