Wants to be Woody's moving buddy

>wants to be Woody's moving buddy
>"I'll be a couple blocks away."
>immediately dumps him for Buzz once he shows off his "little light bulb that blinks" flys around
>cucks Woody in the second one as an act of "please do what I am about to do to you to Woody when you find him"
>gets amazed by Woody's slightly larger arm
Why is she such a slut?

What happened to this bitch anyway? She wasn't in 3.

You will understand once you have a job and disposable income

Woody was a cuck.

Actress irl died so she was sold in the movie

Hotglued by Andy, his mom caught him and threw her away

got sold

>preparing men for the real world

based pixar

>Actress irl died

Annie Potts died?

Odd how her twin sister showed up in Ghostbusters.