Sup Forums I haven't been entirely truthful with you

>Sup Forums I haven't been entirely truthful with you

Other urls found in this thread:

that dress does wonders

>have a chub all throughout the episode
>can't work up the nerve to just to my business because roger is in every scene she's in

Roger would help you

>that episode where roger is touching stan and he goes 'that feels amazing'

>roger will never make you cum harder than you thought previously possible

When she throws him off the cliff in that episode and he screams "I have the car keys in my pocket you stupid bitch" while he falls is one of the best things I've ever seen on tv


Why do people find American Dad better than Family Guy? I personally only like the newer episodes, the old ones seem really bland and unenjoyable. Family Guy started out better, but declined, like how American Dad has gotten better (in my opinion).

Is it the lack of cutaways? The characters?

How did they make two decent shows and then shit out the abortion that was the cleveland show?

Yeah dude this entire episode had me rolling

>Is it the lack of cutaways? The characters?


also "bordertown" is way worse then the cleavland show.