Early Cowboys celebration!

Early Cowboys celebration!
We're gonna beat the cuck Eagles!
Get in here cowbros! Fuck the Eagles,
Zeke is gonna run all over them cucks!!!
We dem boys!!!

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fuck the eagles

Now hold your dang ole horses there, Cletus.

>ITT: we post rookie NFC East quarterbacks better than Carson Wentz


You know you like this thread. Shitposting is in your blood cowfag.

Quest for 6, gentlemen! Is the NFL even ready?

>we dem cucks

The only one after you were born.

Okay, you first.

eagles fan detected


>Implying Zeke is going to have more than 50 yards

>We dem boys!!!
>implying zeke won't jump over eagles defense

>5 days early

This is the easiest way to let your team get BTFO





>implying Zeke didn't just shred the #1 rushing defense in the league
>implying Zeke isn't winning ROTY
>implying zeke isn't winning OPOTY
>implying Zeke isn't breaking the all-time rookie rushing record

4 point pick in Arlington.
>Eagles line

Can't wait till romo is healthy and dak throws a couple picks. I can already see the wheels falling off. Your QB is a flash in the pan. There will be nary a memory of him 10 years from now

>the wheels will fall off when the GOAT QB comes back
kek. Dak is a rookie, he'll be great in the future. In the mean time, Romo lead the entire NFL in QB rating the last time he played so the wheels will not fall off with his return

Not even a Cowboys fan but


They only one, what?
What the fuck are you saying?

i literally can not wait to spam

>cuckson intz

all fucking day sunday

>we dem boys

You probably don't even have any ties to Texas do you?

The only superbowl you fucking loser.

I live about 20 minutes from the stadium.

Stay mad about your bust QB though. Also, try not to get killed by niggers on your way home after watching your team lose on Sunday, pal.

wait so Skip was right all along? cowbois to the superb owl?

beware them giants tho

Nope, but I do live in Cowboys territory.
u mad?

ahahaha btfo by based cowboys brethren


cancerous bandwagoning cuntrags

How close to Dallas do you have to be to not be considered a bandwagon cowfag?

>Unironicallu believing the cowcucks will win anything


>unironically forgetting the cowMEN are tied for first in the NFC

You just have to live in America, since >we are America's team after all user

I asked a magic 8 ball and it said the Eagles would win this weekend. It also said this post would have doubles at the end

i can't believe it. we won it all. they said we'd never be back but we did it boyz.

we won!

will babby dak be allowed to throw the ball farther than 15 yards this game or will he still be on game manager bitch duty?

> mfw I have Dak and Zeke on both my fantasy teams




is romo back and will he play?

>forgetting the Eagles just got done beating the "top" team in the NFC

>inb4 "w-well the cowboys ae the n-new top team, l-like it has been all s-season!"

You must live in the DFW metroplex. Denton is probably the only exception because most students are from DFW.

god you sound so gay

>it's not called a metroplex


Will Carson Wentz be allowed to throw the ball to his own team this game or will he still be throwing to the opposing defense?

requesting Cowboys version of this pepe please.

HE has a higher per yard than Intz

bantz aside, i have a serious question: is the cowboys' defense any good this year?

i actually have no idea. i haven't heard shit about them on that side of the ball. all the talk has been about their offense.

is their pass rush any good? old man peters can still play, but he could literally die at any moment. lane johnson's alolan form had a nice 2nd game, but he really can't be trusted yet. this could honestly end up being a pretty defensive game if the Eagles' o-line can't hold up.

i do feel good about the Eagles' d-line vs. the Cowboys' o-line, though.

Pass rush is still shit and the run D pretty much shit too, the DB's are holding on it's own, the pass rushing has improved but still far away of being any good to compete with contender teams

>lane johnson's alolan form

We have decent secondaries like morris claiborne and orlando scandrick. but beside's that there is NOBODY on defence.

Here is the thing with the Cowboys defense. It's pretty good this year in a pretty unconventional way. Sean Lee is pretty much the Cowboys unanimous best defensive player. They guy is a ball hawk and knows how to read a QB and knows how to single in on a Run play before it has a chance to break open into the secondary. The Cowboys don't have a dominant defensive line, and they don't have any players on the secondary that necessarily make your eyes pop or anything with lots of interceptions or shit like that. The Cowboys CBs (Carr, Claiborne) are ass when they play in the zone, but are some of the best man on man corners in the NFC and maybe the league, and Jones is one of the best young free safeties playing right now. Anthony Brown is turning out to be a very solid late round pick as well.

The Cowboys defense seems to work like this:
>have a secondary that can stick to primary targets like glue
>have a pass rush that is just good enough to get the pocket and the QB moving which makes him break away from his first read to go through his other reads
>LBs, move up into coverage to take away the lanes of the other reads while they usually have Jones as the 1 safety over the top to take coverage over from the LBs
>QB is usually scrambling at this point and has to make a bad throw to one of his later reads or says "fuck it" and chucks it to his first read who can't catch it because either Claiborne, Carr, or Jones are contesting them.

The Cowboys defense is actually pretty solid as fuck right now and Rob Marinelli is one of the greatest defensive minded football coaches right now. If you think the 2014 Cowboys were a good team with a great offense and good defense, this team is even better than that.

It's mediocre I guess. In the past they've had great pass rush but shit secondary, now they've got a pretty good secondary but no pass rush.
The offense makes them look better than they are. Strong running game + few turnovers means the defense doesn't have to do much. Overall I'd say they're average.

High 5

>Implying the Metroplex isn't infested with transplants with their own allegiance to other teams

Work in Addison,Living in Deep Ellum. It's fucking terrible here. I miss Houston.

>tfw '95 babby

Lmao @ all the cucks justifying the Cowboys success


That's why we're so stoked for this game... seems like you'll be one of the few bumps in the road before playoffs

Cowboys fans are the most tolerable of all fans fuck off troll
Eagles look like shit fuck off troll
You just need to shitpost for your boys harder than the h8rs do
Giants fucking suck that why they suck
Nobody is going to laugh when we fail because we WON'T fail
It will be time for Tony after this season when he gets his damn ring

>dat name
not saged. I don't even remember what I was saging before but I hate that Sup Forums auto-fills whatever shitposting name I used last


Jesus Christ kid, grow a pair.

of course the eagles are going to win. The cowboys like the vikings seem to play bad after having a bye week

You retards said this before the Bengals and Packers game

When will you ever learn?

>born in Dallas

Yes I do

>be allowed to throw the ball farther than 15 yards this game
What is with this meme? It's been proved wrong, why does it keep popping up?

>born in Dallas
so your skin is the color of shit?

Im not a nigger, crybaby

thanks for the (You) you dumb cracker

But they're thrash now:(

Iglels fan here, excited for MNF. Looking to be a good game, hope our offense doesn't shit the bed.

>tyon smith is injured
>dak's blindside is weakened
>when eagles are done on sunday
>dak's new name will be

>no matter who wins, there will be a massive shitstorm as always

I hope Sunday's game births some new memes

>implying a black QB can't scramble
>Romo is back at practice
>Eagles wreck Dak
>Garrett pulls him and puts Godhand in
>Eagles awaken the beat and get their shit pushed in by the GOAT QB

MNF, it's SNL you fucking retard

You're silly.

I've never met a Cowboys fan IRL that wasn't a mouthy woman.
Not even kidding.
But I guess I do live in Minnesota

sage goes in every field

Yeah, we all know what happened last time Romo played the Eagles

you didn't even put sage in every field though.
>can't put sage in name field anymore
what is this madness?

How is Denton not considered in the DFW Metro

>all the haters in this thread

The amount of shit people give the Cowboys is absolutely asinine.

Bad defense? On paper coming into the season yeah, but reality so far?

They're ranked 9th in Total Defense. Philly is 31st in Total Offense.

We all know the Cowboys have the best rushing offense and best O line in the league.

Philly is 8th in rushing D. Not enough to face the best rushing attack in the league and what run game teams have they faced thus far? Not any that were great.

The Cowboys objectively have a more favorable matchup.

Approximately 48 hours until you die